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TM-SQUARE、田中ミノル式正しいチューニングカーのお手本 2009/04/03(Fri) 16:39:51
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ミノルインターナショナル田中実社長が愛車のスイフトに乗ってご来店です。とにかく車を軽量化したいと言うことで相談を受けたのですが、どうせなら質感やカラーリングにもこだわって欲しいので、純正赤ステッチインテリアに合わせてASM LIMITEDモデルをお薦めしました。表皮は本皮&アルカンターラの組み合わせです。シートレールはありえない程不自然なローポジションになるレカロスポーツフレームを選択、普通のユーザーさんに販売すると「低過ぎる」と驚かれることが多い製品なのですが、フロアに座りたい勢いのミノルさんには何の問題もなく気に入っていただけました。


5/23-24の土日、このデモカーをお借りしてTM-SQUAREフェアを開催する予定です。ここ数ヶ月、オプションやレブスピードなど多くのチューニング雑誌で注目を集めているTM-SQUAREスイフトですが、1つ言えることは普通のユーザーさんが思っている数倍この車には手間とノウハウと情熱がこめられていると言うことです。TM-SQUARE Webサイトをご覧になってみてください。

TM-SUARE, Tanaka Minoru ways of tuning a car

The president of Minoru International Tanaka Minoru-San came to ASM with his SWIFT. His request was he wanted to make the car lighter, and I wanted to match the original red stitches of the interior, coloring and texture of the car. I suggested our ASM models, RS-G ASM LIMITED CL which is half lather and half Alcantara. For the seat rail, he chose the very very low position REACARO sports frame. Which is very and too low for normal users. But for him who wanted to sit on floor should be no problem.

It was a chance for me also to take a good look of the car. About the front bumper, uses the latest technology of S-GT machines and many aerodynamic elements has put in to it. Like the front lip, on both sides on the edge has a little secret. The hood uses wet carbon fiber but the way they make it has made it lighter then expected. A natural look, balanced of aero dynamics and a matured design of the side spoiler, rear wing, and the wing stay which out stands more then the wing it self, the body kit they have has no doubt about it. For the engine as king of NA tune, has been done by formula engine shop for more capacity. And for the exhaust, they have chosen the SACLAM pipes for comfort, pleasant and racy welled balanced like SACLAM always does. For the dampers is also on the spot. They re-did the geometry and based on HYPERCO springs for set up, they manage to make it a flat ride. The more you look at it makes you feel it’s a tuner straight ahead.

On May 23rd and 24th we are planning to borrow this car and we are going to have a TM-SQUARE fair. These last few months this TM-SQUARE SWIFT has been on OPTION and REV SPEED and many more other magazines and has lot of attention. And I can say one thing for sure is they have spent lots of time, effort and passion to this car more then you can imagine. If you are interested, I recommend checking their web site out.


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