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SACLAM管装着、スカイラインクーペ 2009/08/14(Fri) 16:43:22
814 G35 DSC_8793.jpg


■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(V35スカイラインクーペ用) 248,850円

The home ground of NISSAN, a ASM popular item at Yokohama, the SACLAM Silencer Kit for the Skyline Coupe. It has been popular after may and this owner had another brand installed but after hearing the sound with our ASM Z33 he decided to install it. a beautiful design which almost equals the level of those Italian cars.

■SACLAM Silencer Kit(for V35 Skyline Coupe) 248,850 Yen


ASM オータムセレクション2009 2009/08/14(Fri) 15:37:03
814 550 DSC_8798.jpg

恐怖の納品のお知らせです。岡山のKING様、あの色2号様からご注文いただいていたASM 550じゃん♪が今頃完成いたしました。2人とも注文したことをもう忘れているんじゃないかと思いますが、思い出していただけましたか?まだまだ暑い夏ですが、9月になれば朝夕は涼しくなってきます。もうすぐオープンカーの季節ですね。

■ASM 550じゃん♪  199,500円

Dear KING from Okayama, the ASM 550 Jacket which you have ordered has arrived today. You properly forgotten about it, its still hot at the moment and after September in the morning and late afternoon should be cooled. The weather for convertible car is on the way.

■ASM 550 Jacket♪  199,500 Yen


ASM 550じゃん♪、できた
SACLAM Z34の助手席試乗しませんか? 2009/08/13(Thu) 19:17:52
813 Z34 DSC_8780.jpg

8/16(日)までの期間限定で、SACLAMさんのZ34がASMに置いてあります。SACLAMサイレンサーキット+マキシムワークス エキゾーストマニホールドを組み合わせた音をぜひ確かめに来てください。助手席試乗でその音質をお確かめいただけます。空吹かしやWeb動画ではZ34用SACLAM管の魅力は25%程度しか伝わりませんよ。今日これから早速試乗希望のお客様がご来店されます。もちろんASM Z33の助手席試乗も可能なので、Z33オーナーさんも遊びに来てください。

■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z34用) 273,000円
■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z33用) 222,600円

We at ASM have the SACLAM Z34 until august 16th. With the SACLAM Silencer+Maxim Works exhaust manifold, the sound and smoothness is like the ASM Z33. You will be able to sit on the passenger side to experience the sound quality. Just revving the car on still or seeing on the website, you will only experience 25% from the actual performance. We have a few customers who will come today to experience the exhaust. Off cause our ASM Z33 will be able for test drive as well.

■SACLAM Silencer kit for Z34 273,000 Yen
■SACLAM Silencer kit for Z33 222,600 Yen


Hewland SGT 2009/08/13(Thu) 12:00:44
811 s2 DSC_8592.jpg
811 s3 DSC_8580.jpg

ASM S2000 2号車に装着しているミッションは、S-GTなど世界中のトップカテゴリーレースで使われているヒューランド製です。戸田レーシングでベルハウジングをワンオフ削り出しで製作して装着しました。また、ミッションを固定しているステーがテストの度に折れるトラブルがあったため、去年からカーボン製に変更して改善しています。2005年に購入してずっと使っているのですが、ドライバー加藤寛規選手の技術はさすがで、2回走行ごとに内部チェックをしていますが、部品交換やオーバーホールが必要なことはありません。


The transmission which we have installed on our ASM S2000 car no.2 (Tsukuba Special) made from Hewland which is been used in many S-GT cars, and worlds top category race. With modifying it one off with TODA RACING. With the stay which supports it brakes each time we do the test on the car and from last year we have been using carbon fiber to prevent this. we have been using this from 2005. Every two runs we check the inside but thanks to Kato Hiroki’s Driving technique there isn’t any necessary of changing parts or over hall.

While lining this two S2000 during the interview, I was thinking about something. Thinking of cutting the license plate of car no.1 and install the spare 2.4L engine which we have for the Tsukuba Special. To be able to use the ECU and the Transmission on both cars together. With car no.1 the normal production body kit wit street radial tire. For car no.2 body kit of an S-GT with S-Tires, Using the same engine, same transmission. It’s still a talking about the future and I might not do it. In the end installing the S-Tire will be my ultimate S2000.



