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年末と新年のご挨拶 2009/12/31(Thu) 13:02:56
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ASM 金山 新一郎

Thank you for your kind support for 2009

I know I wasn’t at my best and many to learn,

I could not satisfy all equally but

But by providing parts, this blog, time spent together,

Hope you enjoyed your car life a bit more with us.

If so, that will make us happy as a car lover.

Have a great year.

For 2010 we will be open from the 1st as usual.

ASM Kanayama Shinichiro.
Designed by ASM. 2009/12/30(Wed) 19:38:25
1230 RECARO RS-G_CL_image_ASM.jpg

たかが糸色の違いです。たったそれだけでも純正内装が赤ステッチを採用した車種であれば、ASM LIMITEDほど似合うレカロシートは他にありません。逆に純正内装がシルバーステッチであれば、それに合わせてシルバーステッチだったり目立たない黒ステッチを合わせるのが普通です。ところが、そんな当たり前を受け入れず、あえて赤Wステッチを選択されるユーザーさんが数え切れないほどいらっしゃいます。何故でしょう?ノンスリップサポートや分割座面の追加など機能面での差別化の他に、赤Wステッチを中心としたデザインの要素が大きいのが支持されている理由です。

ASM LIMITEDが人気の車種でまず思い浮かぶのはS2000、そしてホンダのスポーティカー達です。やはりNSX-RをはじめとするType-Rシリーズが築き上げた赤Wステッチ=レーシーと言うイメージが、ホンダファンの心のどこかに刻まれているのかもしれません。アテンザ・アクセラ・RX-7・RX-8・NCロードスターなどのマツダ車、レガシィ・インプレッサ、VWゴルフ・ポロ、スズキ スイフトスポーツにも、赤いイルミネーションと赤Wステッチ、インパネ各部に散りばめられたメタリック調塗装とシルバーRECAROロゴのマッチングの良さで人気があります。ポルシェ・日産GT-Rオーナーさんは「赤Wステッチ=レーシー」と言う情報がDNAにインプットされているのか、シルバーステッチモデルと人気を二分していることに驚きます。

元々は「こんなシートがあったらいいな」と言うユーザー目線の希望から始まったRECARO ASM LIMITEDシリーズは、今や人気ランキング上位を占めるモデルに成長しました。今日装着した8脚のレカロシートは全てDesigned by ASM、赤Wステッチは今やASMの代名詞となりました。

It’s just a color difference. Just for that reason, if your car uses a red stitch there isn’t any other RECARO seats which will match like that ASM LIMITED seats. If the interior of the car uses are silver stitch or a black stitch it is normal to choose the normal seats. even thought the interior of their car are normal stitches many users at ASM chooses our ASM LIMITED models. The reason is because of the non slip support on the shoulder or the divided seating surface and off cause the red doubled stitches not only with the design but with the performance as well are recognized and supported.

The popular cars with the ASM LIMITED series are S2000 and other HONDA sports cars. Beginning with the NSX-R or the Type-R series with their red doubled stitches give out a racy image, which I think it’s in their hearts of those HONDA fans. With the ATENZA, RX-7, RX-8, NC Roadster, LEGACY, IMPRESSA, VW Golf, Polo, SUZUKI SWIFT Sports has red illumination with red double stitch and a metallic color on the panels which matches the silver RECARO logo. With Porches and NISSAN GT-R they already have in their mind that red stitches equals racy but still its either red or silver double stitches for them.

It started of with many request of the customer which began to be the RECARO ASM LIMITED. Which are the most popular models. We installed 8sets of seats today and all of them was Design by ASM. The red double stitch has become the pronoun for ASM.


S2000 Type-S×S-SPECIAL70 2009/12/30(Wed) 17:06:24
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栃木県からご来店のS2000 Type-SオーナーさんがS-SPECIAL70をお買い上げ下さいました。Sスペは僕が1号車に乗っていた頃お客様と一緒にあれこれ試しながら作り出したマフラーで、2002年当時、スポーツマフラーの篭り音はあって当たり前と思われていた時代から、篭り音の排除と鳴き音の両立を目指して作り込んでいました。それはマーケティングありきでもエンジニア魂ありきでもなく、ただS2000をもっとS2000らしく乗りたいと思う気持ちが結果的にその方向性に結びついただけです。メインパイプを60φから70φに拡大したり各部の質感を向上させたり、数年かけて細部の改善や改良を繰り返し、最近では中間ユニット内部の溶接はがれトラブルを回避するため設計変更を実施してお客様の協力で半年間耐久テストを行い、12月に新仕様で発売開始しました。



