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【In stock】ASM I.S.Design Rear Wing GT-09+Dry Carbon Trunk Set
ASM S2000 1号車 1/43モデルカープロジェクト パッケージ完成
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横浜元町公園近辺、鎌倉段葛の桜が満開を迎えます 2009/04/03(Fri) 17:07:58
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Near Yokohama Motomachi Park, The cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully now.

I had the day off yester day so, I went out for a drive with MINI. My favorite course is starting of from Kamakura to Enoshima then to Hakone. In front of the Tsuruoka Hachimangu there were cherry blossoms blooming beautifully now. And the worm weather today I think it would be even better to look at. The weather report says tomorrow will be the best day watch. And I think lot of people will be out for it. On the way to Enoshima I could see Mt Fuji beyond the Shonan Sea.

And this morning on my way to work, I drop by Motomachi Park and Yokohama MinatoMirai to see the cherry blossoms. Which is very beautiful as well, I think tomorrow will be a nice day to take walk. It’s only out third day after entering April but we have many customers from far places visiting us at ASM. Installing the ASM exhaust manifold for Z33, I.S.Design silencer kit for S2000 and etc. Even RECARO seats are selling well with the fair we are having now. I hope there will be even more customers during the weekend


TM-SQUARE、田中ミノル式正しいチューニングカーのお手本 2009/04/03(Fri) 16:39:51
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ミノルインターナショナル田中実社長が愛車のスイフトに乗ってご来店です。とにかく車を軽量化したいと言うことで相談を受けたのですが、どうせなら質感やカラーリングにもこだわって欲しいので、純正赤ステッチインテリアに合わせてASM LIMITEDモデルをお薦めしました。表皮は本皮&アルカンターラの組み合わせです。シートレールはありえない程不自然なローポジションになるレカロスポーツフレームを選択、普通のユーザーさんに販売すると「低過ぎる」と驚かれることが多い製品なのですが、フロアに座りたい勢いのミノルさんには何の問題もなく気に入っていただけました。


5/23-24の土日、このデモカーをお借りしてTM-SQUAREフェアを開催する予定です。ここ数ヶ月、オプションやレブスピードなど多くのチューニング雑誌で注目を集めているTM-SQUAREスイフトですが、1つ言えることは普通のユーザーさんが思っている数倍この車には手間とノウハウと情熱がこめられていると言うことです。TM-SQUARE Webサイトをご覧になってみてください。

TM-SUARE, Tanaka Minoru ways of tuning a car

The president of Minoru International Tanaka Minoru-San came to ASM with his SWIFT. His request was he wanted to make the car lighter, and I wanted to match the original red stitches of the interior, coloring and texture of the car. I suggested our ASM models, RS-G ASM LIMITED CL which is half lather and half Alcantara. For the seat rail, he chose the very very low position REACARO sports frame. Which is very and too low for normal users. But for him who wanted to sit on floor should be no problem.

It was a chance for me also to take a good look of the car. About the front bumper, uses the latest technology of S-GT machines and many aerodynamic elements has put in to it. Like the front lip, on both sides on the edge has a little secret. The hood uses wet carbon fiber but the way they make it has made it lighter then expected. A natural look, balanced of aero dynamics and a matured design of the side spoiler, rear wing, and the wing stay which out stands more then the wing it self, the body kit they have has no doubt about it. For the engine as king of NA tune, has been done by formula engine shop for more capacity. And for the exhaust, they have chosen the SACLAM pipes for comfort, pleasant and racy welled balanced like SACLAM always does. For the dampers is also on the spot. They re-did the geometry and based on HYPERCO springs for set up, they manage to make it a flat ride. The more you look at it makes you feel it’s a tuner straight ahead.

On May 23rd and 24th we are planning to borrow this car and we are going to have a TM-SQUARE fair. These last few months this TM-SQUARE SWIFT has been on OPTION and REV SPEED and many more other magazines and has lot of attention. And I can say one thing for sure is they have spent lots of time, effort and passion to this car more then you can imagine. If you are interested, I recommend checking their web site out.


