今日はレブスピード誌の取材を受けるために、S2000 1号車を筑波2000に持ち込んできました。まぁASMの取材じゃなくてAP RACINGブレーキキットの取材なので1号車は脇役なのですが、ドライバーが松田秀士さんと言うことだったのでその評価がすごく楽しみでした。3月富士テスト後のセットで臨みましたが、Nicoleさんからのリクエストで唯一ブレーキパッドのみZONEからFERODO DS1.11に変更、タイヤは前後BS POTENZA RE-11 265/35-18です。
最後に車全体の評価を聞いてみたのですが、絶賛されたのがDREXLER LSDでした。走り始めはデフの存在感が全くないので「これは全然足りない」と思ったそうですが、周回を重ねて行く内にいくら踏み込んでもキチンとデフが効いて、内輪がしっかりと蹴るトラクション性能の高さに驚いたそうです。また、最終コーナーに関しても短い走行時間の中では限界が見えなかった、もっと奥まで飛び込んでいけるバランスの良さだと評価していただきました。
今年のレブスピード筑波スーパーバトルはこの1号車でエントリーします。クラスはもちろんオープンクラス。マフラー音量がオーバーしているし、地上高90mmを割り込んでいるし、カナード&リップスポイラーも装着しているので、例えばドアを純正に戻せばストリートクラスを走れますよと言われても、そこにボクのモチベーションは存在しません。公道を走れない状態でアタックするならオープンクラスと言うのが自然でしょう。さて、どこまで速くすることができるかな?エアロは市販のI.S.Design、タイヤはBS-POTENZA RE-11、ミッションは純正、これが1号車に課した僕のレギュレーションです。軽量化、それが本番までにできる最も効果的なチューニングです。エアコンやオーディオ撤去を含め、加藤寛規選手のリクエストである-30kgを超えて、-40kgが最低限の目標です。
Today we had the photo shoot for the magazine called REV SPEED. We brought our ASM S2000 car no.1 to Tsukuba 2000. It wasn’t a interview and photo shoot of ASM but the photo shoot of the AP RACING brake kit. So brining our car no.1 was just a bonus. Today’s driver was Matsuda Hideshi-San and I was looking forward with what he felt about the car. We re-did the set up to the set up we did at Fuji back in March but only difference was the brake pads which was from Nicole request to make it to FERODO DS1.11 from ZONE. The tires are BS POTENZA RE-11 265/35-18 for both front and back.
It began with how he felt with the front brake system and rigid impression he had.
Comparing with other brake systems it’s much more rigid. Driver like us who drives GT cars, with this kind of stiffness are just nice and feel safe driving it. even when the ABS kicks in, the pedal feeling are much more in detail and feel comfy driving it compared to normal calipers or other normal big caliper.
Nicole felt relief after hearing this. Changing the brake pads from ZONE to FERODO made it felt the rear was a bit stronger but when I asked for further details its not that it was kicking in too strong but the release was bad. For the front with its detailed control, for the rear it has a rough movement which the STD rear caliper has compared to the AP in the front. Even though the DS1.11 it has the most controllable sports brake pads from FERODO depending on its calipers it has this much difference. It made me sure that all S-GT driver are requesting the same direction with the brake pads. And all the test we did at Fuji in the past and data we was also correct and he confirmed it so that was a good thing as well.
Last, I asked him over all what he felt with the car. And he was impressed with the DREXLER LSD. With the beginning movement he didn’t felt any movement or existence of the deferential and felt it wasn’t enough. But more laps he puts in he felt the deferential was working properly and can feel the inner part of the car kick in with plenty traction and its high performance. He also felt like there wasn’t any limit with the last corner, he felt that he could enter with a higher speed each time. Over all was welled balance.
