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1号車富士テスト 2012年4月 2012/04/17(Tue) 11:15:45
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S2000誕生日の翌日、1999年6月登録(車台番号2442)の1号車で富士テストに行ってきました。2007年からのサーキットテストを含め総走行距離15万km以上には見えないピカピカぶりですが、2003年以来使っている無限マルチビジョンメーターは水温・油圧を正しく表示しなくなってそろそろ引退かもしれません。忘れるとす寝てしまうお願いを済ませて早速走行開始、テストメニューは以下の通りで、( )内は何本目でのメニューかです。

(1) SREフロントリバウンドスプリング <5kg/mm>
(1) リヤAP RACINGブレーキの焼き入れ
(2) DREXLERランプ角 <ON 50°/OFF 40°⇒ON 40°/OFF 40°>
(3) センターフロア追加

We went to FSW to test our car no.1. Including our track test since 2007 the 1999 AP-1 has done 150,000km but still looks great. But the MUGEN multi vision speed meter which we have been using since 2003 is not working as before so we might change that.

We did the following test:
SRE Front Re-Bound Spring 5kg/mm
Quenching the AP RACING Rear Brake
Different set of DREXLER differential <ON 50°/OFF 40°⇒ON 40°/OFF 40°>
Center Floor Diffuser

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For the first run we closed the rear brake duct to make sure we get enough heat to the rear rotor.
The next thing we check was the suspension, we did some changes to it and it looks like we are going to the right direction as you can see by his expression.

* Moves smoothly and load shift Information is more clear
* The inner grip has improved and the nose of the car goes exactly as I want
* Pitching and roll of the car has decreased and has less unnecessary movement
* It is totally different comparing it with just changing the springs or adjusting the damper

Back in December, we had problems with the rear set up but on this test just adjusting a bit within few pits we manage to run the car constantly.

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2本目までの時間で、ランプ角を変更したDREXLER LSDに入れ替えしました。アクセルOFF側は現状のまま、アクセルON側のみ早く効くように仕様変更しています。こう書くと良さそうに思えますが、12月までの仕様では早く効き過ぎてプッシュアンダーが出るかもしれない状況でした。



For the second run we tried the different ramp angle for the DREXLER LSD. We kept the accele OFF setting the way it is and the ON setting to kick in more. Just by writing it sound good but in December we had a push-under-steer problem.

To change the differential we had to remove the Rear Lower Arm Bar GT-S and the exhaust pipes. While doing this we were surprise with the Zircotec performance. Not only it cuts heat down but the surface temperature also goes down within a minute. You will be able touch the exhaust pipes with your bare hands. This also helps a lot when you are working under the car.

Another run after the different setting not only the under steer disappeared but thanks to the additional re-bound spring we manage to step on the gas faster but also keeping the stability of the car. We thought we couldn’t do better with the radial tire. We didn’t change the main spring and the car shouldn’t change as much but there is a difference difficult to explain by words. The performance that we want is almost there.

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For the third run we added the center floor diffuser. Not just only our center diffuser which covers between the tires but using the center diffuser which covers the transmission, exhaust and the shafts from car no.2.

From the first out lap, at the 100R it was too hot that Kato couldn’t even touch the wall of the transmission. It was hotter than car no.2 because we didn’t do any heat resistant for it. The normal transmission couldn’t take the heat and before even the tires warmed up we had to stop the test. But on that lap we manage to drive in 1min56.6sec. 0.8sec faster.

With the weather and the humid being high, using the used tires from Tsukuba in December, the cars potential has improved dramatically and if everything went smoothly the car should go 55sec flat.

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4本目はテストではなくちょっとした確認をして終了です。リバウンドスプリング・リヤブレーキ・DREXLER LSDランプ・センターフロアは、仮説通りの効果を発揮しました。熱害問題は出ましたが、MIDLAND AK-6赤ラベル(80W-90)+NACAダクト+C72冷却スプレーをまずはテストして、それでも効果がなければミッションオイルクーラーを追加すれば問題ありません。


On the fourth test we just did some confirmation test. The re-bound spring, the rear brake, the DREXLER LSD, the center floor diffuser worked more than we expected. We still need to solve the heat problem but shouldn’t be much of a problem using the MIDLAND AK-6 80W-90 with NACA duct, with C72 cooling spray. If that is not enough we will add an transmission oil cooler.
Between May to July we will install the 2.37L engine from car no.2 with the Front Sub Frame GT-12. The engine power will go up from 298bhp to 340bhp with 30kg of torque. The car performance in total will increase for this years Tsukuba.


2012年書初め 『 1分切り 』

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