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ASM×レカロフェア in SAサンシャイン神戸 2024秋
S2000 リフレッシュ
【In stock】ASM I.S.Design Rear Wing GT-09+Dry Carbon Trunk Set
ASM S2000 1号車 1/43モデルカープロジェクト パッケージ完成
19th Anniversary ASM YOKOHAMA チューニングセール 2024 秋
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変わり行く街の風景と変わらない記憶 2009/05/24(Sun) 15:38:48
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週末は遠くからいつも来てくれるお客様が当たり前のように集まってくれます。土日2日連続で埼玉県北部や千葉県北部から往復300kmを走って来てくれるS2000オーナーさんを含め5人、今日はさらに毎月日本のどこかで必ず会っている徳島県からご来店のMINIオーナーさんを加えて7人で元町エピセで会食をしました。集まった目的は6月に開催するASM×レカロフェア IN スーパーオートバックス浜松 2009年夏で再会しましょうと言う意志の確認です(笑)。



そして今日はカーボン製I.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダーの受注最終日でした。装着予定は未定だけど今を逃すと後悔すると言うことで、高強度モデル4セット、通常プリプレグモデル1セットをご注文いただき、ASM S2000 1号車のスペアパーツ1セットを合わせて最終6セット製作します。高強度特注MRモデルの軽さに驚きますよ。お付き合いいただきありがとうございました。

Every weekend, we have customers who come to ASM visit from far places. This weekend we had one from Northern part of Saitama and Northern part of Chiba which is a 150km distance, five S2000 owners, and every month some where in Japan we meet up our customer from Tokushima who owns a MINI, seven of us went out for dinner at our usual place. Our objective was to make sure that we all meet up in June for the ASM×RECARO fair in Super Autobacs Hamamatsu…

The Yokohama Marine Tower re-opened on May23rd 2009 according to the 150th anniversary of the Yokohama port. It used to be light up with red and white, to silver and brown olive which give out a cold and worm feeling at once. At a certain time it changes to purple as well. This will part of Yokohama’s new view and land mark I guess.

After opening ASM in September 2005, the view of this town has change a lot. But the only thing that didn’t change was those customer which I met at ASM and spending a great time with them. The relationship with these customers that we have is not like any other shop, which is customer and stuff. But mentally equal relationship with me and off cause to them. There is no need to be nice, I say what I feel and they say what they feel. I think this is important and makes things more fun I think this is what keeps the relationship between us and the customer strong.

And today was the last day of ordering the I.S.Design carbon rear fender. There were a few customers who ordered the item, even though they have no plan on installing the item. Four sets of high intensity model and one set of normal prepreg model. With the spare body parts for the ASM Car no.1. These six sets will be the last. You will be surprised with how light the high intensity custom MR model. Thank you for purchasing.


ASM ナビケース、完成 2009/05/23(Sat) 17:12:53
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色は全部で5色用意していたのですが、試作品カラーのオレンジ2個が写真撮影前に完売してしまいました。今のASMテーマカラーなので人気が出るかなと思っていたのですが、一目見てこの色を選ぶ人が多いです。茶色が近いイメージだから次に狙うならそれがいいのではないでしょうか。個人的なお薦めは黄緑。普通は絶対作らない色なのがいいですよ。インテリアが明るくなりますし、ケースをカバンに入れて持ち歩く時も存在感抜群です。白はすごくシンプルだけど柔らかい革を使っているので、持ち物として見た時にもっとも手に馴染む触り心地にだと思います。黒+赤ステッチはRECARO ASM LIMITEDでお馴染みの組み合わせです。MINIのJCW内装との相性はこれが抜群でしょう。


■ASM ナビケース(SONY NAV-U3専用) 39,900円


The navi case which I introduce before has arrived today. There were a few changes comparing from the prototype. The 905 rocket logo’s position has been changed. The current place will damage the logo and a hole for the one-sag antenna.

I have prepared five colors but the two orange prototype has been sold out before I even took the picture. The theme color at ASM is orange so many of them after looking at it will choose this color. The next will be brown, since its near to orange. I personally recommend the lime green because usually you wouldn’t choose this color or carry it and it will bright up the interior. White is very simple but it uses a soft lather and as a carrying item it looks just nice. And the last will be the black with red stitch like our ASM models. Maybe for those driving MINI JCW will be nice.