王様の財布 2009/03/13(Fri) 15:31:46
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先週開催したG.T WORKS GENROMフェアの真っ只中、こっそりとASMグッズが納品されました。もうすぐ完成するASM 550じゃん♪に続く本革シリーズ「王様の財布」です。30個限定、しかも1個ずつ全て色使いや組み合わせが異なり、素材そのものもレアなウォーターバッファローや子牛も使うなど、まさに世界に1個の財布になっています。カードホルダーには12枚収納可能、チャック付で入れようと思えば小銭も入りますが、財布の変形を考えれば別に用意した方がいいでしょう。チャック部分はもちろん世界スタンダードのYKK製、金具にはシルバー(925材)を採用し、ASM刻印を入れています。札入れ部分は難易度がかなり高い三方向全マチ折り、カードホルダー部は6枚のカードを入れるホルダーが2つ用意されており、カードを入れて財布がフラットになるように予め必要な曲げを入れている拘りようです。



■王様の財布 84,000円



■epicer Nouvelle Chinois(エピセ ヌーベルシノワ)

営業時間 ランチ12:00〜14:00/ディナー18:00〜24:20
住所 〒231-0861 横浜市中区元町2-88 元町シエテB1
TEL (045)662-1485

King’s Wallet

While we had the G.T WORKS GENROM faire, another ASM goods have arrived. With the ASM 550 jacket almost done, another lather series. The King’s wallet. Limited quantities of 30 pieces. Each of them has different colors, with a rare lather from a water buffalo. And its one of its kind. The cardholder has 12 slots. There is a space with zipper as well which you can put coins but if you think of keeping the shape of the wallet intact, I think should prepare another for it. For the zipper we are using YKK as world standard, for the tag, we are using silver (925) with ASM logo on it. For the bill trey its design with three-way fold and a card two section of cardholder that can keep six cards each. And to make sure that even though with the cars in, the wallet stays flat.

I was just thinking of making one for my self. The wallet, which I was using, became old and Couldn’t be used anymore. Then KING heard about it and also wanted one because he was Thinking of buying a new wallet. Then I thought of making a few for our regular ASM
Customers. From sowing, to the interior of the wallet, which is all lather, design, I have asked And ordered who specializes in lather to make it. I have managed to sale seven at the Moment. And Kato Hiroki also bought one today.

I am planning to bring the wallets on March14th and 15th at SA Hamamatsu, which we will have the ASM and RECARO fair. I need to ask one S2000 customer from Tokushima to choose one. After the weekends it will be back at ASM so if you have the chance, come visit. First come, first serve.

■King’s Wallet \84,000-

Kato Hiroki came to ASM today and we where watching the video which we took on the last Fuji test. We almost have the suspension setting done. With the different tire size, and with the difference with the canards on and without is a big difference surprisingly. If you are talking about the body, there is more to do but, with the springs, dampers, stabilizers, deferential, tires, wheels, brakes and the aero dynamics and the balance is just great. We will be doing whatever it needs to be done for the next test and the other assignments will be in autumn with new parts added. With testing the limit of radial tires.

After that, we went to Motomachi for Chinese lunch. With the price of \2,800- for the two of us I think is reasonable. Paying \1,500- for a normal lunch is also expensive but for the quality of it is satisfying. If you are planning to come to ASM, I recommend trying. Its another thing from Chinese food in china town.

