その時買ってくれたのはモナコミラーでした。その後、RECARO SP-JC 350LIMITEDを左右セットで装着し、それに合わせてハンドブレーキグリップとシフトブーツを交換しました。サンバイザーは白文字の日本語注意書きが事務的に見えるって不満を言っていたので、シンプルなUSサンバイザーをお薦めしたら気に入ってくれました。ステアリングはボクが大好きなMOMO prototipoにNSX-R用ホーンボタンとシフトノブを組み合わせています。フロントバンパーはI.S.Designフロントエアロバンパーの造形を気に入って買ってくれ、ホント嬉しかった記憶があります。ただS2000が好きなだけで、「改造・チューニングなんて文字を見るのも恥ずかしい」って言っていたのにね〜(笑)。
A S2000 registered in 1999 of May has come to ASM to inspection and re-register. It’s a month earlier then the white S2000 car no.1. Even the serial no. is below 2000. For this owner it was her first time to buy a car. At one point she had a big accident with it but she fix it up and still keeps it. If I am not mistaken, the first time she came shopping was even before ASM had its own shop at Fujisawa Secondhand Market. She didn’t know anything about cars or car parts.
The first item she bought was the Monaco room mirror. After that was the RECARO SP-JC 350 LIMITED for both driver and passenger side. To match the seats, she also purchased he hand brake grip and the shift boots. For the sun-visor she didn’t like the Japanese Righting on it so changed it to the U.S. simple one. For the Steering wheel, my favorite MOMO prototipo with the NSX-R horn button and the shift knob as well. For the exterior she chose our I.S.Design Front bumper because she liked the shape and design of it. In the beginning she was telling me that she just liked the car the way it is and didn’t like the word “tuning” “modified” but end up changing parts.
After 12years of owning it, she brought her car for inspection to us. She thought of selling the car but I told her that as long as you own that car we will do anything in our power to help maintain it. We have changed the battery, changed the engine, transmission deferential, brake and clutch oils. We also did the coolant. Now we just need to do the alignment and go through the inspection.
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バリスタ対決 |
2010/02/25(Thu) 20:55:59 |
先日の鈴鹿走行の車載映像を見るため、加藤寛規選手がご来店になりました。少し話した後、Do cafeに行こうと言うことになり、プジョー306に乗ってお出かけです。最近プリンス重岡さんと僕が「セルフラテ」と言いながら自分でカフェラテを作って楽しんでいるのをブログで見て、「僕もやってみたいなぁ〜」と自信ありげに言うので、加藤寛規選手もいきなりセルフラテに挑戦することになりました。
■Do cafe
〒231-0801 横浜市中区新山下 3-1-10 1F Tel/Fax 045-625-4412 OPEN 10:00〜18:00 火曜定休
Katoh Hiroki, our driver came to ASM today to see the on board camera that we took at Suzuka the other day. After a little chat we went to Do café with the Peugeot 306. We go there often and recently I and Shigeoka-san started to do our own café latte. He saw this on the blog and wanted to try it out. It was his first time and I don’t know why he was so confident about it.
First our mentor, Hata barista showed an example how to do it. It’s just putting milk in an espresso cup but the pattern always surprises me. After seeing the example he realized he opened his big mouth again. This will show and proof he has a cement hands. Which will be a bad thing for him because of his work. After learning how to do it, he tried it out and the fourth picture is the one he made. Let me remind you for the first try out this are pretty good for his sake. I am always there trying it out but all I get is what looks like a cloud in a sky or have no idea what it looks like. The title of this is “me 42 years old” its two days late but Happy Birthday.
The one below his is mine. The title is “snail” I think the one I made last time was better. The last picture is a set up picture of him with a smile. She was asking for Shigeoka-san if he was planning to come tomorrow. Spring is just around the corner.
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プリンスのシゲこと重岡さんと一緒に夕食会をしてきました。鈴鹿遠征で心はリフレッシュしたけど体も胃も財布も満身創痍だったため、ここはシンプルに1品料理で済ませようと言うことで、横浜中華街 酔仙酒家に決定です。AFF加古さんお薦めの蟹肉入り炒飯、ASM金山お薦めのニラもやしヤキソバ、特別メニューのスープにデザートの杏仁豆腐と言う組み合わせで、2人合わせて2,340円でした。最近よくご馳走になっているので、この日は僕がお支払いを担当させていただきました。
人の車に乗ると気になることが結構あります。重岡さんのS2000は最近エアロパーツやタイヤホイール、ダッシュボードなどを一新したことは記憶に新しいと思いますが、今回乗せていただいて気になったのはリヤサスペンションからの異音でした。ASM SREダンパーキット2WAYのアッパーマウントに使っているゴムブッシュ部分が劣化することで発生する音だと思われます。部品代は1個840円で1台分で8個使用します。音が発生しているリヤのみを交換すれば最小限のコストで済みますし、逆にどうせアライメントを取り直すのであれば予防措置で1台分全交換するのもお薦めです。また、タイヤの内圧に左右差ある感じがしました。タイヤ交換後内圧調整していないのであれば、1度チェックした方がいいかもしれません。
I had dinner with Shigeoka-san today. after the Suzuka trip we wanted to freshen up but we were too tired and decided to have something light and simple. We went to china town to this particular place were the fried rice with crab meat a delicious. I ordered my personal favorite fried noodles as well with soup and desert. It was only 2,340 yen. his been treating me dinner every time so I paid the bill this evening.
Getting in to other peoples car you realize many things. Recently he has done the body kit, wheels and dash bored which I think every one still remembers. There was one thing I realized about his car. There was a noise coming from the rear damper. I think the noise is coming from the upper mount where the bushes are which aged. It will only cost 840Yen per one in total you will need 8. You could only change the rear to lower the cost. If you are thinking of doing the aliment it will be best to change all of it. I also felt there was a different in air pressure. Which you should have it check.
Even the owner of the restaurant came out and asked what kind of car this is. In the same time the owner was cleaning the passenger side for some reason. After that he went straight home. I will see you next week.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1404#myu1404
This S2000 came in for a re-fresh menu after running it in for 170,000km. Before we do anything we will do a check up of the car. And recommend changing the clutch, the tires was warned out un equally, there was leakage of oil from the engine, aged damper bushes needed to be changed, almost all rubber parts needed to be change, after many years and with the mileage on the car there wasn’t any sharpness which the car should have. After discussing it with the customer we decided to do the basic menu, suspensions, clutch and re-fleshing the engine.
For the basic menu, we will be changing the wiser strip, other rubber malls, pulley belts, changing the brake and clutch fluid, engine oil, transmission oil, deferential oil, LLC will also be changed. There is more in details but I will put it a side for now. We have a list which has each and every parts price and labor work price for this service. We will be changing the suspension arms, dampers and bushes that goes with it as well. For the engine instead of just over hauling it, with the price and time that will cost, he decided to install a new engine.
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