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ASM S2000 1号車、2009年3月富士テスト 2009/03/11(Wed) 12:33:32
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早朝、まだ路面が濡れている中、1号車に乗って富士スピードウェイに向けて出発しました。道中一番感動したのはTODA RACING製軽量クランクプーリーキットです。このレスポンスはすごい。他社製と比較して、硬質アルマイト仕上げで磨耗耐久性が高いこと(硬質ってのがポイント)の他にも、発電量をちゃんとモニターしてプーリー径を選定していることも安心感に繋がっています。エンジン屋さんがやらなければ、とてもじゃないけどコストが合わないことでしょう。エンジンと言えばS2000の魅力の50%を占めるパーツだと僕は思っています。そのエンジンの魅力を、安心感を伴ってさらに引き出せるのがいいです。

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富士に到着。まだヘビーウェット状態です。1本目はキャンセルして路面が乾くのを待ち、2本目から走行開始。走り出しは前回テストで使ったPOTENZA RE-11 255/35-18前後セットを装着、フロントリップスポイラー+フロントカナードも最初から装着した状態で現状を確認しました。この走行終了後、約1.5時間でリヤサスペンションアームを交換して午後の走行に備えます。

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エンジンパワーは限界レベルに達していると思うので、軽量化に取り組む必要がある。軽量化はブレーキ、コーナーリングだけではなく、ストレートでも最高速到達スピードに効く。DREXLER LSDはイニシャルを上げてもOK。ただしその場合、最高速に影響が出ない範囲でアップさせる必要がある。今日は路面がかなり悪く、台数も多くてクリアが取れない中で2分00秒台でラップできたので、59秒台は全く問題ない。最終的には57秒台に何とか入れたいな。』

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■2009/3/10 1号車FSWテスト


ASM S2000 Car No.1, 2009 March Fuji Test

In the early morning, when the roads where still wet after the heavy rain the night before, we left for Fuji. While on the way, I was very surprised with the TODA RACING Light Weight Crank Pulley kit. The response is just fantastic. Comparing with other brands, with the hard alumite on the surface, which makes it durable, monitoring the electric generating capacity for the size of the pulley, makes it help with confidence. If this wasn’t produced by a engine maker, it will be difficult with the cost. Talking about the engine, I think 50% of S2000’s attractiveness is the engine. To appreciate this attractiveness with comfort I think this is good.

After arriving at Fuji, the surface was still heavily wet. We canceled the first set to run for the surface to get dry. We started from the second run. For the first run, same as the last test, we used the POTENZA RE-11 255/35-18 for both front and rear. Front lip spoiler with front canard was installed and confirms the current condition. After this run, changing the rear suspension arm within 90min and prepared for the afternoon session.

For the afternoon session we will be correcting the rear geometry by adding parts and checking the difference of the car. After that changing the tires to 265/35-18. And together with that, taking off the front canards, adjusting the aero dynamics balance, and the last run was putting on 255/35-18 for the front, 265/35-18 for the rear. For this combination was better balanced with the canards on. That was Kato Hiroki’s comment.

For this car, if a normal person to get the time, thinner set for the front. Same size tires the cars becomes a bit peaky and I don’t recommend it. But for a proper racing car driver, this front grip is very attractive. Even at high speed corners if it goes over steer, the driver can easily force down the car. To get the time, I think the same size of 265/35-18 is the best choice. Its obvious and you can actually feel the mechanical grip and the down force and the front nose moves as you want it to be. I don’t think there is another car like this that the front goes in like this. For the rear, I think we need to do further test, especially with the camber. I think also putting in a stiffer spring? Maybe. And using the adjustable stabilizer for the balance of the car.

I think for the engine power wise, it has reached its limit. Maybe need to work on the weight, reducing more weight. Trimming the weight not only helps on the brakes, on the corners but on the straight, for the top speed. For the DREXLER LSD just adding the initial torque should be okay but make sure it doesn’t affect the top speed to set it up. The road surface was really bad today and many other cars were on the track but we manage to do it two minuets flat. I think 59sec should be no problem and in the end I would like to go for 57 sec.

So in the end the 265/35-18 which we borrowed from our customer was the best, and I had a rough idea but the 255/35-18 that I just got… but Kato Hiroki told me that the balance of the car will be the same and just the limit goes higher. The other thing we need to do now is the weight. We have tried very hard to make this car’s weight the way it is but another 30kg deduction should make a huge differences with the time. We will be doing the diet this summer.

■2009/3/10 Car No.1 FSW test

Driver: Kato Hiroki
Chief Engineer: Sakagami (ASM)
Chief Mechanic: Ooki (ASM)
Mechanic: Yamada (ASM)


ASM S2000 1号車、2009年2月富士テスト

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