This is the new I.S.Design Silencer Kit Titan. Leaving the basic layout unchanged, We have changed the material, design and the structure with this new exhaust.
The main unit after the catalyzer has not been changed, Using the same 1.5mm stainless steel material. Changing the two seperate unit after the flange to 1.0mm titanium. Even the inner punching pipe are full titanium. For the main unit we are using a new heat resistance titanium SUPER-TIX from NIPPON STEEL&SUMITOMO METAL, for the tail finisher and stay will be Using pure titanium.
To give a light weight impression for the tail tip there was a few example But this will be our new exhaust tip. It will also not come in Blue flame tip. We manages to reduce 3kg by the tail.
■ASM I.S.Designサイレンサーキット Titan 496,800円 <税抜価格 460,000円/税額 36,800円>
There was a theory that to make that high pitch screaming sound, It has to be a single, It has to be titanium but the basic layout is the Same as the silencer kit2 so the sound is almost the same. The first two lot has been sold, the next two will arrive end of May.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=3065
前日にも、岡山県から来てくれたお客様のS2000に無限エアクリーナーBOXを装着しました。そのS2000はAP1だから、吸気温度センサーを移設しないとせっかく冷えた外気を引き込んでも高い温度と認識してしまいます。リフレッシュを兼ねて、ASM SAMCOインテークホースキットをご検討下さい。3月に九州で会いましょう。
■無限 Hi-PERFORMANCE AIR CLEANER & BOX 142,560円 ■ASM ラジエタープレート(Carbon) 23,760円 <税抜価格 22,000円/税額 1,760円>
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=3064
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