Today I sold three sets of this case, and many inquires. I didn’t expect to have this much inquires I didn’t know there are many people out there who wants these kinds of item. I even had one customer who didn’t even have this Navigation system but bought one.

■ASM Navi Case(for SONY NAV-U3) \39,900-

・We still have white, black and lime green.


Nicole RACING中田氏、モニターの向こう側に熱い視線を送る 2009/05/22(Fri) 17:15:41
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Nicole RacingさんのブースもTODA RACINGさんと隣り合わせにありました。僕がブースに到着してから約1時間半を経過した頃に中田さんが余裕で肩で風を切りながら登場。つまりそれだけ長めの休憩を取っていたと言うことでしょうか。さすがプロフェッショナル。

Nicoleさんのブースにも興味を引くパーツがたくさんありました。今スーパーGTで最先端のペダルBOXとマスターシリンダーのセット、F1用カーボンブレーキローターとキャリパー、AN MOTOR SPORTSの超軽量ホースや航空機用部品、そしてプリウスに純正採用されて話題になっている電動ウォーターポンプなどです。ウォーターポンプに関しては、ASM S2000 1号車の水温を一定で管理するために数年前から導入を検討していました。設定温度で弁が開く方式と違って設定した水温で常時循環し続ける上に、サーキットでのテスト中ピットストップしてエンジンを切った直後にヘッドに熱が篭るのですが、電動で冷却水を強制循環させることで熱からエンジンを守ってくれる優れものです。「レーシングパーツではありますが、ヘビーユーザーさんにはぜひ装着して欲しいなぁ〜」とカメラ目線(=PCモニター目線)で熱く語るNicole RACING中田さんでした。

Nicole Racing booth was right beside TODA RACING. After a hour and a half arriving at the booth, Nakata-San arrived back to the booth like nothing happen, he too that much long brake I guess. A real pro.

There were many attractive items at Nicole booth. A paddle box with master cylinder set which is used at Super GT, Formula 1 carbon brake rotor and caliper, AN MOTOR SPORTS light weight horse and some air-craft parts, electric water pump, which is been use on Prius. With the electric water pump we were thinking of using it few years back for our ASM S2000 Car no.1 to help keep the water temp. It’s different with the normal one which when it hits at a set temp then the valve opens, but it keep running at a set water temp. this will also help keep the heat away from the engine after a pit stop while testing on a track and after killing the engine. It is a racing parts but, Nakata-san will like those heavy users to try it out as well. Telling it to me through my camera.



TODA RACING TR-FX01 2009/05/22(Fri) 16:29:18
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このエンジンは、ベースエンジンがない戸田レーシングオリジナルとしてゼロから設計・製作されたレース用エンジンです。戸田社長の夢を形にしたもので、エンジンコンストラクターである以上、中身のチューニングだけではなくエンジン全部を作りたいと考えて製作されたそうです。エンジンブロックやヘッド周辺パーツも全て削り出しで製作されており、その精度はもはや芸術の領域に入ったのではないかと感じるほどハイレベルなものでした。まずはレースで採用するのでしょうが、可能性があるならぜひ僕のS2000 1号車に搭載してみたい気がします。今回の展示会が終わったらエンジンベンチテストに入るとのこと、一体純正TODA POWERはどんな音を聴かせてくれるのでしょうか。見てみたいものです・・・。

■TODA RACING TR-FX01 各種車輌対応 近日発売予定

There was a technology event about human and cars at Pacifico Yokohama and so I went to check it out. I didn’t bump in to any one I knew but DOUMU and NITPATSU had a booth, at TORAY booth a S2000 was displayed with our I.S.Design bumper and ASM Dry Carbon Door installed. It was mostly a exhibit of inner content which I think has nothing to with us but it was interesting take a look through.

TODA RACING had a booth like last year. The main item they were showing was the TODA RACING original produced new engine TR-FX01. There were many booths out there with people going in and out but TODA RACING booth was always full with people. Everyone was interested at the engine. I think some of them was here for work but also for their personal time and own pleasure.

This engine is nothing based on. It is TODA RACING full original engine which they design and produced from zero and it’s especially for racing. It was Mr. Toda’s dream to make his own engine. As a engine constructor, not only tuning engines from the inside but to actually make a engine it self was their thought. Their accuracy is on the level of art. I think there are going to use it for race but if there is any chance, I would like to install this engine to our ASM S2000 Car No.1. after this exhibit there are going to do the bench test, I wander what kind of sound would a TODA POWER engine sound like, I would like to see it.