For the REV SPEED Tsukuba Super Battle, we will be entering with this Car no.1. We will be entering on the open class. Since the exhaust sound is over the limit, the height is below 90mm, the canards and lip spoiler are also installed. Even though if they told me that if we put the STD doors back we could run on the street class, there isn’t any motivation for me there. If the car can’t run on the road, I think it’s only natural to run with the open class cars. So, how fast would it run with the open class? Not sure. The car has the I.S.Design body kit which any one could purchase, tires will be the BS-POTENZA RE-11, and transmission is STD. This will be my regulation for me. Reducing more weight should be the quickest way changing the cars performance at the moment. We will be removing the audio systems and air-conditioner. With Kato Hiroki’s request of -30kg but we are targeting -40kg.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1296#myu1296
1号車は明日、筑波2000でAP RACING装着車として取材を受けるので、その準備を行っています。ドライバーは松田秀士さん、過去にASM筑波スペシャル2005を運転したこともありますし、色々なチューニングカーに精通した方なので、1号車全体に対するコメントにも期待しています。3月富士テスト終了時点でセットダウンした状態に戻して持ち込みますが、ブレーキパッドはZONEからDS1.11に変更します。タイヤは前後共にPOTENZA RE-11を装着です。今回の取材が終わったら、エアコンやオーディオ類の取り外しなど軽量化に着手して、とりあえず現状-40kgを目指します。
3号車はこの週末SA神戸で開催するASM×レカロフェアに向けてのメンテナンスです。タイヤの内圧を合わせた後アライメント調整、レカロシートをSP-JCからRS-Gへ入れ替え、減衰の合わせ込みを行いました。ASMからスタッフ1名、S2000 3号車、G.T WORKS寺崎源さんが行きますので、気になるモノの説明や助手席試乗はできますので、ぜひご来店下さい。今回の神戸イベントはお店の周年セールと重なっているので、550GPチームは集合しません。それを聞いて残念がった岡山のKINGは、神戸を通り過ぎて11/14(土)に横浜までやってくるそうです。この日、ヨコハマ550GPチームはぜひASMに集合してくださいねっ!
We are maintaining and preparing our S2000’s for the event.
Car no.1 will runt at Tsukuba tomorrow for a little test and photo shoot for AP RACING. The driver will be Matsuda-san. He has driven our ASM Tsukuba Special in the past and has many experiences with tuning cars so I am looking forward with what he thinks about car no.1. The car its self will be set down compared to the test we did in Fuji at March. The brake pads will be DS1.11 from ZONE, tires will be POTENZA RE-11. after this photo shoot, we will start on reducing more weight with this car by removing the air conditioner and audio. The target will be -40kg.
Car no.3 will be going to SA Kobe for the weekend. We are going to have the ASMxRECARO fair. Checking the air pressure, alignment and etc. The seat will be back to RS-G from SP-JC and re-setting the damper. There will be one stuff from ASM, S2000 car no.3, Terazaki Gen-san from G.T WORKS so if there is any questions or would like to experience the car, please come visit.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1295#myu1295
ASM S2000 1号車、2009年3月富士テスト
I brought our ASM car no.3 to Challenge today. our objective was to installed the rear diffuser with the combination of our I.S.Design rear bumper 04 with I.S.Design Silencer Kit. We had to build a prototype to match the silencer on the tail end. Comparing with the previous S-special, the main unit is slightly off set to the top so the size of being cut of to the front and rear will be smaller but with the I.S.Design silencer with the extra chamber on the side needed to be open larger on the side ways.
Depending on how much we have to cut we might have to add one more carbon sheet for stiffness. We will also be adding a heat resistant material where the main pipe will go through. You wont be able to see it directly but with the test we did on car no.1 whatever we can prevent we will try to do it with car no.3. We took data’s with the 04 bumpers and we will do the same with the 07 and 08 wide bumpers in the near future. This will match the I.S.Design Silencer kit.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1294#myu1294
I.S.Designリヤウィング GT-09 取付確認
■ASM ステンレスメッシュクラッチホース(AP1-130〜AP2-110) 12,600円
We changed the clutch hoses and cutting the retardation mechanism for this AP2-110type S2000. With the ASM clutch hoses are using the same as the brake hoses the light weight BMRS hoses. Which is light weight and the quality of a racing parts. Also cutting the retardation mechanism with the clutch will help with the clutch more with a direct feeling. When using it for town use you will not feel the difference but on the winding roads you will experience and feel the actual performance which the car has.
