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DREXLER LSD 2010/02/11(Thu) 20:46:39
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先日の富士テストで一緒だったS2000です。TODA 2.35Lキットを組み込んだエンジン・D-DREAM製シャーシ・I.S.Design空力パーツを基本に、Sタイヤ(ADVAN A050)とOHLINS特注ダンパーでセットアップした車で、この日は1分56秒4でFSWを周回していました。それ程一生懸命運転せず、車なりに流した感じで出ていることが、オーナーさんのBlogに掲載している車載映像を見ても分かります。


そんな理由で、今までDREXLER LSDをお薦めしていなかったのですが、今回走行中にデフブローして自走不可能になったので、1号車のテスト終了後デフを降ろしてレンタルしました。どっちが速いと言うインプレッションは上記の理由で何の参考にもなりません。なぜASMがDREXLERを薦めるのか、理由を感じてもらえたら貸した甲斐があります。オーナーさんの最初の印象はこんな感じです。ひとつ反論するなら、サーキットを走らない人でもこの良さは十分実感できます。カーブを1回曲がれば十分です。

『DREXLER LSDを前回のFSWで走行してブローした際に借りたのは記憶に新しいと思いますが(・・・続きを読む)

This is another S2000 who was together with us on the Fuji test we did the other day. It has the same TODA 2.35L engine, D-DREAM chassis, I.S.Design body kit, S-Tire (ADVAN A050) and the specially ordered OHLINS damper. He manage to drive it at the time of 1min56.4sec constantly at Fuji Speed Way. He didn’t even push him self to the limit but almost just cruising which you can see a video on his website.

There are a many elements which changes the cars basic performance. One of the biggest differences with our ASM car is the damper. He is not using SRE but OHLINS, He is not using HYPERCO but BESTEX, He is not using DREXLER LSD but CUSCO and the only thing in common are the AP RACING brake calipers and ZONE brake pads. I will not say which is better because it all depends on the set up for each car. Even if we swap the damper of our ASM S2000 car no.1 to another similar level car, it will not go fast. You will need to set the damper for that car and that will take time. You can say the same for the Deferential. All because you have DREXLER on your car that does not mean time will improve dramatically. It will all depend on how the damper is set up and will need to set it to match it.

For these reason to this owner I didn’t recommend the DREXLER LSD too much. While he was driving on the track, his deferential blew off and could not be driven by its self so we loan him our DREXLER LSD which was installed on car no.1 after we finish the entire test we needed. I will not say which is faster because these two cars are different. It will be worth it if he understands why ASM recommends DREXLER LSD. First impression from him was that every one can experience and feel the difference even on the track or off the track.


存在を意識させないDREXLER LSD

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