無限+ASM 2009/08/12(Wed) 19:38:40
812 mugen asm DSC_8703.jpg


■ASM モニターブラケット  47,250円

We installed the ASM Monitor bracket for the navigation system. The car had the MUGEN 3meters and the item its self is high quality with the best view position so, we didn’t touch it but modified the monitor bracket. Adding a mole for the part being cut off, which the finish was good with not damaging the interiors quality. Like many users, I my self are in love with the MUGEN’s quality and this kind of combination makes me feel happy.

■ASM Monitor Bracket 47,250 Yen


意匠に係る物品(Article to which the design is applied)
ASM S2000、鈴鹿へ 2009/08/12(Wed) 12:34:35
811 s4 DSC_8599.jpg
811 s1 DSC_8571.jpg

ハイパーレブS2000の取材と言うことで、鈴鹿PROKIDAIにASM S2000 1号車&2号車が揃いました。今回の取材の目的は1号車と2号車の対比です。事前に取材主旨を100%聞いていれば資料を用意してもう少し突っ込んだ内容の紹介をできたと思うのですが、ASM筑波スペシャルのチーフエンジニアをしているサクシードスポーツ市川さんが設計・製造しているGT補強バーひとつひとつに、ノウハウがいっぱい詰まっています。何回かASM Blogでも紹介したことがある内容ですが、次号ハイパーレブでそのあたりにも触れてもらっています。




With the Hyper Rev article for S2000, we have our ASM S2000 car no.1 and 2 at PROKIDAI Suzuka. The article was the difference with these two cars. If they have told me in advance with what the article was going to be about, I could have prepared much more and introduce in more detail. Each GT enhance parts are design, produced by Ichikawa-san from succeed sports who is also the chief engineer of the ASM Tsukuba Special (car no.2) with many know how in it. I have introduced couple of time on our ASM blog and will also be introduced on the next issue of Hyper Rev.

Other things I have explained was aero dynamics, suspension, brakes and interior of each part are build and design for the same key word. The writer told me that I would have to write the same thing for each car, the difference with these two are with how big the effect. But the direction is the same and was thinking hard how to write this. like many, he him self thought that car no.2 (Tsukuba Special) is the lead main car and car no.1 was just a street model of it. But after explaining the ideas which I have put into car no.1 and which car no.1 is everything of ASM and car no.2 was just a test car to get data. And so I am looking for word with how the article will show up.

We arrived at Suzuka late Monday night but due to the earth quick which hit on the Tokai side, we couldn’t use the Tomei high way on the way back with the road closed. We had to take a long way back. If was during the day, and passing through Gotemba might have been faster. With the trucks ride with car no.1 on bored plus the genuine seats was just too hard and tiring. After sitting on my MINI with the RECARO seats, it was just too comfortable which made me went for a drive.

it was a long day but with this, I am looking forward with the finished article. Hyper Rev S2000 will be out on 26th of august and don’t buy at any book store and just come to ASM to buy it. we will have about 50pcs.


西の風、一時やや強く 2009/08/10(Mon) 17:00:56
810 swift DSC_8530.jpg


来店記念にASMチタンナンバーボルト(1本4,200円)を3本購入したいと言っていただいたのですが、僕もビックリの知らぬ間に100本完売。去年の11月ごろ、ステンレスモデル100本に続きチタンモデルを100本製作したのですが、3本4,725円だったステンレス製よりはるかに短い期間で完売したことになります。結局ASM Blogに1回も出ない内になくなってしまいました。次は、ステンレス製をベースにちょっとオプションを追加したモデルをご用意する予定です。

レカロフェア開催中の今日、平日にも関わらずたくさんのお客様がご来店になっています。先ほどはR55 MINI CLUBMANオーナーさんがASM SREダンパーキットZEROをご予約下さいました。基本はR56と同じで、ASM SREの場合全長調整でリヤ側の車高をアジャストできることと、そもそも5.4kg/mmと言う高めのバネレートを組み合わせていますので、問題なくクラブマンにもマッチングするんですよ。装着をお楽しみに〜☆

This customer came all the way form Kouchi. He didn’t come with his S2000 but with his everyday car SWIFT. To install the RECARO seats. even though was the weekdays I really appreciate it. plus he brought some biscuits and some other snacks and fruits.

He also wanted to buy the ASM Titanium Number Bolt but all 100 pcs was sold out which I didn’t know. With the stainless model from last year the titanium model was sold out in much shorter spend. not even once I had the chance to write on the ASM blog with it. the next model I am planning is based on the Stainless model adding some options maybe.