■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000円
■I.S.Designリヤエアロバンパー04  126,000円

This S2000 Type-S owner came from Tochigi to install the S-SPECIAL 70. With the S-special, when I was still driving car no.1 we started making it together with the customer trying out all kinds ways to build it. at that time, muffled sound from a sports muffler was normal but we wanted to remove the muffled sound and more of a screaming noise. its not because of the market or the spirit of a engineer but just wanted to make the S2000 more what it should sound like. Through out the years, we have done many minor changes to it, trying to improve the exhaust. In the beginning was 60φ for the main pipe but ended becoming 70φ improving the detail parts, in the end to reduce the problem of the middle unit of breaking, re-designing the welded parts. With the co-operation of a customer who did the endurance test for the past six months, we decided to re-lease the new version of the S-Special in December.

We have many enquires about the sound difference with the Type-T but off cause the single exhaust will sound much better with much more clear screaming sound. But that is if you only compare this two. Even with the Type-T has an S-Special sound to satisfy you. With the exhaust getting worn out after years of usage, due to the glass wool which is a sound deadening material inside of it you don’t really have much choice of preventing it. we will attach a inner silencer to reduce the volume for the inspection but other then that, there isn’t much you can do about it.

With the latest ASM I.S.Design Silencer Kit, We remove the bad part of the S-special. In details, we don’t use any glass wool at all, tightening pipes just a few mm so that it will not affect the performance but still manage to make it within 96db. Removing any muffled sound with only a screaming sound with a high frequency sound for the driver to enjoy. Even the ASM stuff has a different taste with these two exhausts and both of them are recommended.

■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000 Yen
■I.S.Design Rear Aero Bumper 04  126,000 Yen


結論はSREダンパーキット2WAY 2009/12/29(Tue) 16:39:24
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納車して半年のS2000 Type-SにSREダンパーキット2WAYを装着しました。当初はASM Aragostaサスペンションキットを予定されていましたが、散々悩んだ上での決断です。現在サーキット走行は一切考えてないと言うことですが、同じスプリングのまま減衰調整のみで街乗りからサーキットまで幅広く対応できるSRE 2WAYを選択されました。SREダンパーキットは僕も驚くほどの人気で、先週はS2000用2WAYを1台、MINI用3WAYを1台、今日S2000用2WAYを1台、さらに来月S2000用3WAYを1台ご成約いただいています。



■ASM SREダンパーキット2WAY  997,500円

After six months having the S2000 Type-S, we installed the SRE Damper Kit 2WAY. In the beginning he was planning to install the ASM Aragosta suspension kit but in the end he decided to install the 2way. At the moment he has no intention of driving it on the track but with the same spring rate just adjusting the damper you will be able to drive from town, city use until track use with the SRE 2WAY. The SRE Damper kit are popular, we installed another 2WAY on a S2000 last week, 3WAY on a MINI, 2WAY on a S2000 today and we have another reservation next month for S2000 installing the 3WAY.

This owner used to drive a AP1 and used to drive at Fuji and Motegi. The car was mainly for the track. But the base line of modifying a car takes up balance of money and time. He only used to install parts which were necessary. Which did make the car fast but it didn’t really make him satisfy him. For the new Type-S which he got, he is planning modify the car so that he can have fun on the street and comfort. His not going to compromise anything but take his time and enjoy the car.

I told him that the three ASM S2000 cars which we have, the set up and specs are a bit different but the parts we are using are basically the same. He understood what I was trying to say and I will recommend parts which you will not need to bear anything about the car or reduce the performance of the car with speed, comfort, durability, legally well balanced parts.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit 2WAY  997,500 Yen


無限エアクリーナーBOX 2009/12/29(Tue) 15:32:18
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■無限 S2000 AIR CLEANER&BOX  138,600円
■ASM ラジエタープレート(Carbon)  23,100円

An early model S2000 Owner came to ASM today. I don’t know how to describe it if its passion or just obsession but with how frequently he maintains his car and how clean he keeps it always surprises me. Just looking at the engine room you will believe it as if it’s been only driven for 500km. It deserves to be in a collection hall.

What we install on this S2000 was the MUGEN air-cleaner Box. for performance there is nothing new to say and for me personally, its one product which I have a respect for. A car this clean, you would want the parts to be installed clean and properly as well. our mechanic Ooki was appointed to do the labor.

