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楽しい1日 2009/05/22(Fri) 12:13:06
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次に訪問したのはSACLAMさん。Z34用サイレンサーキットの仕様変更モデルのチェックが主な目的でした。前回乗った時はエキマニが装着されていなかったのですが、今回はマキシムワークス製のエキマニを装着済みです。音質はそれ程大きく変わっていなくてある意味ホッとしました。加速時の音質はレーシングカーのそれに近い雰囲気が出ていて、音量で音質をごまかしている感じが一切ありません、さすがです。音質に自信がなければ音量を上げれば色々な部分がごまかせてしまいます。それをせずにあえて音質を徹底して追求する姿勢は見習いたいし、マフラーに限らずサスでもエアロでも、同じような考え方で製品を作って行きたいなぁと感じました。6月に開催するASM×レカロフェア IN スーパーオートバックス浜松 2009年夏にも、土日どちらか未定ですがSACLAMさんのZ34が来てくれることに急遽なりましたので、Z34オーナーの皆様もぜひご来店下さい。

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そして夜は戸田レーシングの戸田社長、チーフエンジニア島田さん、チーフデザイナー小西さん、イケメン営業マンを含め6人と、加藤寛規選手、僕の合計8人で横浜元町にあるエピセ ヌーベルシノワで食事をしました。ここ1ヶ月の練習の成果は抜群で、最初から最後まで料理もサービスも大好評。喜んでもらえて本当に良かったです。食事後は日本最速のタクシードライバー加藤寛規選手が運転するオデッセイと、それを先導して走る赤いMINIで馬車道にあるホテルまでちょっとだけドライブしました。また機会があればぜひASMに遊びに来てください。「幸男さんの休日」と言うタイトルがついた秘密の写真があるのですが、ここでは公開しないことにします。

Yesterday I went out with car no.1. First, I went to visit carbon composite factory CHALLENGE. The objective was to discuss the wide and high mount I.S.Design Rear Wing for those cars with the rear over fender installed. I am only thinking of making just one, especially for car no.1. First, we measured the car size with the 3dimention measuring equipment. I was a bit surprised with the result. The width of car no.1 is register as 1780mm but the actual width was 1795 so I have to re-register to change this before the next inspection. So, based on this number, we will choose the size of the rear wing. The shape of the foil section will be chose and made from previous data which should be effective and good looking rear wing. The trunk its self will be changed as well for this rear wing which will be able to take a larger down force.

The next I visited was SACLAM. To discuss the modifications of the silencer kit for the Z34. The last time I went, the exhaust manifold was not yet installed but this time it was installed. I was relief that the sound quality wasn’t that much different. The sound quality of the pick up has this racing feeling, which the sound quality is not covered with the sound volume. If there is no confidence with the sound quality, you can just make the volume louder to cover it up. But what SACLAM does is only pursuit for sound quality as much as they can. The way of how they approach is what I would like to learn. Not only with the exhaust but with the damper, body kit, etc. in June, we are planning to have the ASM×RECARO fair in Super Autobacs Hamamatsu and also after the summer, SACLAM is planning to bring their Z34. so, I think for those Z34 owners will be interesting.

and during the night, I went out for dinner with Mr. Toda from TODA RACING and chief engineer Shimada-san, chief designer Konishi-san and a sales rap six of them race car driver Kato Hiroki and me, the total of 8 of us went to my usual restaurant in Motomachi Yokohama. I think the choice of food I did for them paid off after coming here almost everyday for a month. And they were satisfied with every thing. After dinner, my red MINI and Kato Hiroki’s Odyssey sent them back to their hotel in Bashamichi. If there is a chance again it will be nice have them visit ASM.



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