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大切なもの 2009/11/02(Mon) 12:45:27
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S2000 3号車のレカロシートを(オーナーさんに無断で)変更しました。今まで使っていたのはRS-G ALCANTARA Version、ASMとして開発段階から関与して、S2000のために作られたと言っていいRS-Gシェルをベースに、質感・ホールド性・耐久性を全て兼ね備えたアルカンターラを表皮として採用したモデルです。ワインディングでのスポーツ走行を最重視しつつ、ストリートでの乗り心地やオープン時のインテリアの質感向上にも配慮して選択しました。そんなRS-Gを一旦外して装着したのはRECARO SP-JC 350LIMITEDです。



1年後、SP-GN EDELと言う本革+赤Wステッチ+シルバーRECAROロゴを採用した本革フルバケットシートがレカロジャパンから限定品として発売されて大人気となり、それに組み合わせることを念頭においてASMデザインモデルのファーストモデルとしてSP-JC ASM LIMITEDを企画してリリースしました。運転席にSP-GN EDEL、助手席にSP-JC ASM LIMITEDと言う組み合わせがS2000で大ブレイクした後、SP-JC ASM LIMITEDは全国的にその存在を知られることになり、レガシィ・BMW・ポルシェをはじめ多くのクルマ好きのお客様から支持されて人気急上昇、その後SR-3・SP-G3・SR-11・SR-6・RS-G・TS-GなどASM LIMITEDシリーズの礎をなる製品に成長しました。そう言う意味でRECARO 350LIMITEDとそれを最初に買ってくれた多くのお客様のおかげで今のASMがあります。

だからこのシートはボクにとって特別な存在で、AUDI TTクーペ(白)→AUDI TT DSG(パパイヤ)→MINIの3台に装着した後も売却せずに大切に保管してきました。先日久しぶりにS2000に装着して運転したところ、適度なホールド感と微振動を吸収する座面構造を持つAM19基本骨格、しっとりと体にフィットする本革ならではのタッチの良さ、寒くなった今朝でも体をホカホカ温めてくれるシートヒーターなど、S2000をストリートで楽しむにはこのシートがベストなんだと気付かされます。その昔レカロシートは一生モノと言われましたが、購入してから6年が経過しても未だ褪せない魅力に、その言葉が真実であることを実感しました。

I changed the RECARO seats of our ASM S2000 Car no.3. The actual seat which was installed was the RS-G ALCANTARA Version. From the beginning stages of making this RS-G we at ASM was involve and you can also say it was made for S2000. Base on this RS-G shell type seat, quality, support and durability has been added for with the ALCANTARA surface. off cause its been design for sports use on a winding roads, but also up grading the interior quality whenever its open on the street. But I wanted install the RECARO SP-JC 350 LIMITED for a while.

This seat was introduce back in 2003 and was a limited model. It was the first lather seat which RECARO Japan produced. With the electrical recliner, seat heater, RECARO vent and air lumber support in it. Based on the AM19 series SPORTS-JC and using two cow head for one seat to make the lather. The RECARO logo, 350LIMITED logo and the stitches are in orange.

Back in 2003, for S2000 it was popular to install the velour surface SP-G or SR-3, red, blue and black. When this seat came out everything change. With the tight interior sports car for some it was important to have the electrical reclining system to adjust the seat more in detail, it’s a open top car and the interior was important to have a solid quality when seen from the out side, some would look for seats which will match the STD roll bar with the head rest, some will look for seat heater etc. for now it’s a normal thing but this 350 LMITED was one seat that make this happen.

A year later, SP-GN EDEL came out, which was all lather with red doubled stitch with the silver RECARO logo full bucket seat. It was a limited model from RECARO Japan and was a big hit and to match this we decided to produce a seat which was the first ASM design model, the SP-JC ASM LMITED. These two combinations was a big hit with the S2000 and SP-JC ASM LIMITED was recognized all over Japan. It has been popular with many other cars as well, Legacy, BMW, Porsche etc. The SP-JC ASM LIMITED helped build the base for the after coming models for ASM. SR-3, SP-G3, SR-11, SR-6, RS-G and TS-G. Its because of the RECARO 350 LIMITED and those who bought the our SP-JC ASM LIMITED in the beginning that ASM exist today.

That is why for me this seat is a special. I had it installed on my AUDI TT coupe, AUDI TT DSG and to my MINI but I am still keeping it and will keep keeping it. The other day I had it install on S2000 and with the just nice hold and the shock absorber which the AM19 frame has fits the body just nice. Also with the seat heater which keeps you warm during winter. It makes you think for the street this might be the perfect seat. They used to say that RECARO seats are a life time seat, after six years from the day I purchased, the seats are still attractive and what they say about the seats are true.


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