■TODA RACING TR-FX01 for any cars. Will be out soon.


I heart Honda!!2009薫風
楽しい1日 2009/05/22(Fri) 12:13:06
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次に訪問したのはSACLAMさん。Z34用サイレンサーキットの仕様変更モデルのチェックが主な目的でした。前回乗った時はエキマニが装着されていなかったのですが、今回はマキシムワークス製のエキマニを装着済みです。音質はそれ程大きく変わっていなくてある意味ホッとしました。加速時の音質はレーシングカーのそれに近い雰囲気が出ていて、音量で音質をごまかしている感じが一切ありません、さすがです。音質に自信がなければ音量を上げれば色々な部分がごまかせてしまいます。それをせずにあえて音質を徹底して追求する姿勢は見習いたいし、マフラーに限らずサスでもエアロでも、同じような考え方で製品を作って行きたいなぁと感じました。6月に開催するASM×レカロフェア IN スーパーオートバックス浜松 2009年夏にも、土日どちらか未定ですがSACLAMさんのZ34が来てくれることに急遽なりましたので、Z34オーナーの皆様もぜひご来店下さい。

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そして夜は戸田レーシングの戸田社長、チーフエンジニア島田さん、チーフデザイナー小西さん、イケメン営業マンを含め6人と、加藤寛規選手、僕の合計8人で横浜元町にあるエピセ ヌーベルシノワで食事をしました。ここ1ヶ月の練習の成果は抜群で、最初から最後まで料理もサービスも大好評。喜んでもらえて本当に良かったです。食事後は日本最速のタクシードライバー加藤寛規選手が運転するオデッセイと、それを先導して走る赤いMINIで馬車道にあるホテルまでちょっとだけドライブしました。また機会があればぜひASMに遊びに来てください。「幸男さんの休日」と言うタイトルがついた秘密の写真があるのですが、ここでは公開しないことにします。

Yesterday I went out with car no.1. First, I went to visit carbon composite factory CHALLENGE. The objective was to discuss the wide and high mount I.S.Design Rear Wing for those cars with the rear over fender installed. I am only thinking of making just one, especially for car no.1. First, we measured the car size with the 3dimention measuring equipment. I was a bit surprised with the result. The width of car no.1 is register as 1780mm but the actual width was 1795 so I have to re-register to change this before the next inspection. So, based on this number, we will choose the size of the rear wing. The shape of the foil section will be chose and made from previous data which should be effective and good looking rear wing. The trunk its self will be changed as well for this rear wing which will be able to take a larger down force.

The next I visited was SACLAM. To discuss the modifications of the silencer kit for the Z34. The last time I went, the exhaust manifold was not yet installed but this time it was installed. I was relief that the sound quality wasn’t that much different. The sound quality of the pick up has this racing feeling, which the sound quality is not covered with the sound volume. If there is no confidence with the sound quality, you can just make the volume louder to cover it up. But what SACLAM does is only pursuit for sound quality as much as they can. The way of how they approach is what I would like to learn. Not only with the exhaust but with the damper, body kit, etc. in June, we are planning to have the ASM×RECARO fair in Super Autobacs Hamamatsu and also after the summer, SACLAM is planning to bring their Z34. so, I think for those Z34 owners will be interesting.

and during the night, I went out for dinner with Mr. Toda from TODA RACING and chief engineer Shimada-san, chief designer Konishi-san and a sales rap six of them race car driver Kato Hiroki and me, the total of 8 of us went to my usual restaurant in Motomachi Yokohama. I think the choice of food I did for them paid off after coming here almost everyday for a month. And they were satisfied with every thing. After dinner, my red MINI and Kato Hiroki’s Odyssey sent them back to their hotel in Bashamichi. If there is a chance again it will be nice have them visit ASM.