With the RECARO Fair which we are having at the moment we have many customers coming to ASM during the weekdays and the weekends. We also have the R55 MINI CLUBMAN who ordered the ASM SRE Damper kit ZERO. Its same with the R56 basically but with the ASM SRE will be able to adjust fully with the height of the rear. With the slightly high spring rate of 5.4kg/mm so there isn’t any problem with clubman matching.


SスペType-T → I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 2009/08/08(Sat) 16:24:07
808 S2000 ISS DSC_8343.jpg




■ASM I.S.Designサイレンサーキット  315,000円

We installed the I.S.Design Silencer kit today. With five silencer and articulation, with no glass wool been used but still passes the 93dB safety standard. Its one item which I am very proud and confident which gives out the Honda music especially from mid to high rpm sound quality. And starting from 2009, with the new regulation with the tail end, we have also prepared a model which passes this as well.

I.S.Design silencer kit with the price tag of 315,000yen is considered expensive. With the parts added to it its understandable. With very little muffled sound for comfort, and just nice volume. After opening the top you will be able to hear the tuned sound quality with non glass wool being used will help keep its performance longer. With this performance and the time and effort we put in and the amount of units added, I think this will be the right price. If we didn’t put this price, this product wouldn’t be out. I would have to thank everyone who purchased this after a year has passed.

For those S2000 Owners please come and hear the sound quality for your self at least once. Usually you will only be able to experience about 30% when we go out on the test drive but just atmosphere.

■ASM I.S.Design Silencer kit  315,000 Yen


叶えてこそ、夢 2009/08/08(Sat) 15:20:21
808 mini saclam 1 DSC_8307.jpg
808 mini saclam 2 DSC_8302.jpg
808 MINI saclam 3 DSC_8334.jpg

埼玉県から夫婦でご来店いただいたMINIオーナーさん、4年越しの夢だったサクラム排気管を今日手に入れていただきました。今まではMINIにとてもマッチングが良いRECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITEDをシンプルに装着してMINIライフを送っていましたが、ずっとずっと欲しがっていたSACLAMミュージックを手に入れて、これからまたMINIを楽しんでいただけると思います。

また、同じMINI乗りとしてお薦めしたいパーツがいくつかあります。まずは先日このBlogで紹介した2つのタンク、BILLION レーシングPSタンクとASM すっきりしたエアキャッチタンクです。それぞれ1ヶ月程度で製品化されると思いますが、パワステタンクはややガサツなR53MINIのステアリングフィールがR56に近いしっとりした手応えに変わり、しかもそれがスポーツ走行時にも変化しません。すっきりしたエアキャッチタンクはMINI最大の弱点とも言える水温対策として非常に効果的で、さらにウォーターラインの水を抜くことでエンジン内部を錆から守ります。



■SACLAM サイレンサーキットSpec.4 123,900円
■SACLAM B-パイプ レギュラー 58,800円
■SACLAM エキゾーストマニホールドキット 225,900円

This MINI coupled owner came today to install the SACLAM pipes today, after 4years of dreaming it to have. This owner was enjoying the car by just installing the RECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITED and keeping it simple. But from before after hearing the sound of the SACLAM music he could not stop thinking about it. This will definitely make it more fun.

There are many other parts for MINI I would like to recommend. First, the two tanks I have introduced on this blog. BILLION racing PS tank and the ASM clear air-catch tank. Both of them should be able to be in production within a month. With the steering tank, the rough feeling of the R53 MINI will change nearly to the R56 steering feeling and will not change even on the sports run. With the air-catch tank, the weakest part of MINI will help with the water temperature a lot. This will also help protect the engine from rust by clearing the water line.

The brake pad from ZONE is also recommended. The 88H material model which is especially for ASM which covers from street to high speed windings. There isn’t much dust from the pads which helps keep the wheels clean. When its wet during the rain or so, it becomes easy to make a screaming noise but its within the level which you wouldn’t mind. With the high strength back plate which improves the brake touch and the amount of brake material you can choose from the release control is very high.

To drive MINI as long as possible with joy, just by adding or changing places like this with adding a bit to the cost will improve the car.

