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ASMモニターブラケット+無限S2000 ASSIST METERS 2009/10/17(Sat) 14:59:16
1017 asm mugen DSC_4933.jpg


■ASM モニターブラケット  47,250円
■無限 S2000 ASSIST METERS 126,000円

Becoming a regular menu at ASM. The MUGEN Meter with the ASM monitor bracket. For easy view, design and the brand are welled balanced. We are having more and more inquires from customers. Depending of the position with the MUGEN assist meter, we have to modify the monitor bracket and so each will be carefully measured for installation.

■ASM Monitor Bracket  47,250 yen
■MUGEN S2000 ASSIST METERS 126,000 yen


ALWAYS KING 2009/09/05(Sat) 17:53:45
905 king 2 DSC_4566.jpg
905 king 3 DSC_4578.jpg
905 king 1 DSC_4556.jpg
905 king 4 DSC_4573.jpg

ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY、ASM DREXLER LSD、I.S.Designサイレンサーキット、I.S.DesignセンターディフューザーCarbon、RECARO SP-JC Premium White Leatherなど、誰もがうらやむパーツを未来のオレ様に買わせているKINGですが、そんな自慢の愛車がHYPER REV S2000 No.6の中ですっかり木内哲也氏所有のS2000の影武者になってしまったことを深く反省したそうで、完成されたインテリアを目指す第一歩としてモニターブラケット+パイオニアサイバーナビを装着されました。インテリアは常にドライバーの目や手に触れますし、オープンカーであれば外からも見えるわけですから、多少の不便さやコストを無視してフィニッシュレベルの高さを追求することが大切です。これからは白い本革を各部に使ったレザーインテリア化がテーマになりますが、余計なモノは追加せず、すっきりしたデザインと誰もが理解できる質感の高さを目指して作り上げて行きましょう。


■ASM モニターブラケット  47,250円
■ASM I.S.Designトランスフック GT-09  価格非公開
 <従来品との重量差> 前後で1,570gの軽量化を達成(ボルトナット含む)
  ・Front 1,170g→490g / Rear 1,220g→330g

After installing the ASM SRE Damper kit 3way, ASM DREXLER LSD, I.S.Design Silencer kit, I.S.Design center diffuser carbon, RECARO SP-JC Premium White Leather and many more which many adores, KING has re-think about his modification with his S2000 after his car was a shadow car of Kiuchi-san after the HYPER REV S2000 No.6. the first step of difference he took was installing the ASM Monitor bracket with the pioneer cyber navigation system. With the interior the diver will always be touching it and seeing it and off cause with a car like this with the roof down, it can be see from the out side. It is important to ignore a little about the price and the usability to have the finish level. The future plan is to use more white colored lather to the interior but not adding extra but to also keep it simple with a high quality.

And after saying this, the next thing he bought was parts for the exterior. After making 10sets for car no.1, the ultra light weight toe hook for both front and the rear was installed. Usually its specially for the I.S.Design body kits but he couldn’t wait until he buys the carbon bumpers, we modified the genuine bumpers a bit to install it. Using the scraped out A7075 material, with the existence of the maker, seller and buyer this was able to come out. One of the rare items at ASM and the first to install was KING.

■ASM Monitor Bracket  47,250 Yen


ワンオフにはない魅力 2009/09/04(Fri) 18:15:14
904 navi DSC_4399.jpg




■ASM モニターブラケット  47,250円

Install a TV monitor by installing it by custom finish.

I think every S2000 owner has thought of this at least once. Even with me when I was driving the S2000 my self I have thought the same. At the beginning as part of custom audio I install it on my S2000 than, at that moment it was new and everyone wanted to do the same but it just took too much time and effort. The most I did not like was that each cars finish will be slightly different. Not in a bad way off cause.

And so I have came out with this product. The basic material is FRP shaped so all will be the same. Even with the gap between the dashboards, as long as the muster model has been made well, the actual product line will come out without any difference from the factory. With S2000 or MINI what I am aiming is industrial products. For the functional aspect, 75% is more than enough. But without any feeling of art or hand made quality which each items are exactly the same finish. This S2000 owner just got this car and came straight from the dealer to install this. This should satisfy the owner like as it was done from the beginning. Please look forward with it.

■ASM Monitor Bracket  47,250 Yen


アーツHERO☆YANAGIMOTO feat. KING 2009/08/30(Sun) 16:12:17
830 Y1 DSC_2965.jpg
830 Y2 DSC_2986.jpg

KINGちゃんのS2000には最新式2007年モデルのサイバーナビをASMモニターブラケットを使って装着中。今までSREダンパーキット3WAY、DREXLER LSD、RECAROシート、I.S.Designサイレンサーキット、POTENZA RE-11、FERODO DS2500など走り中心のパーツ選択をしてきましたが、今回のテーマはインテリアと言うことで、前のS2000に装着できなかったモニターブラケットに2007年ニューモデルのサイバーナビ・オンダッシュセットして装着することになりました。つや消し黒に塗装されたモニターブラケットの違和感はとても少なく、自然なインテリアメイクをしたいS2000オーナーさんならぜひ選択肢に入れて欲しい製品です。

