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S2000&トリプルHYPERMOTARDで中華街に行ってきました 2009/08/23(Sun) 13:26:34
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ビッグスロットル試作品とASM SRE Damper Kit 3wayを装着して、S2000に乗り始めました。車は全く同じだしスロットルがなくても、Sachsじゃなくても走ることに違いはないのですが、これらの製品を装着したことで運転する楽しさが何倍にも大きくなり、S2000でドライブに行きたくて仕方なくなります。


スロットルは言うまでもなく良いです。この性能を引き出すためにはエキゾーストマニホールド交換が必須ですが、装着したことで低回転域のトルクアップとピークパワーの向上を実感できました。何十馬力も向上したわけじゃないのにこれだけはっきり差が出ると不思議な気持ちになります。この写真達は一昨日のもので、昨日は5.8L-V8エンジンを搭載したW124と2台で高速移動したのですが、戸田スロットルとSRE 3WAYへの信頼感のおかげで、いつもより余分に踏み込んで走ることができました。

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さて、そうやって到着したのは横浜中華街の外れにある「酔仙酒家」でした。深夜までやっていて料理もかなりのボリューム、でも価格はとてもリーズナブルなのでよく食事に来ています。酔仙の看板娘はオレンジのASM S2000に興味津々、何と自分からドアを開けて乗り込んできました。木村さん!苦節1年4ヶ月、ついにモテるオープンスポーツの仲間入りを果たしました。今までは「このS2000、子供に人気なんだよね〜♪」とか誤魔化しの満足感で自分を慰めていました。でもね、子供って蝉とかトンボとかカブト虫を見て格好良いとか可愛いとか表現するので価値観が大人と微妙に違いますから(笑)。こうやって車に興味のない普通の女の子が「格好いい」って言ってくれることが一番嬉しいです。

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撮影 : AFF 加古さん

■中華広東料理 酔仙酒家

営業時間:平日 11:30〜14:00 16:30〜03:00(L.O.02:00) 土日祝 11:30〜3:00

After installing the proto type TODA RACING big throttle and the ASM SRE Damper kit 3way, I have started driving the S2000 again. The car its self is the same and even without the throttle or the Sachs it runs but after installing these items the fun of driving this car multiplies and gives you this feeling of non stop drive with the S2000.

With the damper, I have made few changes. Compared with the production model, stretch low speed has been soften but this time I have stiffen it a bit and did a middle set up between the production model and current model. It’s what makes this great that even at this level to be in control at low speed. Even when you actually drive it it’s obvious. The movement of the car is even more natural, but the damper damping properly with enough stability. The existence is enormous; it does not interfere with any un-natural movement of the car. It’s a excellent damper which helps bring out the HYPERCO performance.

For the throttle there isn’t anything bad about it. But to actually bring out its performance you will need to change the exhaust manifold. You will feel increased of torque, and peak power. Its not that it’s been increase but so many bhp but its amazing to feel this much difference. This picture was taken yesterday, I was driving the S2000 with this 5.8L-V8 W124 but with these items installed, and the trust towards it helps me step on the gas then usual.

After arriving at China town in Yokohama, we went to this restaurant which opens until late at night with reasonable price compared to the quantity and I come here often. The poster girl of the restaurant was looking at the ASM S2000 curiosity and open the door by her self and set in. Until today this car was popular with kids because of the color but finally some adult.

During the day its hot but these few days the air is cool in the early mornings and at night. I will install the under panels, the carbon front diffuser, center diffuser, rear diffuser and the side spoiler to help improve the stability at high speed. I will also install the ZONE brake pads for improved controllability for the brakes.



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