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S2000 リフレッシュ
【In stock】ASM I.S.Design Rear Wing GT-09+Dry Carbon Trunk Set
ASM S2000 1号車 1/43モデルカープロジェクト パッケージ完成
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S2000、11年目のリフレッシュ 2009/11/16(Mon) 18:16:21
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登録後11年目を迎えたS2000のリフレッシュ作業のため入庫していただきました。今回のメニューはベースメニューのウェザーストリップや油脂類交換の他、サスペンションブッシュ類の交換、錆や固着で整備性が著しく落ちていたフロントサブフレーム交換、ASM SREダンパーキット1WAYを最新モデルへのバージョンアップ、アライメント調整などサスペンション関連のリフレッシュ作業を行いました。

一通り満足の行くようなクルマに仕上がった今、その状態を保つことや細部の見直しでさらに性能を引き出していくのが今後の方向性になると思います。ASM 1号車も、エンジン&ミッションマウントやサスペンションブッシュをリフレッシュすることでタイムに何らかの変化が出ると推測しているのですが、新規パーツの投入と同時に、時間の経過が引き起こす性能低下やトラブルを未然に防ぐリフレッシュ作業が今後重要になってくるでしょう。

After 11years having this car, this S2000 owner came to ASM to re-freshen his car. The based menu will be changing all the oils, all rubber parts like the weather strip, buses for the dampers, changing the front sub frame due to the rusts on it, up grading the ASM SRE Damper kit 1way to the new version and re-doing the alignment. We re-did suspension and around the suspension.

With the car being satisfy for now, to keep it that way it is and re-do more in details to bring out its performance will be the next direction. Even with the ASM car no.1 we are going to re-do the engine and transmission mount and the buses for the damper. Which it might make a difference with the time but adding new parts to the car, and the time passing by which might drop the performance of the car, its going to be also important to prevent any trouble by re-freshening the car.


ようこそ、ヨコハマ 2009/11/14(Sat) 19:59:23
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せっかくの横浜なので、新山下 千葉屋→Do Cafe→リベルテと言うASM食い倒れフルコースをセッティング、それぞれのお店でメンバーが入れ替わりながら同じように大騒ぎ?です。深夜2時に出発して今20時、そろそろ岡山KINGは眠くなってきたかもしれませんが、これからリベルテで夕食ですよ。さっ!出発〜☆


S2000 AP1にお薦めの排気システム 2009/11/14(Sat) 12:35:33
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先日衝動的にG.T WORKS GENROMを装着してしまったS2000オーナーさんがご来店になり、AP1にお薦めの排気管をセット装着いただきました。マフラーはI.S.Designサイレンサーキット。今さら何も言うことはないけど、篭り音を排除し、高周波&中間の鳴き音を保安基準である96db以下に収めるレベルの中で、できる限りドライバーに聴かせるように調律してあります。また、完全グラスウールレス構造なので、長期間音量や音質が変化することなくお使いいただくことが可能です。


■ASM I.S.Designサイレンサーキット  315,000円
■ASM エキゾーストマニホールド04  134,400円

This S2000 owner came to ASM today to install the I.S.Design Silencer and the Exhaust manifold 04 today. The last time he came, he installed the G.T. WORKS GENROM unintentionally and came today to do the exhaust. There is nothing new to say about the I.S.Design Silencer kit but removing the muffled sound, keeping the high frequency and screaming sound within the regulation of 96db. It’s been tuned so that the driver can enjoy the sound quality. The silencer its self does not uses any glass wool which makes it last long with the volume and helps keep the sound quality.

The exhaust manifold 04 was chosen purposely. If you are thinking of reducing time by a second and the peak power is less but the mid torque has more with the 07 manifold but with the AP1 which goes all the way to 9,000rpm 04 manifold would be recommended. Even with the welding 04 is better. He will be coming again next month for the AP-1 big throttle. Thank you for coming all the way from Karuizawa.