MINIに乗って、鎌倉近辺をドライブしました 2009/05/20(Wed) 13:27:32
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昨日の休日はMINIに乗って鎌倉付近をドライブしてきました。自宅を出発して八幡宮前を目指し、鎌倉在住のS2000オーナーさんに教えてもらった報国寺→mimiLotus→稲村ケ崎海岸→極楽寺の順で訪問です。カメラはいつものNikon D700にAF-S 24-70mm F2.8ズームレンズを組み合わせての撮影でした。

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夜はそのままMINIに乗って、移動したり食事をしながら横浜市都筑区〜元町付近で過ごしました。首都高〜第三京浜を快調に走っていると「ここ1番」と言う場面に遭遇しました。MINIは、つい最近アライメント調整・デフオイル交換・タイヤの窒素ガス充填&内圧調整など細かいメンテナンスをしたばかりなので安心して運転を楽しむことができました。エンジンオイルはあと1,000km走ったら交換、LLC C72もそろそろ2年なので交換時期です。しっかりメンテナンスした車で気持ちよくドライブを楽しみたいですね。

Yesterday was my day off and as usual I went out for a drive with my MINI to Kamakura. After leaving my place, I headed for Hachibangu-mae. Then to Hokoku-tera which this S2000 owner from Kamakura told me. From there mimiLotus, inamuragasaki-kaigan, gokuraku-tera. As always, with my Nikon D700 with AF-S24-70mm F2.8 zoom lens.

With new green coming out with the changes of the season, it is nice take a walk in this kind of places. It makes you forget the busy time at work and stress during work. Walking through temple is also fun to do, can see things from different angle also help kill time. Wile getting lost a Gokuraku-tera I reached to this Enoden Station which has a good appearance. This made me want to go again.

At night, again with my MINI went around driving, head dinner then to Yokohama side until Motomachi. Going through Shutoko~up to Daisan-Keihin was the most fun part of the day. After maintaining the car with alignment, changing the deferential oil, adding nitrogen gas, and adjusting the inner pressure, before this made it even more fun. I think for the engine oil, another 1,000km I have to change it. and for the LLC72 is going to be almost two years so I have to change that as well. You have to maintain the car well to enjoy car life.



ASM×レカロフェア IN スーパーオートバックス浜松 2009年夏 2009/05/18(Mon) 19:56:25
ASMとスーパーオートバックス浜松の合同イベントを開催します。今回はレカロシートのASM LIMITEDシリーズがすごくお買い得になっている他、Z33・S2000用排気管、S2000用GT補強バーにフォーカスしたイベントにしました。横浜からは排気音試聴用にS2000 3号車とASM Z33の2台を持ち込みます。

レカロシートに関しては、ASM LIMITEDシリーズの試座シートをズラリとご用意する他、レカロジャパンからもASMからもスタッフが応援に駆けつけます。興味あるクルマ好きの皆さん、ぜひSA浜松に遊びに来てください!

■フェア開催期間  2009年6月13日(土)〜14日(日)の2日間



ASM LIMITEDモデルをお買い上げで、取付に必要なレカロジャパン製シートレールが無料〜50%OFFとなります。特にお買い得なのは定価が非常に安くなっているSR-3とSR-VF、定価に対して割引率が高いのがSR-11です。



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 さらに、今回のフェア特典といたしまして、今お使いのマフラーを下取りいたします。対象となるのはASM S-SPECIAL全モデルおよび無限マフラーです。篭り音が気になったり、もっと乾いた音質が欲しいと感じ始めたユーザーさんには絶好のチャンスとなります。

・ASM S-SPECIAL 全モデル 52,500円
・無限 スポーツエキゾーストシステム後期型 52,500円
・無限 スポーツエキゾーストシステム初期型 42,000円


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(5)ASM S-SPECIALマフラーシリーズお買い上げのお客様、取付工賃無料

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(6)ASM GTシリーズ補強バーお買い上げのお客様、取付工賃50%OFF

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(9)新製品 ASMフロントテンションバーGTお買い上げのお客様、取付工賃無料

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■フェア開催店舗 スーパーオートバックス浜松

店舗所在地:〒433-8113 静岡県浜松市小豆餅4丁目16番地1号
営業時間:月〜土(10:00-21:00)  日・祭日(10:00-20:00)



ASM ナビケース 2009/05/18(Mon) 16:12:33
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改めて書くほどのことではないのですが、僕は極めて方向音痴です。知らない場所に向かう時、右かな?と思って右折すると大体左側に目的の場所はあります。だから裏を読んで左に曲がると正解は右なんです。そんな僕の車に欠かせないのはナビゲーションシステム。できればピンポイントに目的地を案内してくれるのがベストなのですが、最近流行しているポータブルタイプの製品の中から、操作時の階層の分かりやすさ・レスポンスの良さ・デザインのバランスが好みだったSONY NAV-U3を選択しました。



