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I heart Honda!!2009薫風 2009/05/09(Sat) 20:29:45
509 ihh 1 DSC_4534.jpg
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筑波サーキットで開催されたSpoon主催のホンダ車限定イベント「I heart Honda!!2009薫風」に行ってきました。今回の目的はASM筑波スペシャルでチューニングカー5LAPバトルに参加することです。「タイムアタック専門のクルマだから連続周回できない」と思われがちなASM筑波スペシャルですが、連続で走り込みをしないと正確なセッティングができないですからこれぐらいの周回は全く問題ありません。バトル前のスーパーラップも3LAPの予定が2LAPになりガッカリしたぐらいです。そうは言っても、コース内での写真とイメージ映像撮影走行、スタート前のフォーメーションラップで水温は上がる一方・・・MAX78度にまで達しました。シビアに水温管理しているエンジンだから、このあたりの段取りはちょっと不安になりました。

バトルに参加したチューニングカーは4台、SSワークスさんのCR-X、J's Racingさんの世界最速フィット、エスプリさんのNSXターボ、そしてASM筑波スペシャルです。CR-Xは600kg台の超軽量ボディをが生み出す加速の鋭さ、フィットは340馬力の2.4Lエンジンに900kgの軽量ボディのバランス、NSXターボは500馬力オーバーのターボエンジンが生み出す加速、ASM筑波スペシャルは強力なダウンフォースを誇るエアロパーツとサスセットが生み出すブレーキングを武器にバトルしました。CR-Xはインフィールドの加速、フィットはインフィールドに加えてバックストレートの中間加速、NSXターボは2本のストレート、ASM S2000はダンロップと最終コーナーの飛び込みが見せ場になっています。


We went to “I Heart Honda!! 2009”. It was an event specially for Honda cars and was organized by Spoon. Our objective was to attend the tuning car 5lap battle with our ASM Tsukuba Special Car no.2. many think the Tsukuba Special is a time attack car so it wouldn’t last on continual laps but, to get a data and to set up the car this laps are nothing. Even with the 3lap before the 5lap battle, was down to 2laps and I was disappointed with it. But taking picture within the track, and a image run and with the formation lap before the start made the water temperature went up each time. Up to 78℃. We have been taking extra care with the water temperature so I was a bit worried about that.

There were 4car entries with the tuning car battle. SS Works CR-X, J’s Racing fastest Fit in the world, Turbo tuned Esprit NSX and our ASM Tsukuba Special. The CR-X with its ultra light weight body helps with the enormous pick up, with the Fit, it has 2.4L engine which has 340bhp on a 900kg light weight body which is welled balanced, the NSX which is turbo tuned with over 500bhp with enormous pick up and our ASM Tsukuba Special with intense down force from the body and the damper and brakes which will help on the corners. The CR-X has the pick op especially on the in field, with the Fit pick up from the infield and the middle pick up at the back straight, with the NSX turbo the two-straight and our ASM Tsukuba Special on the Dunlop and the last corner will be the high point

Without the thinking the order, with cars with almost the same lap time, and each car has their own strong point on the track, which made the viewers excited. I think the DVD should be out next month and it should be interesting to watch. After Tsukuba, all of us went back to Yokohama and went out for a Pizza. In front of the restaurant there were many S2000 and MINI lined up. It was a perfect night to finish the day.



[1088] asm

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