奥のハイエースはASMに置いてあるDUCATIのオーナー柳本さんの仕事クルマで、今日はずっと狙っていたレカロシートを装着しました。モデルはハイエースならこれしかないと言うメディカルシリーズの最高峰「ORTHOPAD(オルソペド)」を選択です。ASMの業務用ハイエースも同じモデルを装着しているのですが、仕事で毎日乗る、当然距離も乗るので結果的に最高にお買い得な選択です。このハイエースには先日AP RACINGブレーキフルードPRF660を入れていただいたのですが、ブレーキレスポンスとカッチリした踏み心地に驚いていました。今日は2輪用のAP RACINGマスターシリンダーを見たり握ったりして興味津々だったようです。


Using the ASM Monitor bracket, we are installing the cyber navigation system to his S2000. Up to now he only tuned his car with items necessary for sports use like the SRE Damper kit 3Way, DREXLER LSD, RECARO seats, I.S.Design Silencer kit, POTENZA RE-11, FERODO DS2500. With the interior, he didn’t install the navigation system on his last S2000. The matt black painted monitor bracket fits naturally without any problem, its one item which S2000 owner should keep in mind if their thinking of installing a navigation system.

The Hi-Ace van parked next to it is the owner of the DUCATI decorated at ASM. This is his work car and today he installed the RECARO seat which he had his eyes on from before. He has chosen the medical seat ORTHOPAD which our ASM Hi-Ace van also has the same seat installed. He uses the car to work everyday and off cause uses it for a long drive. This is the perfect seat for this car. Few days before we did the brake fluids to AP RACING PRF660 and he was surprise with the response and the touch of it. He was looking at the AP RACING master cylinder with curiosity today.

I will see you again the day after tomorrow.


無限+ASM 2009/08/12(Wed) 19:38:40
812 mugen asm DSC_8703.jpg


■ASM モニターブラケット  47,250円

We installed the ASM Monitor bracket for the navigation system. The car had the MUGEN 3meters and the item its self is high quality with the best view position so, we didn’t touch it but modified the monitor bracket. Adding a mole for the part being cut off, which the finish was good with not damaging the interiors quality. Like many users, I my self are in love with the MUGEN’s quality and this kind of combination makes me feel happy.

■ASM Monitor Bracket 47,250 Yen


意匠に係る物品(Article to which the design is applied)
モニターブラケット 2009/07/12(Sun) 19:46:49
712 s n 1 DSC_7054.jpg
712 s n 2 DSC_7052.jpg



■ASM モニターブラケット 47,250円

This S2000 owner came all the way from Ibaraki to install the Pioneer Navigation system using the ASM bracket. Just for Navigation, like the one I am using the portable ones are more than enough but for a high finish for the interior, I think this is the best. It fits just perfectly and has a natural finish.

For the last six months the monitor bracket has had a hidden popularity. It is the best timing now to get it before the separate monitor type navigations are finished. For those S2000 who are not satisfied with their monitors installation should try out ours. We will finish producing this product as soon as the separate monitor navigations are finish as well.

■ASM Monitor Bracket 47,250 Yen


ASM ナビケース、完成
ASM ナビケース、完成 2009/05/23(Sat) 17:12:53
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524 7 DSC_7757.jpg
524 5 DSC_7733.jpg


色は全部で5色用意していたのですが、試作品カラーのオレンジ2個が写真撮影前に完売してしまいました。今のASMテーマカラーなので人気が出るかなと思っていたのですが、一目見てこの色を選ぶ人が多いです。茶色が近いイメージだから次に狙うならそれがいいのではないでしょうか。個人的なお薦めは黄緑。普通は絶対作らない色なのがいいですよ。インテリアが明るくなりますし、ケースをカバンに入れて持ち歩く時も存在感抜群です。白はすごくシンプルだけど柔らかい革を使っているので、持ち物として見た時にもっとも手に馴染む触り心地にだと思います。黒+赤ステッチはRECARO ASM LIMITEDでお馴染みの組み合わせです。MINIのJCW内装との相性はこれが抜群でしょう。


■ASM ナビケース(SONY NAV-U3専用) 39,900円


The navi case which I introduce before has arrived today. There were a few changes comparing from the prototype. The 905 rocket logo’s position has been changed. The current place will damage the logo and a hole for the one-sag antenna.

I have prepared five colors but the two orange prototype has been sold out before I even took the picture. The theme color at ASM is orange so many of them after looking at it will choose this color. The next will be brown, since its near to orange. I personally recommend the lime green because usually you wouldn’t choose this color or carry it and it will bright up the interior. White is very simple but it uses a soft lather and as a carrying item it looks just nice. And the last will be the black with red stitch like our ASM models. Maybe for those driving MINI JCW will be nice.

Today I sold three sets of this case, and many inquires. I didn’t expect to have this much inquires I didn’t know there are many people out there who wants these kinds of item. I even had one customer who didn’t even have this Navigation system but bought one.

■ASM Navi Case(for SONY NAV-U3) \39,900-

・We still have white, black and lime green.


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