SONY NAV-U3には標準の付属専用ケースがあります。持ち運び用のソフトケースで、かばんに無造作に収納してもモニター部に傷をつけないと言う意味では十分に機能的です。でも、もうちょっと格好いいのが欲しいと考えて収納ケースを作ることにしました。どうせなら車載状態でも使えるケースにしてみようと言うことになり、車載時専用の金属+本革カバーと、持ち運び用の本革ケースの2つ構成です。色は明るめのオレンジ、茶色、濃い目の茶色、黒、紺、ライムグリーンなど適当に数色用意します。10個だけ作って全部違う色、外カバーには905ロケットマークを刻印したヌメ革を縫製しました。

以前、吉田かばんさんが同じようにSONY NAV-U2用ケースを販売されていましたが、それよりも少し若々しい雰囲気を重視してデザインしたつもりです。自分が使うことを前提にしているので車載状態にもこだわりました。ケースのデザインを含め、これなら日常的に脱着して持ち運びたい気持ちになれます。新しい靴を履くと意味もなく外に出たくなるあの気分ににているかも(笑)。近日完成予定、入荷したら全部まとめて写真で紹介する予定ですが、もしかしたら紹介した時点で売れてしまっている色が出てくるかもしれません。追加生産は数量がまとまれば行いますが、そうでない場合は以上を持ちまして完売となりますので、掲載を楽しみにしててください。

■ASM ナビケース(SONY NAV-U3専用) 39,900円

There is no need to explain that I am bad with directions. When ever there is a place I need to go or to be, if I think the place is going to be on the right usually it’s on the left. And because of this some times the other way around. A person like me needs a navigation system. The best will be able to pint point the destination but I have chosen a portable type which is easy to use and response well, and off cause the design. The SONY NAV-U3.

It has been two-weeks after installing on my MINI and it is really very easy to use, helps me with things go much smoother. On my days off it’s also fun holding a map on one hand and go out for a drive but during work with a time schedule a car without it is very difficult. And now I have this on my MINI there will be more opportunity for me to drive out with my MINI.

The other things I like to do these days are going out for a walk. Getting information on a magazine or something and then go out with my MINI. I usually go out to Kamakura witch they have many old buildings renovated in to a café and it’s also fun to find these kind of places while going through small alleys. If you have no idea with the area, you will never reach your destination. Even with situations like this portable navigation system that I got will help. Since now I am using it almost everyday with it in the car, I shouldn’t have any problem with it off the car. It’s the best on hit or miss basis. You can also see what near by.

There is a cover included when you purchased this SONY NAV-U3. This can also be attached to the based with the cover on it and another one for carrying and it’s good enough. But I wanted a much more stylish case for my self. A cover when it’s on the car, which has a metal and lather appearance, and a full lather cover for hand carrying. The color I have chosen was bright orange, brown, dark brown, black, navy blue and lime green. I made 10pcs with all different colors. With the 905 rocket logo on the out side cover.

There was after market cover for this SONY NAV-U2 but our ASM cover has a bit more younger taste of design. Since I am going to be using this personally so I have persistence with the design so this will probably make me feel of using it everyday. It will be in stock in a few days, as soon as I get them I will take all the different colors and put it up here. Maybe it will be sold out when it gets in. if there is a certain amount of order we might re-produce but if not this will be the first and last.

■ASM Navi Case (for SONY NAV-U3) \39,900-



12,000円で創り出した楽しい横浜の夜 2009/05/17(Sun) 11:20:52
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昼夜連続でエピセの人、金曜土曜連続でエピセの人、今週5回目のエピセの人など他に行く店ないのかと言う程しつこく通った1週間でした。メニューは水餃子のゴマダレかけ、麻婆豆腐、黒酢あんかけ酢豚、鮎入りスープ麺、ご飯、アイス烏龍茶。おかわりしたご飯に麻婆豆腐をかけてセルフ麻婆丼を作ったり、Nikon D700に105mm、24-70mmを組み合わせた3台のカメラで暇つぶしの撮影を楽しんだりして12,000円。こんなに美味しいものを食べて、2時間ワイワイ楽しんで、奢ってもらえたから美味しさも楽しさも4倍で、これこそまさに生きたお金の使い方ではないでしょうか。