■ASM I.S.Design Silencer Kit  315,000 Yen
■ASM Exhaust Manifold 04  134,400 Yen


FIAT 500×SACLAM 2009/11/13(Fri) 17:21:25
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気になるクルマ(謎)FIAT 500にMT-DRACOスポーツマフラーを装着しました。設計・製造はSACLAMさんです。テールピースのみを交換するタイプなのですが、音量はとても低く抑えられていて、全開近くまで踏み込んだ時に小さいけどしっかりとSACLAMの音が出る感じ。触媒の影響か、かなり高周波音の絶対的ボリュームが絞られているので、それの残しながら調律してドライバーに聴かせるのに苦労している感じがしました。


MT-DRACO  FIAT500 1.4L用スポーツマフラー(with SACLAM)  115,500円

One car which I am interested in is the FIAT 500. We installed the MT-DRACO sports muffler today. The Design and production is from SACLAM. Only be changing the tail piece and the volume is very low but when you step on the gas and almost on the top end you will be able to hear the SACLAM music. I think it’s the catalyses but the high frequency sound has twisted out at a pretty high volume which I think was a difficult thing to tune up the sound for the driver.

It’s not a item which for those who needs to increase the volume of the exhaust. Changing the exhaust for those who are in to sound quality more than volume is recommended.
Its more difficult to understand than SWIFT or Copen but if you listen carefully you will be able to hear the SACLAM music.

■MT-DRACO  FIAT500 1.4L Sports Muffler (with SACLAM) 115,500 yen


Carbon+A7075 2009/11/12(Thu) 12:03:12
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初期ロット30個の内、ASM Blogに掲載する前に15個が売れてしまいました。普通の人には何の変哲もないただの名刺入れですが、モノ作り屋さんが見ると思わず手にしたくなる存在感を持つ製品です。一生モノのアイテムのひとつとしてぜひ手に入れて下さい。

■ASM CONCEPT カーボン名刺ケース  63,000円

After making the wallet, coin wallet, card and key holder, the next item is also another product which you will need to carry all the time. Business card holder. The main material is carbon, it’s been shaped and produced the same way as our ASM body kits. On the surface to make light as much as possible and to give out the carbon material look, we did not paint any clear coat on the surface but just buff up the surface. On both ends uses the duralumin A7075 material for light weight as well. Inner part of the duralumin has a trench shape which the thin carbon will fit perfectly.

It’s thin as a paper but whenever you open and close it, it gives out this dry sound due to the carbon rigitbility. With its complicated production way, for hose seeing it will be surprised with its quality. Uno-san from SACLAM gave me a call a week after purchased saying how he was impressed with its quality. Our Driver Kato Hiroki-San just started smiling as soon as he held it in his hand. One of our customer who flies fighter jet plains also thank us for making such product for him and enjoying every time he takes his business card out.

The first lot we produced 30pcs but before even putting it up on the ASM Blog 15pcs was sold. For some it just looks like a business card holder but for those who makes or produces products, it’s a item you would like to have just with its existence. Think of it as a life time item.

■ASM Carbon Business Card Holder  63,000 Yen



Sと一緒に鎌倉で過ごす休日 2009/11/11(Wed) 14:12:09
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S2000に乗って鎌倉に行ってきました。首都高湾岸線〜横横道路〜朝比奈峠〜鎌倉市街〜R134〜R1〜横浜新道〜第三京浜ルートで、天気がいいからもちろんずっとオープンです。適度な音量と綺麗な音質のI.S.DesignサイレンサーキットもHYPERCO+SRE 3WAYの乗り味も、相変わらず好印象です。路面がいい横横道路は当然として、朝比奈峠の波状路面でも車の余計な揺れを受け流して車体を安定させてくれるサスペンションでした。

SA神戸イベントでG.T WORKS寺崎源さんが乗ってくれたのですが、運転のしやすさに改めて感動してくれたほどのスポーツ性能と、快適にドライブできるコンフォート性能を併せ持った仕上がりなので、幅広い用途に自信を持ってお薦めできます。

I went for a drive to Kamakura with the S2000 today. The weather was just nice and enjoyed the drive with the top down. With the just nice volume and the clear sound which the I.S.Design Silencer makes was a good feeling as always. You wouldn’t feel tired with the sound no matter how long you drive in it. A face of a sports car but as a open top car and to enjoy the S2000 slowly it has two sides. Not only looking at the price, I would like as much S2000 owner to experience this.

