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550GP☆2009 Rd.2 2009/04/11(Sat) 12:36:07
411 1 totsuka DSC_7348.jpg
411 2 mini DSC_7377.jpg
411 3 mini DSC_7387.jpg
411 4 prince DSC_7391.jpg
411 5 mini DSC_7416.jpg
411 6 mini DSC_7454.jpg
411 7 fd2 DSC_7532.jpg
411 8 s2000 DSC_7586.jpg
411 9 hakone DSC_7598.jpg
411 10 sakura DSC_7649.jpg
411 11 s2000 DSC_7642.jpg
411 12 mini DSC_7726.jpg
411 13 sakura DSC_7712.jpg
411 14 fuji DSC_7843.jpg
411 15 mini DSC_7857.jpg
411 16 mini DSC_7869.jpg
411 17 mini DSC_7871.jpg
411 18 honda DSC_7879.jpg
411 19 s2000 DSC_7880.jpg
411 20 mini DSC_7888.jpg
411 21 mini DSC_7952.jpg
411 22 mini DSC_8059.jpg
411 23 cafe DSC_8086.jpg
411 24 cafe DSC_8091.jpg
411 25 cafe DSC_8099.jpg
411 26 cafe DSC_8105.jpg
411 tsuika 1 DSC_8117.jpg
411 tsuika 2 DSC_8253.jpg
411 27 fuji DSC_8353.jpg
411 28 mini DSC_8360.jpg

2週連続、朝の箱根に行ってきました。今週はMINIに乗ってドライブです。先週は贅沢にも専属キャメラマンAFF加古氏が同行してくれていたのですが、今週はいつものごとく僕が撮影を担当します。横浜新道を降りてR1〜新湘南バイパス〜R134〜西湘バイパス〜箱根ターンパーク〜湖尻〜長尾峠〜東名高速〜ASMと言ういつもの道を走ります。本当に箱根に行くのか不明のまま、いつものように横浜新道戸塚PAに早朝5時50分に集合し、何となく全員揃った気がしたタイミングで出発です。先行するMINI4台が先行し、その後を2台のS2000と1台のFD2 シビックType-Rが続きました。



550GP ★2009 Rd.2

I when for a morning drive to Hakone two-weekends in a row. This week I drove my MINI. Last week we had a camera man (AFF Kako-san)taking the pictures but this week as usual I was the cameraman. Getting off from Yokohama Shindo to R1~ShinShounan Bypass~R134~Seijyo bypass~Hakone Turn park~Kojiri~NagaoTouge~Toumei kousoku to ASM. Our usual route for driving. We weren’t even sure if we were going to Hakone but as usual, we all met up at Yokohama Shindo Totsuka PA at 5:50am and as soon as we all got together, we headed for the road. With 4MINI’s in the front and two-S2000, one FD2 Civic Type-R.

I was planning to go to Hakone by my self but its different with going with some one. Its even more the fun then going alone. Last week was S2000, this week was MINI and these two cars a different but there is a few things in common. Both cars had damper, springs, LSD, seat and exhaust which are I think is the best in the world. There is a texture in movement, like only with this item could achieve and makes driving fun and more usable. And getting a decent car and to share it with friends with has the same enthusiasm and go for a drive. Which makes it more fun.

The main objective was take a picture of MINI at Hakone Turn pike underneath the Japanese cherry tree. Which was very beautiful and fully bloomed. This year the weather was stabled and we manage to enjoy it longer then usual. Usual it usually scatters within a week and usual I am very busy with work and miss to take the picture. I think many people enjoyed the spring of 2009. Enjoy as much as I can and manage to be back at the shop at 11 when it opens. We should go to Hakone again whenever I can get a time on the weekends.


[1060] asm

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