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SRE IS-09 2009/12/21(Mon) 14:41:52
1216 mini1 DSC_1023.jpg
1216 mini0 DSC_0794.jpg

昨日MINI CooperにSREダンパーキットを装着した木村さんが四国に向けて帰っていきました。2泊3日の短期間滞在でしたが、MINIやS2000に乗った常連さんが土日両方とも駆けつけてくれて、ワイワイ大騒ぎしながら楽しい時間を過ごしていただけたようです。1月にはお預かりしているS2000にいよいよTODA RACING製2.35Lエンジンを搭載して、寺崎源さんの現車セッティングでECUを合わせ込むことになりました(総額200万円)。意味も分からず?無理矢理お支払いさせてしまいましたが、完成を楽しみにお待ち下さい。

そんな木村さんにIS-09specに進化したASM SREダンパーキットZEROの印象を聞いてみました。純正サスがかなりいい仕上がりだと作業前から繰り返し聞いていたので、正直なところ「快適性が落ちた」と言われたらどうしようと思っていたのですが、余計な心配だったようです。


あえて粗探しをするなら、回頭性が上がったことでハンドリングを神経質に感じることもあるけど、結局は接地感が十分あるのでそれも気にならないのが現実。もう1台のJCW GPのために3WAYを買っているけど、正直IS-09ならZEROで十分かもしれない。」

べた褒め?です。3WAYが否定されているけど(笑)。R56 Cooper S、R53 JCW GP、R52 Cooper S、R56 Cooperと4台のMINIでSREダンパーキットZEROを使ってきたオーナーさんだからとても参考にも自信にもなるコメントになりました。最後の問題点の解決方法は既にR53で検証済みです。車の安定感の向上にはASM調整式リヤスタビライザーがお薦め。そして3WAYの魅力はリヤ接地感の更なる向上と、それによって得ることができる1ランク上の安定性です。そしてさらに快適性を向上させてくれるのは、アッパーマウントに追加する強化プレートですよ。次の横浜訪問は年明け頃でしょうか?ぜひ納車して1ヶ月、全く運転していないLEXUS LS バージョンSZに乗って遊びに来て下さいね。今年1年も大変お世話になり、ありがとうございました!

■ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY  1,260,0000円(R50〜R56 MINI用)
■ASM SREダンパーキットZERO IS-09  399,000円(R50〜R56 MINI用)
■ASM フロントアッパーマウント強化プレート  168,000円(R50〜R53 MINI用)

Kimura-san who installed the SRE Damper kit yesterday on the MINI Cooper S has left yester back to Shikoku. It was a short stay but through out the weekends, there were many customers with MINI and S2000 who came to ASM. Time passed by very fast and was a very good weekend. In January, we will be installing the TODA RACING 2.35L engine on his car (ASM S2000 car no.3). we will be re-doing the ECU to match the engine which in total will cost about 2million yen. It was half by force but I am sure he will like the finish.

I have also asked him how he felt about the IS-09spec of the ASM SRE Damper kit ZERO. I was afraid that since the genuine damper has such a nice comfort ride he will say complain about the ride.

He told me he felt it much softer then the genuine damper. Not too soft but you could still feel the car grabbing the road surface which was comfortable but still moves light. The genuine damper has a soft feeling but there isn’t any sharpness and feels slow in movement. But that’s what makes it good I guess. You can obviously see the difference while driving and looking out the window at the view. You can see there is much more less pitch with the car. Even the road surface are unstable, you will still be able to feel the car grabbing the road surface with absolute stability. He also told me that compared with the SRE Damper kit ZERO he was using, its worth spending 200,000yen with this much difference.

With the higher corner performance, you might have to put in more energy with the handling but it has so much grounded feeling. The other MINI JCW GP that he has, the 3WAY is install but IS-09 ZERO is more then enough he says.

After using the SRE Damper kit ZERO on his R56 Cooper S、R53 JCW GP、R52 Cooper S、R56 Cooper, the comments he has given to me has made me confident with the product. The last problem we have will be solved with the ASM adjustable rear stabilizer. With the 3WAY, you will be able to get more grounded feeling and stability on the car. Also to improve the comfort ride, installing the enhance upper mount plate. The next visit from him will probably be next year, which his LEXUS LS Ver. SZ should arrive by then. If it does please give me a ride on it. I would like to thank him for all the support he has given through out the year.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3WAY  1,260,0000 Yen(for R50〜R56 )
■ASM SRE Damper Kit ZERO IS-09  399,000 Yen(for R50〜R56 MINI)
■ASM Front Upper Mount Enhance Plate  168,000 Yen(for R50〜R53 MINI)


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