In the same time we re-did the alignment with the corner weights. I don’t know why but most people only do this like once a year. To make sure the tires are on the ground effectively it’s a basic thing to do with your car. For those who use their car for sports use I recommend at least every three months and for those for normal use once every six months. For example you can experience the difference in the rain whenever you remove your foot from the gas. For those track users it’s important as the air pressure of the tires, tire temp, damping of the damper. Keep track of these will also help you when something happens to your car and you will be able to know why if there was any time difference. The condition on this customer even though it was brand new, he wanted us to check it and the front toe had a slight difference with the right side and left side. The rear was out a bit as well. This will change the ride completely.
■ASM Stainless Mesh Clutch Hose(AP1-130〜AP2-110) 12,600 YEN
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1293#myu1293
大切なもの |
2009/11/02(Mon) 12:45:27 |
S2000 3号車のレカロシートを(オーナーさんに無断で)変更しました。今まで使っていたのはRS-G ALCANTARA Version、ASMとして開発段階から関与して、S2000のために作られたと言っていいRS-Gシェルをベースに、質感・ホールド性・耐久性を全て兼ね備えたアルカンターラを表皮として採用したモデルです。ワインディングでのスポーツ走行を最重視しつつ、ストリートでの乗り心地やオープン時のインテリアの質感向上にも配慮して選択しました。そんなRS-Gを一旦外して装着したのはRECARO SP-JC 350LIMITEDです。
1年後、SP-GN EDELと言う本革+赤Wステッチ+シルバーRECAROロゴを採用した本革フルバケットシートがレカロジャパンから限定品として発売されて大人気となり、それに組み合わせることを念頭においてASMデザインモデルのファーストモデルとしてSP-JC ASM LIMITEDを企画してリリースしました。運転席にSP-GN EDEL、助手席にSP-JC ASM LIMITEDと言う組み合わせがS2000で大ブレイクした後、SP-JC ASM LIMITEDは全国的にその存在を知られることになり、レガシィ・BMW・ポルシェをはじめ多くのクルマ好きのお客様から支持されて人気急上昇、その後SR-3・SP-G3・SR-11・SR-6・RS-G・TS-GなどASM LIMITEDシリーズの礎をなる製品に成長しました。そう言う意味でRECARO 350LIMITEDとそれを最初に買ってくれた多くのお客様のおかげで今のASMがあります。
だからこのシートはボクにとって特別な存在で、AUDI TTクーペ(白)→AUDI TT DSG(パパイヤ)→MINIの3台に装着した後も売却せずに大切に保管してきました。先日久しぶりにS2000に装着して運転したところ、適度なホールド感と微振動を吸収する座面構造を持つAM19基本骨格、しっとりと体にフィットする本革ならではのタッチの良さ、寒くなった今朝でも体をホカホカ温めてくれるシートヒーターなど、S2000をストリートで楽しむにはこのシートがベストなんだと気付かされます。その昔レカロシートは一生モノと言われましたが、購入してから6年が経過しても未だ褪せない魅力に、その言葉が真実であることを実感しました。
I changed the RECARO seats of our ASM S2000 Car no.3. The actual seat which was installed was the RS-G ALCANTARA Version. From the beginning stages of making this RS-G we at ASM was involve and you can also say it was made for S2000. Base on this RS-G shell type seat, quality, support and durability has been added for with the ALCANTARA surface. off cause its been design for sports use on a winding roads, but also up grading the interior quality whenever its open on the street. But I wanted install the RECARO SP-JC 350 LIMITED for a while.
This seat was introduce back in 2003 and was a limited model. It was the first lather seat which RECARO Japan produced. With the electrical recliner, seat heater, RECARO vent and air lumber support in it. Based on the AM19 series SPORTS-JC and using two cow head for one seat to make the lather. The RECARO logo, 350LIMITED logo and the stitches are in orange.