■SACLAM Silencer kit Spec.4 123,900 Yen
■SACLAM B-Pipe Regular  58,800 Yen
■SACLAM Exhaust Manifold Kit 225,900 Yen


BILLION レーシングパワステタンク
早く来いっ!RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITED 2009/08/08(Sat) 11:41:45
808 SR-7 DSC_8293.jpg

この夏開催しているレカロフェアで人気モデルと言えば、フルバケットシートRS-GとリクライニングスポーツシートSR-6のASM LIMITEDです。RS-Gは街乗りのみで使うとしても、面で体を支える優しいホールド感が特長なので、乗り心地面で大きな不満が出るモデルではありません。だからこそ、一見レーシングパーツと思えるフルバケットシートが人気ナンバーワンになるのでしょう。一方SR-6 ASM LIMITEDは高く張り出したサイドサポートや、肩を圧迫するほどせり出したショルダーサポートが特長のリクライニングスポーツシートです。ウレタンもRS-G以上に硬く、リクライニングすると言う要素以外は全ての面でRS-Gより快適性が低いかもしれません。でも、それ程割り切ったモデルだからこそ、スポーツハッチバック車を筆頭に、サポート性を確保したいけど、利便性を損ないたくないと言うユーザーさんに支持されて人気モデルとなっているのでしょう。

そしてもうひとつの注目モデルと言えば6月に発売されたばかりのニューモデル、RECARO SR-7であることは間違いありません。SR-6と同じIS05基本骨格を採用しつつ、SR-6ほどスポーツを意識させないバランスの良いモデルとなっています。そうは言いつつ、事前の触れ込みとは違いSR-6に近い硬さのウレタンを採用していたり、サイドサポートのしっかり感と合わせてSR-3後継モデルと言うのに相応しいスポーツ性能の高さも併せ持ったモデルになっているため、幅広いユーザーさんから支持されていることを感じます。

ASMではオープン4周年を迎える2009年9月に、RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITEDを発売開始します。紹介したとおり必要十分なサポート性能を持っているSR-7ではありますが、僕自身クルマに装着して数千km使用してみたところ、もう少しショルダーサポート性能を向上させて上半身を支えてくれれば、よりリラックスして運転できることを実感しました。それを踏まえてSR-7 SK100をベースに大型のノンスリップサポートをショルダー部分に追加して、赤Wステッチ+シルバーRECAROロゴでまとめたモデルとなっています。

9/5(土)までの期間限定、さらに90脚と言う数量限定で、そのSR-7 ASM LIMITED早期予約をスタートしています。通常、SR-7 SK100の11,550円高に価格設定しているASM LIMITEDが、この期間中にオーダーすればわずか1,050円アップで購入できる大きなチャンスですよ。詳細はASMウェブサイトTOPページとレカロ Blogでご確認下さい。昨日レカロ Blogに掲載したところ、たくさんのメール問い合わせやオーダーをいただいて驚きました。今週から急速に人気が出てくること間違いありません。

■RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITED  109,200円(2009年9月発売開始)

The Most popular RECARO models which we are having the RECARO fair is the full bucket seat RS-G and the reclining seat SR-6 ASM LIMITED. Even using the RS-G only on the streets, due to the gentle hold which covers the whole body, there isn’t any frustration or uncomforting with this seat. Just by the looks, it looks like racing parts, but I am sure the full bucket seats will be the no.1. With the SR-6 ASM LIMITED, it has a high over hang side support and the tight shoulder reclining sports seat. Urethane its self is harder compared with the RS-G. It might have less comfort than the RS-G and the only thing better is the reclining elements. Its popular with those car who wants support but also usability users.

Another model which everyone has attention with is the new RECARO SR-7 which came out in June. Based on the IS05 frame, it does not have too much sports feeling like the SR-6 but welled balanced seat. It’s going to be the after model of the SR-3, with the hard urethane from the SR-6 which has more than enough side support. It’s a model which can be used in any situation and getting popular with many kinds of customers.

In September 2009, with our 4th year anniversary we will start selling the RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITED. The SR-7 has more than enough support but after using it for few thousand km on our cars, I felt that if there was a bit more shoulder support, I would be able to drive more relaxed. With this in mind, based on the SR-7 SK100, with the non-slip support on the shoulder, red doubled stitch and the silver RECARO logo will be added.

Until September 5th, and limited pcs of 90. We are started taking reservation with the SR-7 ASM LIMITED. Usually its 11,550 yen more expensive than the SR-7 SK100 but within this period of time you will be able to get it by just adding 1,050yen more then the normal SR-7SK100. For more detailed information please contact us. After putting this on our website, we have many enquires and orders already.

■RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITED  109,200 yen (Start selling at 2009 September)


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