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アッパーマウント交換 2009/07/18(Sat) 13:13:36
718 mini sre DSC_8998.jpg

減衰・プリロード・バネレートを色々なパターンで組み合わせて、ASM SRE 3way Dumper Kit for MINIのテストを継続しています。クルマ全体の動きは狙ったところに入りつつあり、コーナーリングの入口〜出口まで思い通りの姿勢で走れるし、安定感も今まで以上にあります。一緒に走っているS2000オーナーさんが「後ろから見ていても姿勢がすごく良くなって走りやすそうだ」と言っていました。



バネレートを落としたけどZEROの開発時と比べるとリヤスタビライザーのレートが上がっているので、あの頃よりはリヤの追従性が高いと思います。今後、リヤを5.4kg/mmに戻してスタビライザーの調整をソフトに振って現状と比較し、良い方を街乗り〜高速ワインディングでの推奨セッティングとしてお薦めすることにします。ここまで出来たらこの先は趣味の世界。タイヤをBS POTENZA RE-11に変更して高速ワインディング〜超高速走行に的を絞った、スポーツ走行向けのセッティングをやっていく予定です。

Adjusting the damper, springs, pre lord and still testing the ASM SRE 3Way Damper kit for MINI. The car its self is going to the direction I wanted to be, during the corners, from the entrance to the exit the cars approach balance are the way I wanted to be and off cause stability is also improving. A S2000 owner who I was driving together also mentioned it looks well balanced from behind and could tell it was getting easier to drive.

I would like to say that 3way is perfect but there are some negative elements. There is some funny noise from the front. Due to the steel shell and the aluminum tank vibrates and makes a noise each time it strokes. For the time being I am going to stick a weight to the sub tank and see with the noise.

And the biggest problem is the damper. On the damper tester graph it does not show but when you actually drive it you can feel this small hard bump input. The cause of this is the difference of the damper it’s self with ZERO and 3Way. Reducing the Bump side low speed to reduce this, dropping the spring rate from 5.4kg/mm to 4.9kg/mm and almost reduced and on top of that not using the rear pillow upper mount but normal upper mount. By this the input from the road surface has reduced with and comfort. I have also produced a new item so that you don’t need to remove the damper to adjust the Rebound damper.

I have drop the spring rate but comparing with ZERO, the rear stabilizer rate is higher so comparing with then I think the rear has more following capability. The next step is putting the 5.4kg/mm spring back on the rear and soften the rear stabilizer and compare with the current situation. The better set up will be for town use to high speed winding roads for the customers. If I can finish it till than, after that will be totally my own world. I will most proberly wear the BS POTENZA RE-11 and re-do the set up for mainly for high speed roads only.


ASM SREダンパーキット3way for MINI prototype
[1181] asm

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