■MUGEN S2000 AIR CLEANER&BOX  138,600 Yen
■ASM Radiator Plate (Carbon)  23,100 Yen


ASM S-SPECIAL70+G.T WORKS GENROM 2009/12/29(Tue) 14:15:42
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今回はハブ周辺のリフレッシュ作業を実施しましたが、次はクラッチ関連のオーバーホールとチューニングをご検討されているようです。乗りやすさとTODA 2.35Lエンジンのトルクにも耐える性能をバランスしたASM SREオーガニッククラッチディスクとTODA RACING軽量フライホイールの同時交換がお薦めですよ。ご注文お待ちしています。

12/30追記  さらに今日レカロシートを追加購入下さいました。

■G.T WORKS GENROM(AP1用) 131,250円(ノーマル下取)
■ASM ビッグスロットルIS-09(AP1-100〜120)  63,000円
■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000円

With the modification of the center unit, the S-SPECIAL are getting popular. After entering this month, this is our 8th one to install. He has the air-cleaner box, exhaust manifold, silencer kit all from MUGEN but for the silencer, for more improve response and a higher pitch sound, changing the MUGEN silencer to S-Secial70 silencer kit. He also added the ASM Big Throttle IS-09 and GENROM. The sound quality and performance will be completely different. A roughness of which AP1 had will disappear and from bottom to top will run smoothly with a nice torque curve and a became a fun and comfortable car.

We also re-freshen the knuckles and the hubs. The next step he is thinking is to over hauling the whole clutch system. What we recommend is the ASM SRE Organic clutch disc and TODA RACING light weight fly wheel which cal also handle a TODA 2.35L Engine toque.

■G.T WORKS GENROM(for AP1) 131,250 Yen(Genuine trade in)
■ASM Big Throttle IS-09(AP1-100〜120)  63,000 Yen
■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000 Yen


ASM ビッグスロットルIS-09+G.T WORKS GENROM 2009/12/29(Tue) 13:46:37
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AP1用ビッグスロットルを装着していただきました。TODA RACING製ですが、逆R形状に削ったインテーク内部形状を採用した完全オリジナルモデルです。ビッグスロットルとエキゾーストマニホールドはNAエンジンチューンの要と言って過言ではないだけに、こう言った細かい積み重ねを大切にしたいところです。無限エアクリーナーBOX・無限エキゾーストマニホールド・無限マフラーと合わせて、吸排気が一通り完成しました。

そして予定外だったかも知れませんが、G.T WORKS GENROMをご成約下さいました。一通り必要なパーツが揃っているので効果が最大限に発揮されることでしょう。ECU交換によって得られる抜群の乗りやすさは、実際の速さにも快適性にも直結しています。来月のイベントを楽しみにお待ち下さい。

■G.T WORKS GENROM(AP1用) 131,250円(ノーマル下取)
■ASM ビッグスロットルIS-09(AP1-130〜200)  63,000円

We installed the big throttle for AP1. It’s made by TODA RACING but, the “R” shape intake makes it a original model. It is very important for a NA engine tune to change the big throttle and exhaust manifold, and this kind of detail works are important and makes a difference. for this customer, with the MUGEN air-cleaner BOX, MUGEN exhaust manifold, MUGEN muffler and with the big throttle, the system is complete.

It wasn’t in his interest but he also made a reservation for the G.T. WORKS GENROM. With the system complete, this will bring out its performance even more. Changing the ECU will make the car even easier to drive, which will effect with the actual speed and comfort. Please look forward for the next month’s event.

■G.T WORKS GENROM(For AP1) 131,250 Yen Yen(Genuine trade in)
■ASM Big Throttle IS-09(AP1-130〜200)  63,000 Yen


ASM ビッグスロットルIS-09
S2000 Type-Sに適合しています 2009/12/28(Mon) 18:09:19
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■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット  315,000円

We installed the popular I.S.Design silencer kit. Since the car was brand new and was a Type-S, to match the latest exterior regulations he chose our silencer. with the sound quality its still the same, it has a dry light sound what a Honda car should sound. Not like any other exhaust the sound quality and volume will stay the same.

One of the difficult tuning parts to develop for S2000 is the exhaust. For AP1, AP2 both are high rpm engine and to measure the sound volume will be very high. To show and make a sound which is understandable for the driver, the volume will go over. In the other hand, to prevent the over volume, you will need to make the inner part of the center silencer very small. Doing this will effect the performance. Each company, each shop does it with their own thoughts and knows how to produce one to match the regulation with the performance, sound quality and endurance. At ASM, we completely ignored the elements of price. We made one without the inner silencer for the public road but also thought of the sound quality; performance and endurance are welled balanced. That is the I.S. Design silencer kit.