The HYPERCO with SRE 3WAY was as usual it was great. Even though the road surface was good and makes you feel like you can go through any where with absolute stability. Even on a bad surface the damper will reduce any unnecessary movement and stabilize the car. The other day at Kobe we had a event Terazaki Gen-san from G.T WORKS drove it and was re-surprised again with its sports performance and how much comfort it has which can be use at all kinds and many stages.

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Driving a S2000 such like this, with the top down went for a slow drive in Kamakura. Took some photos of temples, have tea, just listening to the wave at the beach, driving through R134 like today, brining car no.1 and 2 to the track, drive to Hakone with customer with car no.3 has a different feeling. I enjoyed the slow moving day and felt re-freshen. Making a car which especially for a time attack car no.2, a racing car which can be driven on the street car no.1. It’s like a toy. Enjoy the wind with a certain sports performance with car no.3. all of them has its fun in each and every one of them.

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ameno spazio訪問 2009/11/10(Tue) 18:37:40
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今日はASMは店休日でしたが、新製品の打ち合わせを兼ねてameno spazioさんを訪ねました。最近リリースしている財布・パスケース・ナビケース・CDケース・カード&キーホルダーなど革小物は全てこちらで製作していただいているんですよ。本職は靴で、人それぞれの足型をベースに様々な革とデザインを組み合わせてオリジナルの靴製作をしてくれる他(30万円〜)、既成の形状をベースに好みの色や革質や縫製を組み合わせるセミオーダー的な靴まで色々やってくれます(8万円前後)。


ちなみに革職人でありオーナーの仲垣さんは、最近こだわりのオールドminiを手放してR53MINI乗りになりました。もちろんSACLAMサイレンサーキットやASM SREダンパーキットZERO装着済みです。今度機会を作って僕の赤いMINIに乗せてやろうと企み中。きっとあれやこれが欲しくなるに違いありません。

ASM was close today but I went to visit ameno spazio to discuss a new item. All the small items like the wallet, navigation case, CD case, card and key holder are made here. They are actually a lather shoe maker, based on the shape of there foot, there will design with the lather to make your own original shoes. You can also make a original shoe from the basic model which they have by arranging the colors, material and stitches of you favorite choice.

For them, all our orders are a small work for them but they always give a perfect work as a professional. The wallet is a good example. I myself also using it but as time passes by, the existence increases and makes me like it more every day. They also use very good quality lather and do the stitching very needy in details. The latest card and key holder, for those car lovers I made only 25 sets of it and was sold instantly. I have ordered additional 2 more which will be in dark brown and badge.

And the owner of this place just recently let go of his old mini and purchased a R53 MINI. And off cause he has the SACLAM Silencer kit and the ASM SRE Damper kit ZERO installed. I am planning let him experience my red MINI. I am sure there will be items he would like to get.


ASM キー&カードホルダー
RECARO PRO RACER SP-A HANS 2009/11/09(Mon) 13:37:46
1109 S2000 HANS DSC_7857.jpg

1号車のレカロシートをRS-G ASM LIMITED ALCANTARAからPRO RACER SP-Aに変更しました。写真はHANS対応の最新モデルですが、実際に装着するのはASM筑波スペシャルに装着しているHANS非対応モデルを流用します。いつかこのシートが欲しいとは思っているんですけどね。



We changed the RECARO seat of car no.1 from RS-G ASM LIMITED ALCANTARA to PRO RACER SP-A. The picture is the latest which corresponding to HANS but we will actually be installing the one from Tsukuba special without the HANS. I actually do want to install this seat but…
The reason of changing the seats is for reducing weight and to have more support. I don’t really have any complaints with RS-G but since now car no.1 is no longer road legal without a license plate, I am planning to do as much things possible with the car. The dash bored and the door panel has the same material with the previous one so the design would be a bit strange. Plus the velour material compared to the alcantara, has less strength and easier to slip. But since car no.1 will reducing weight to its limit without any unnecessary things installed it might look nice from a different point of view. Depending on the car and usage of the material, a car can change so much.

