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550GP☆2009 Rd.3 2009/04/27(Mon) 11:49:52
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昨日のハイライトその1は、行きの新湘南バイパスで早くもやってきました。ヘビーウェット・・・。先行する車の水しぶきが視界を奪うような状況です。ここでもっとも安定していたのはFF+SRE+DREXLERを組み合わせた赤いMINI、その次にSRE 3WAY+DREXLER LSDを装着したKINGのS2000でした。あの路面だとLSDなしではアクセルオフ時の挙動は2WAYLSDで抑え込むのが近道です。またマイルドに、リニアに、レスポンス良く効くDREXLERですから、一般的なメカデフが雨や雪に弱いと評価されるのとは対称的に、グリップの低い路面だからこそ効果的でした。


帰りは御殿場から東名高速に乗って横浜を目指しました。長いトンネルの中では、エンジンヘッドまでフルサクラムの赤いMINIとI.S.Designサイレンサーキットを装着した3台のS2000が、最高にいい音させながら渋滞のない高速道路を快調に走り、ASM開店の30分前に無事到着でした。その後はDo Cafeでモーニングラテ、波と一緒に被った塩をENJO洗車グッズ実体験と言うことで各自愛車を綺麗にして味奈登庵で遅めのランチ、その後思い思いの時間を過ごして夜順次解散となりました。

今回は徳島県からMINIに乗ってご夫婦で参加された2人が文句なしのグランプリでしょう。先週神戸であって今週横浜で再開、1,500km0泊3日、「四国って遠いなぁ」と言う言い訳をしてなかなか行こうとしない自分の行動力のなさが恥ずかしく思えます。昨日はそのMINIにRECARO SP-JC ASM LIMITED左右セット、SACLAMサイレンサーキット、LAMY万年筆&ボールペン2009年春限定モデル、ENJO洗車セットをひとまとめでご成約でした。次は6月に開催するSA浜松フェアの時に会いましょう。レカロ装着写真はその時に撮影させてくださいね。遠くから本当にお疲れ様でした。

550GP☆2009 Rd.3

This was one week ago, we made a promise at SA Sunshine Kobe when we had the fair. “If the weather is good, I will drive up to Hakone from Tokushima with my MINI”. It was raining the whole week after that. “If it rains, I will come to ASM discuss some things about my car”. The actual day cleared perfectly for a drive. It was raining up to 4am but at 5:50am as we usually meet up the rain stop.

Yesterday’s first high light was at Shin Shonan Bypass. Road surface was heavy wet. With the car in front splashing water in the way. The most stable here was my MINI with FF+SRE+DREXLER combination. Next was KING’s S2000 SRE 3WAY+DREXLER LSD. With that road surface, without LSD, releasing accelerator like a 2”WAY LSD. Which the DREXLER makes it mild, linear and well response shows its performance like no other mechanical deferential that is weak on rain and snow.

Along the Seijyo Bypass the wave was raising up to 4m high. Which splash of water falling on us. Then up to Hakone turn pike. With fallen leaves and wet surface. With just a bit of cherry blossom left to see. The further we drive up, the fog became thicker and the wind became stronger. The temperature was 8℃ most of them with the 550 lather jacket and the top down enjoyed the drive. Didn’t thought the jacket will be in used at this timing. After driving through the lake we went to Café Julia for breakfast. I was surprise that we manage to park 9cars at that small space. Just like shipping in cargo, getting off the car with the roof down and over the door.

the return route was from Gotenba to Tomei to Yokohama. In the long tunnel, full SACLAM pipes MINI and 3 S2000 with I.S. Design Silencer kit was making a lovely sound through the highway with no traffic at all. Manage to arrive at ASM 30min before opening. After we had a morning late at Do Café, and trying out the ENJO washing goods with each and every one washing their cars. Then a late lunch. With everyone spending their own time at ASM, slowly head back home at night.

I think the winner will be the couple from Tokushima with MINI. We met at Kobe last week and at Yokohama This week. Total length of 1,500km in 3days. It made me feel embarrassed, which I always saying Shikoku was a far and not going there. At the shop, we installed RECARO SP-JC ASM LIMITED on both sides and SACLAM Silencer kit on MINI. He also purchased LAMY fountain pen and ballpoint pen and ENJO wash goods. Lets all meet up at SA Hamamatsu in June. And I would like to take a picture of it then. Thanks everyone for coming from far.


[1072] asm

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