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レブスピード筑波スーパーバトル2008 2008/12/11(Thu) 11:25:44
1210 tsukuba DSC_0899.jpg

レブスピード筑波スーパーバトル2008 57秒733

これが今回のリザルトです。2006年に投入したI.S.Design GTエアロが生み出すダウンフォースは、既にGTカーのレベルに達しています。今シーズンはその空力性能にエンジンパワー・タイヤグリップ・トラクション・ブレーキが追いついて、車両のパフォーマンスが大幅に向上しました。残念ながら18度を超える気温と雨とオイルでグリップしない路面の影響で、車の完成度が時計に表れなかったのは残念ですが、ロガーを見るとそんな気持ちも吹き飛びます。あの悪コンディション中トップスピードもトップスピードも去年より速かったので、路面と気温が2006年並だったら軽く56秒台に入っていた手応えが十分にありました。




でも実際には、同じS2000の箱ベースの車両で、サスペンションアームもノーマルで、DREXLER LSD、SREダンパーキット3WAY、AP RACINGブレーキキットなど様々なパーツは市販製品を採用しています。今人気のI.S.Designエアロシリーズにしても2004年のタイムアタックで採用するために作り出した空力パーツで、一見すると2008仕様とは全く別のものに見えますが、フロントディフューザーの基本形状は製品版と非常に似ていますし、リヤウィングも寸法が違うだけでほとんど同じ形状をしているんです。



Rev Speed Tsukuba SuperBattle2008


This is the result.

The I.S.DesignGT body kit, which we installed in 2006, produces a down force as much as GT Car. This season, the tires, traction, brakes, engine has finally reached the level of the body kit, which improved the total balance of the car equally.
Unfortunately because of the bad whether and bits of oil on the track, we couldn’t time the perfect conditioned car.
But looking at the logger, that disappointment didn’t mater.
Even though in that bad conditions top speed was faster then last year. If the temperature and road temperature was like back in 2006, I was sure we could have made it in the 56sec.

If all the conditions are set, we might have the chance to run this car again, to set the time and to show what we have done for the last six years. if there is reason to run the car again next season we might run the car again but I think we have done almost everything.
Starting from next year we will be testing more on car No.1 rules of our own using radial tire, with air conditioner.

We have spent endless time and money on the ASM Tsukuba Special car No.2. The level of the car its self is almost the same as a GT car. Just by looking at the car it seems like unrealistic because of the flashy looks, specs, articles from magazines and our website and competing against other high tuned cars.

But unrealistic as its sounds most of the parts that we use is available on the market. For example, DREXLER LSD, 3WAY SRE adjustable damper kit, AP RACING Brake Kit, the stock suspension arm.
Our popular I.S.Design Body kit was produce for the time attack back in 2004, it looks completely different from the 2008 Ver, but the basic shape is the same. Only difference is the size, like the rear wing for example.

There is a lot of things and data that we know now because of building this car for Tsukuba special. Many of our products are based from those data.
Just building a fast car especially for the track might be the only answer for some, but I think that’s not true.

This few years, we have feed back a lot of technology from the racing world. It has changed the value in a big way. Racing technology and the ideas of modifying cars has made things fun to build a car like this.
Trying to beat a 600bhp turbo tuned car with a 300bhp NA car. Just thinking things like that which sounds almost impossible makes things even more fun for me.
At this Super Battle event, it seemed less interesting then before. For example, lot of people use to come to see and find exhaust pipes. Which sound better or sounds like a Formula one car, to compare sounds and etc. But there is more less interesting cars, or cars that excites people. There was couple of cars which did not compete which I was familiar with. That was a bit disappointing.


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