I could roughly imagine how it will look like when installed, by imagining with the ASM Tsukuba Special. The only thing I was worried was the clearance with the roll cage with the top part of the seat. Just like I thought in the beginning, when I felt the front and the rear bar will need to be redesign. It just had a slight clearance and manage to install it, there wasn’t any problem with the side bar and side support and has a 5mm clearance with the door panels and the shoulder support. We will be using the RECARO JAPAN Ultra Low Position seat rails so there isn’t anything to worry about safety. Even for some, seat rails aren’t that much important compared to the seat quality. With the ASM Tsukuba Special 2003 we were using after market seat rails but from 2004~untill now we changed to the RECARO genuine seat rails for more strength and safety.


湘南食王のバースデー・イブ☆パーティー2009 2009/11/08(Sun) 13:04:45
Liberte 091107_221546.jpg

撮影:Softbank AQUOS SHOT 933SH By ASM王子

今日誕生日を迎えたお客様のバースデーイブを男4人でお祝いしました。まずはASMの裏にある新山下 千葉屋で食事です。ここの魚料理は絶品なのですが、その中でも特にボクがお薦めしている3品を注文しました。活アジフライ定食、生カレイ塩焼き定食、キンキダイ煮付け定食です。アジフライは読んだそのまま、生きたアジをその場で捌いてフライにしてくれます。サクサクの衣の奥からフワッと香りが口いっぱいに広がる自然な美味しさにみんなビックリする料理です。カレイの塩焼きも同じ。肉厚のカレイを焼き上げて、徳島のお客さんからいただいたスダチを搾って食べるとメッチャ幸せ。キンキダイの煮付けは煮汁をご飯にかけて食べたくなる美味しさです。これでひとり1,000円〜1,300円(大盛り料金除く)、安いでしょ。



ASM S2000 1号車、2009年シーズンの方向性 2009/11/07(Sat) 14:55:50
1107 S2000 no1 DSC_7486.jpg









・リヤブレーキシステム変更(AP RACING)

I had a good time yesterday at Tsukuba Circuit. There wasn’t enough time for Matsuda Hideshi-san to get used to the car but after the session and I asked what he felt about the car, like many other professional drivers who driven it was almost the same comment. I think even though it was a short time he understood the potential of what car no.1 has. The next test will be in end of November to beginning of December. We will bring car no.1 to Fuji Speed Way for a much more detailed test. I am going to write down a list what I am planning to do before the next test. There isn’t much time and I am not sure how much we can do but keeping the current spec, and to gain less time on the track, reducing weight will be the main things to do. It all depends on our mechanic Sakagami and Ooki.

■Reducing Weight

・Removing the air-conditioner
・Removing the condenser
・Removing the electrical fan
・Removing the all the air-conditioner switch and pasting a carbon fiber plate
・Removing passenger seat
・Removing the bonnet catch, installing a bonnet pin
・Removing the trunk opener, installing a trunk pin
・Removing the bonnet damper
・Reducing weight for the front core support
・Removing the audio
・Removing the Speakers
・Removing the ETC
・Removing the passenger side power window motor
・Removing the keyless entry system
・Removing the wipers
・Removing the wiper switches
・Removing the window washer tank
・Removing the heater hoses around the individual throttles
・Removing the Catalyser
・Removing the side brake
・Reduce weight for the head lights

■Changing parts

・Driver Seat from RS-G to SP-A
・Fly Wheel from Spoon to TODA
・Additional aero dynamic parts for the front tires
・Adding the I.S.Design rear wing IS-09 with the carbon trunk
・Change the wheel nut to titanium from duralumin
・Change the shift knob from STD NSX-R to STD Type S
・Toe hook from stainless to dualumin
・Fuel hose, air jack hose to BMRS from EARL’S
・Deferential case from spoon to STD
・Deferential mount, STD to MUGEN
・Engine Mission Mount, STD to MUGEN
・Adding paint to the rotors.


・Redoing the gear ratio
・installing a easy data logger
・redo the power outlet for the on bored camera

■Things I want to do in the near future

・Changing the rear brake system to AP RACING
・Installing a safety tank
・Install polycarbonate side window
・Changing the driver side window to manual
・Change the battery and hues box to passenger side
・Install carbon dash bored


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