■epicer Nouvelle Chinois

OPEN Lunch12:00〜14:00/Dinner 18:00〜24:20
Address 〒231-0861 Yokohamashi Nakaku Motomachi 2-88 Motomachi shete B1
TEL (045)662-1485


手に入れたいのは物質?それとも楽しいと言う気持ち? 2009/02/22(Sun) 13:01:25
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オーナーさん自身、S2000を手放そうかと考えていたそうです。お金を100万円かけても1,000万円かけても、物質を手に入れてそれで終わりと言う満足感は決して長く続かないと思います。大切なのは、手に入れたモノを楽しむ気持ちと環境と仲間に恵まれることだと僕は考えています。その日、一緒にASM S2000 3号車に乗って試乗コースをドライブしたのですが、普通に軽く流しているだけで車がどんどん応えてくれる楽しさと、それを共有できる人間関係の大切さを感じていただけたのではないでしょうか。


Is the actual material that you want? Or the feeling of having fun with it?

The other day we had this S2000 owner from Wakayama. We always come to ASM while his on a business trip over here. He came to discuss about the I.S.Design carbon rear wing and front lip spoiler 07. he is not a circuit person and enjoys driving the S2000 on the streets. He wants to make the car enjoyable and a happy feeling to look at. There was a few other things he wanted to do also which I felt. I asked him if he could send his car to ASM and let us do the paint job and the finishing, and I explained with reason which he was pretty willing to let us do the car.

The owner him self was planning to get rid of the S2000. Spending one-million or ten-million and getting the stuff or items may satisfy you but not in a long run. The important thing is to enjoy with what you have, fun environment, and some one to share it with. On that day I with the ASM S2000 car no.3. We when to the usual drive course which we where driving easily but the car gives you more response which make you feel enjoyable. With people that share the same feeling is the important thing.

to tell him what I really want him to do is to get the current model S2000. the distance of Wakayama and Yokohama does not matter. We have no problem with Takamatsu and Yokohama which is even further. Re-do the S2000 from one. Comparing it from six-years ago, the suspensions, deferential, brakes, and aero-dynamics has evolutionally advanced. It will give you a totally different enjoyable feeling which I guarantee it. To drive 0.1 seconds faster on the track is not the substance of having fun. The situation can be any where, circuit, on winding roads, as long as you enjoy and having fun with everyone that’s important. Lets go on a morning Hakone drive!


王様☆2009、ASM SREダンパーキット3WAYを手に入れました
昼と夜は別の顔、横浜新山下 Do cafe 2009/02/08(Sun) 16:04:36
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ランチをしようと言うことで、朝から来ていたお客様と一緒に歩いて出かけました。ASMから徒歩5分の場所にあるご近所さん「Do cafe」です。このお店の前を夜通ると、ブルーネオンのヨコハマらしいバーなので、お酒を飲まない僕には用事がないと思っていたのですが、先週お店の看板を見ていると「本場シアトルのカフェ」と言う謳い文句が書いてあったことを思い出し、今日はじめての訪問でした。

店内は白基調のお洒落なカフェなのですが居心地も良く、「クルマ好き」と言うお店の人と色々話して過ごしました。そのお店の人と言うのは日本トップクラスのバリスタ、波多 純子さんです。聞くところによると、横浜近郊だけじゃなくて日本全国からお客さんが来るお店と言うことでした。ASMも負けずに日本全国からお客様が来てくれていますが、新山下アベニュー905ストリート沿いに2軒も全国区のお店があることに驚きです。その後、KINGちゃんと森田さんも美味しいシアトルカフェを求めて出かけていました。



■Do cafe

住所:神奈川県横浜市中区新山下3-1-10 1F
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One of the customer wanted to do lunch today so we went to this coffee shop called Do Café about five minuets from ASM. When passing by at night, with the blue neon lights it’s a typical bar at night. Unfortunately for me I don’t drink so I didn’t pay much attention. But last week looking at the shops sign while passing through, it was written “genuine Seattle coffee” which took my attention so I thought of giving try.

The interior of the shop is based with white, fashionable and cozy. Since the owner of the shop likes cars as well so we had a chat. Plus she Is (Hata Junko) a famous coffee master in Japan, which not only people around Yokohama but from all over Japan comes. Even our customers come from all over Japan to ASM. Its surprised me there was two shops, which has customers though out Japan along the ShinYamashita Ave. 905 Street. After that KING and Mr. Morita came and enjoyed the coffee.