■I.S.Design Silencer Kit  315,000 Yen


SスペType-T → I.S.Designサイレンサーキット
G.T WORKS GENROMフェア2010 2009/12/28(Mon) 17:37:14
1228 GENROM Fair.jpg

2009年3月に開催して大好評だったG.T WORKS GENROMフェアを開催します。

一応今でもD1ドライバーのG.T WORKS寺崎源さんが来てくれて、朝から晩までずっと装着作業をしてくれる企画と言うことで前回はとても好評でした。その後もお客様から本当にたくさんのリクエストがあったので再度開催することになりました。今日現在既に7台の作業予約をいただいています。当日飛び込みの作業は台数的に難しくなる可能性がありますので、必ず作業予約をして下さい。





S2000(AP1・AP2) シビックType-R(FD2) フェアレディZ(Z33・VQ35DE)



* S2000に関しては事前装着をお薦めしたい製品がいくつかあります。

・ASMビッグスロットルIS-09  63,000円


・NGK レーシングプラグ8番

G.T WORKSさんでは、ECU交換をやる場合番手アップをお薦めしています。ASMのユーザーさんでも番手アップして体感度が大幅にアップしたと言う声がたくさんありました。S2000の場合緩みが発生する場合がありますので、交換後は定期的にチェックをして下さい。


KINGは死んだ 2009/12/27(Sun) 13:57:40
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2009年、ASMで最も熱い男ランキングで上位入賞したプリンスのシゲ、今年最後のメニューはI.S.Designエアロによるワイド化と、それに伴うタイヤホイールのインチアップでした。2週間ほど前に納車したのですが、「街の中で走る姿を撮ってくれ」と言うリクエストにお応えするため、今までBlogに掲載していませんでした。今回作業したのはフロントエアロフェンダー・インナーフェンダーブラケット・リヤオーバーフェンダー・リヤワイドバンパー、それにProdrive GC-07J 18インチ+BS POTENZA RE-11 255/35-18をセット装着です。

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タイヤはドライ&ウェットグリップとライフの長さのバランスが良いRE-11、ホイールは強度・剛性・軽量・品質全ての面でバランスが取れたProdrive GC-07Jを選択、1号車で使っているものと同じサイズのASMスペシャルモデルをベースにしてN2オレンジ塗装しました。ドアミラーとモナコミラーも同じくN2オレンジに塗装しています。今後の方向性についてプリンスはこんな風に言っていました。

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■I.S.Designフロントエアロフェンダー  142,800円(左右セット)
■I.S.Designインナーフェンダーブラケット  31,500円(左右セット)
■I.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダー(特注MR高強度CF・左右セット) 169,260円
■I.S.Designリヤエアロバンパー08 ワイド  126,000円

One of the hottest guys in ASM for 2009 was “Prince Shige”. The last menu he did to his car was to widen it with the I.S. Design Fenders and the tires larger to match it. the car its self was actually finished two weeks ago but he wanted me to take pictures of the car while cruising. And that’s why I didn’t put it up on the blog. The items we installed was the front aero fender, inner fender bracket, rear over fender, rear wide bumper and Prodrive GC-07J 18inch with BS POTENZA RE-11 255/35-18.

For the material he chose for the I.S.Design Front Aero Fender was FRP. Adding the exhaust duct, with the wider fenders of 25mm will give you more options with the tire size. It also matches with the genuine bumper or any other after market bumpers. We also have a special bracket so that the genuine inner fender could be installed. For the rear over fender, he chose the MR enhance CFRP which is already sold out. And to match it, the wide rear bumper as well.

For the tires, he chose the RE-11 which has a well balance life on the dry and wet. For the wheels, the Prodrive GC-07J which has strength, rigidity, light weight and quality. The same size is also been used on our ASM car no.1 but painted in our ASM special N2 orange. For the door mirror and the Monaco mirror is also been painted the same. He was telling me the future plans with the car. “I would want to install the I.S.Design Rear Wing, front diffuser and rear diffusers to improve the aero performance and looks. KING is already dead, I am going to call him THE Hasunuma-san, and 2010 KING is going to be me”.

■I.S.Design Front Aero Fender  142,800 Yen(L,R Set)
■I.S.Design Inner Fender Bracket  31,500 Yen(L,R Set)
■I.S.Design Rear Over Fender (Order Made MR Enhance CF L,R Set) 169,260 Yen
■I.S.Design Rear Aero Bumper 08 Wide  126,000 Yen


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