■epicer Nouvelle Chinois(エピセ ヌーベルシノワ)

営業時間 ランチ12:00〜14:00/ディナー18:00〜24:20
住所 〒231-0861 横浜市中区元町2-88 元町シエテB1
TEL (045)662-1485

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住所:横浜市中区山下町25-4 ヒラナンドハウス1F
営業時間:平日18:00〜4:00 週末 18:00〜5:00

Proper way of spending the Fixed Cash Hand Out. Go for a dinner with friends. I have made reservation as soon as I told them it was my treat. I told the restaurant that with \3,000yen per person and make it like a set menu with sweet and sour pork with some other items. This hole week I think I went to epicer for lunch and dinner, even the weekends. The menu was water-fried dumpling with sesame seed source, Mabo-Tofu, sweet and sour pork, shark fin soup noodle, rice and ice tea. Cover the rice with the mabo tofu was nice. Then we took some pictures as usual with the Nikon D700 with 105mm,24-70mm lens. Having such a delicious dinner and talk with some friends for two-hours and what a good time I had. This is the proper way of spending money.

■epicer Nouvelle Chinois

Opening Hours: Lunch 12:00〜14:00/Dinner18:00〜24:20
Address: 〒231-0861 Yokohama City Nakaku Motomachi 2-88 Motomachi Shete B1
TEL (045)662-1485

after this no one went home, or should I say I didn’t let them go home, I didn’t care or listen of their excuses and brought them to this café at the old Yamashita-cho. It was two-days in a roll for me. Here, you can enjoy a serious coffee. After all of us set down we took some more pictures with the Fixed Cash Hand Out. Using the timer on the camera. Even though all of us had the sam D700 camera, difference of the set up and with the battery the picture will come out differently and its interesting. With the camera stiffness getting high which helps with the shutter to go down without a blur. With the shutter speed this fast also helps with not missing and shutter chance. For this place I was a bit cheep and paid half of the total amount.


Address:Yokohamashi Nakaku Yamashitacho 25-4 Hiranando House1F
Fixed Holiday:Sunday
Opening Hours:week days 18:00〜4:00 weekends 18:00〜5:00


カーボン製を手にする最後のチャンスとなりました 2009/05/16(Sat) 14:53:19
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ASM 筑波スペシャル2004で採用して同時に市販化した空力パーツ「I.S.Designエアロシリーズ」、人気のポイントは空力性能は当然として、カーボンプリプレグを採用して軽量・高剛性を両立していることにあります。一見自然なルックスに見えるASM S2000 1号車もその中身は全てオートクレーブ成形のカーボン製品で、ラジアルタイヤ+エアコン付ながらFSW1分59秒台の大きな原動力となっています。


■I.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダー(CF・左右セット) 130,200円
■I.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダー(特注MR高強度CF・左右セット) 169,260円

* FRPモデルは継続生産します。

【オーダー期限】 5/24(日)20:00まで。製品代全額入金いただいただく必要があります。

Using at ASM Tsukuba Special 2004, and also sale for the market, the I.S.Design body kit series are popular because of the aero dynamics off cause but using carbon-prepreg to make it light and strong. Just looking at our ASM car no.1, looks natural but its all carbon fiber shaped by autoclave. Air-conditioned and using radial tires, manage to run Fuji at 1min59sec.

Using autoclave, usually you will need a special pressured strong mold but I knew there wasn’t going to be much people out there who are going to purchased and only a few users who wants the real thing and using it on car no.1 and car no.2 is point less to spend high cost just for the mold. With the minimum strength needed on the mold we used and repeating repairing the mold wile producing the products. The mold has finally reached its limit. So for this, we are accepting orders which will be the last for the carbon rear over fenders. For those thinking of purchasing the carbon fiber fenders, this is your last chance to purchase them. Let us know if you are planning to purchase.

■I.S.Design Rear Over Fender (CF・Right, Left Set) \130,200-
■I.S.Design Rear Over Fender(Custom Order MR High Mechanical Strength CF Right, Left Set) \169,260-

* FRP Models will still be Produced

【Order Deadline】 May 24th 20:00pm. We will need the full amount of the product.


ASM S2000 1号車、2009年3月富士テスト
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