I was wandering why KING was in a bad mood since yester day but after that he was all right. I guess that Seattle coffee bean that just came in yester day changed his mood. While waiting for installment ASM it’s within walking distance so I recommend dropping by.
If you tell them that ASM introduce this place, there just might be something for you. At night it’s a completely a different place.

■Do cafe

address: Kanagawaken Yokohamashi Nakaku Shinyamashita 3-1-10 1f
Tel: 045-625-4412
Time: 10:00~18:00


チャーミングセール前の横浜元町 2009/02/08(Sun) 12:44:25
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さて、同じ期間に開催するASMヨコハマ チューニングセールに向けて、昨日は本当にたくさんのお客様にご来店いただきました。RECARO Blogにたくさんのレカロ装着写真を掲載していますのでぜひご覧になって下さい。S2000関係では、宇都宮から定期的にご来店いただいているお客様が、ブリヂストン POTENZA RE-11前後セット交換された他、宮城県からご来店のS2000オーナーさんがI.S.Designサイレンサーキットの音を試聴されたり、チューニングセール翌週に開催するG.T WORKS GENROMフェアのご予約をメールや電話でいただいたりと本当に大忙しの1日でした。G.T WORKS GENROMですが、今日現在AP1用5台とAP2用4台の合計9台分ご予約いただいています。

While I was on my way to work with the S2000 I drop by Motomachi. Many shops where preparing for the sale which is going to take place in February24th to March 1st. Re-decorating the interior, preparing products for sale and etc. The weather was shiny nice weekend which lot of family with kids, dogs where to be seen.
Just looking at the people passing by, you can see that many of them stop and took a moment to see the S2000. I guess it doesn’t look too much of a modified car. Everyone was absorbing the car. Small kids, a lady who just might be a bit older then me and a gentleman roughly about the same age as my father. I wander how the S2000 appear to them. One day, I would like to ask them if I have the chance.

At the same time here at ASM is also preparing for the tuning sale. We had a lot of customers yesterday as well. We have lot of pictures with RECARO seats from the RECARO Blog. If you have the time, check it out. We had one regular customer who always comes ordered the BRIDGESTONE POTENZA RE-11 for the front and rear. We had other S2000 customer who came to hear the sound of the I.S.Design silencer kit as well. We had lot of inquires and reservation for the G.T WORKS GENROM which we will have a fair after the tuning sale. It was a very busy day. Up to now, we have five AP-1 and four AP-2 reservations for the G.T. WORKS GENROM.


加藤寛規選手、横浜元町の豆腐&日本茶のお店を視察しました 2009/02/07(Sat) 16:48:02
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営業時間 11:00〜20:00 定休日 月曜
住所 〒231-0861 神奈川県横浜市中区元町2-107-1F
TEL (045)212-1042

After finishing his work, our driver Kato Hiroki came to ASM to discuss about the test with the ASM car no.1. We when to this place which specializes in Japanese tea and To-fu. I came here before with Mr. Tanaka Minoru from Minoru International and Mr.Uno from SACALM. It seem like who ever I bring here becomes a fan of this place. Rice omelet which uses soy milk and refined green tea made by SHIZUOKA ASAHINA CHA. Waited until the there is no more steam from the bubbling water then to the tea pot. After you enjoyed the tea, you can eat the green tea by adding some ponzu sauce which is excellent. Catechin from the green tea and ingesting vitamin C directly is good for the body.

If you are planning to visit us at ASM I recommend you drop by there as well.


Open from 11:00〜20:00
address: 231-0861 Kanagawaken Yokohamashi Nakaku Motomachi 2-107-1F
Tel: (045)212-1042


麦とろ納豆株式会社代表取締役社長 加藤寛規氏ご来店でした
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