Back in 2003, for S2000 it was popular to install the velour surface SP-G or SR-3, red, blue and black. When this seat came out everything change. With the tight interior sports car for some it was important to have the electrical reclining system to adjust the seat more in detail, it’s a open top car and the interior was important to have a solid quality when seen from the out side, some would look for seats which will match the STD roll bar with the head rest, some will look for seat heater etc. for now it’s a normal thing but this 350 LMITED was one seat that make this happen.
A year later, SP-GN EDEL came out, which was all lather with red doubled stitch with the silver RECARO logo full bucket seat. It was a limited model from RECARO Japan and was a big hit and to match this we decided to produce a seat which was the first ASM design model, the SP-JC ASM LMITED. These two combinations was a big hit with the S2000 and SP-JC ASM LIMITED was recognized all over Japan. It has been popular with many other cars as well, Legacy, BMW, Porsche etc. The SP-JC ASM LIMITED helped build the base for the after coming models for ASM. SR-3, SP-G3, SR-11, SR-6, RS-G and TS-G. Its because of the RECARO 350 LIMITED and those who bought the our SP-JC ASM LIMITED in the beginning that ASM exist today.
That is why for me this seat is a special. I had it installed on my AUDI TT coupe, AUDI TT DSG and to my MINI but I am still keeping it and will keep keeping it. The other day I had it install on S2000 and with the just nice hold and the shock absorber which the AM19 frame has fits the body just nice. Also with the seat heater which keeps you warm during winter. It makes you think for the street this might be the perfect seat. They used to say that RECARO seats are a life time seat, after six years from the day I purchased, the seats are still attractive and what they say about the seats are true.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1292#myu1292
ASM SREダンパーキットZEROから新発売の3WAYに買い替えです。こちらのオーナー様も開発スタート時にすぐにご予約下さっていて、昨日に続き2台連続で装着作業をしました。ダンパー交換に合わせてタイヤもBS POTENZA RE-11に変更、ハイグリップラジアルタイヤですがスプリング&ダンパーのセッティングをこのタイヤに合わせこんであるので、今まで以上に快適な乗り心地になりますよ。限界性能の高さは言うまでもありません。
ボクの赤いMINIと比べると、DREXLER LSD・SRE 3WAY・SACLAMエンジンヘッド&吸排気管など何もかも同じ仕様なんだけど、フロントにはAP RACING製ブレーキシステムが入っているのでちょっと先を行かれている感じが・・・(笑)。ASMを信頼してくれて全部お任せでやっているので仕方ないですね〜。
もちろん大逆転のストーリーはできていますよ。例えばProdrive GC-014iを白に塗装して装着、ブレーキは12月に入荷予定のAP RACINGブレーキキットの新型を組み合わせるってのはどうでしょう?R56JCW純正ブレンボからのランクアップに最適な330mm2ピースローター+新型キャリパー、パッドはS2000用APと共通です。
■ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY(MINI用) 1,260,000円 ■ASM フロントアッパーマウント強化プレート 168,000円
From the ASM SRE Damper kit ZERO to the new 3WAY. For this owner also like the previous owner has place an order as soon as we started to decide to produce it. That’s two cars in a roll from yesterday. With changing the damper, also changed the tire to BS POTENZA RE-11. it’s a high grip radial tire but the spring and the damper set up is set for this tire so it will have a more comfort ride than before and a higher performance limit.
Compared with my red MINI it has the same DREXLER LSD, SRE 3WAY, SACLAM engine head and SACLAM intake and exhaust pipes but for the front it has the AP RACING brake system so it’s actually one step ahead then mine. Well, he trust us to do everything so I guess it’s normal.
Off cause I am preparing mine as well. I am planning to install the Prodrive GC-014i which will be painted in white and the AP RACING Brake system in December. It will be a rank up from the R56 STD brembo I have to a 330mm 2 piece rotor with new calipers and the brake pad will be the same with the S2000.
■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3WAY(for MINI) 1,260,000 YEN ■ASM Front Enhance Upper Mount 168,000 YEN
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1291#myu1291
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