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カズヲさんの休日 2009/08/23(Sun) 18:06:47
823 kazwo DSC_1321.jpg

今日は久しぶりにカズヲさんご来店でした。去年の9月にAP RACINGブレーキキット+Prodrive GC-07Jを装着して以来、ホイールを傷つける趣味がなくなったのかなぁと思っていたら、サーキットのPITロードでホイールのセンターキャップを落として傷つけたとか?傷の場所が変わっただけで結局結論は同じです。

カズヲさんはレカロ オフィスチェアに座りながら、「最近色々欲しいモノが多くて困ってるんだよな〜」と言っていました。1番は何と言ってもDREXLER LSD。機械式2WAYでありながらスムーズな作動感で、車が唐突に動かないので雨の日でも安心して運転できるところが気になる理由らしいです。その次に欲しいのがRS-G ASM LIMITED CL。今使っている本革フルバケットシートSP-GN EDELはとても気に入っているんだけど、ここ最近のレカロ Blogでの人気振りを見ているとRS-G ASM LIMITED CLが気になって夜も眠れないほどで。欲しい欲しいと数ヶ月迷い続けていることが時間の無駄に思えてきたそうで、「ASMのレカロフェアは来週までだよね?」と確認されていました。

そして最後に欲しいのは無限ロールバー+TAKATA 4点式シートベルトです。サーキットを走る上で最低限の安全装備だから、これについては迷う余地はなし。あとはPlan.1 レカロシート+無限ロールバーか、Plan.2 レカロシート+DREXLER+無限ロールバーかの選択です。Plan.1の場合は月々14,600円のボーナス払いなし36回払い、Plan.2の場合は月々29,300円の36回払い+ボーナス5万円の6回払いとなっています。


Its been a while but Kazuo-san came today. after installing the AP RACING Brake Kit with Prodrive GC-07J last year, he was trying care full not to scratch the rims but one day on the track, driving through the pit lane, the center cap fell off and hit the surface of the rim. Scratch place is different but in the end is the same.

While sitting on the RECARO office chair he was telling me that there are many things he wants to buy. The first thing in his mind was the DREXLER LSD. It’s a 2way mechanical type with a smooth movement with no sudden movement with the car. It’s drivable even on a rainy day. Next was the RS-G ASM LIMITED CL. The seat he is using at the moment is the full bucket seat SP-GN EDEL and likes it a lot but looking at the popularity on the blog, the RS-G ASM LIMITED CL is in his mind and could not sleep at night. Just thinking of it was a waste of time and was confirming with me that the ASM RECARO fair was unstill next week.

And the last item he wanted to buy was the MUGEN roll bar. With TAKATA 4 point seat belt. To drive on the track this is the minimum safety items so, there is nothing much to think about it with this. Plan.1 was buying the seat with the roll bar, plan.2 all of the above. For plan.1 14,600yen monthly payment for three years with no bonus payment. Plan.2 29,800yen monthly payment with 50,000yen bonus payment 6times.

He was also telling me that his going to be 50 this year same as Michael, there is a limit time to enjoy physically and if I am thinking of buying it I better buy it as soon as possible and enjoy S2000 even more. If purchasing the RECARO seats, I will be able to use the 1%intrest….looking at the roof top.


[1225] asm

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