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R55 MINI CLUBMAN×SRE IS-09 2010/01/09(Sat) 12:16:19
0109 R551 DSC_4441.jpg
0109 R552 DSC_4414.jpg
0109 R553 DSC_4434.jpg
0109 R554 DSC_4413.jpg
0109 R555 DSC_4429.jpg

ASM SREダンパーキットZEROを装着しているMINIクラブマンオーナーさんがご来店、ダンパーセッティングをIS-09仕様にバージョンアップすると同時に、タイヤをTOYO PROXES T1RからBS POTENZA RE-11に変更してアライメント調整を行いました。オーナーさんは特注オーダーでSRE 3WAYを製作して入れ替えることをご希望でしたが、まずはZEROを仕様変更することでその方向性を確認して欲しかったのでお断りしました。



■ASM SREダンパーキットZERO O/H+仕様変更  105,000円〜

This MINI clubman owner came to ASM today to change his damper setting from ASM SRE Damper kit ZERO to IS-09 Ver. In the same time changing the tires from TOYO PROXES T1R to BS POTENZA RE-11 and did the alignment. The owner wanted to specially order the SRE 3WAY damper and replace it but I wanted him to change his ZERO to IS-09 and feel the experience the difference.

Bottom line, compared from ZERO the IS-09 has a completely different comfort ride and makes you feel it’s another different damper. You can specially feel the difference on the high way, whenever you go over the plates, you can feel its not too stiff but moving in details. For sports performance, will be using the same spring so the movement of the car does not have much difference. if you are thinking of track use you might not feel its enough but for winding roads you will feel its more then enough. The traction performance has improve so in speed wise it might be the difference.

Since we only changed the spec of the damper, even increasing the spring rate you will be able to have the same ride comfort, and now with the damper performance we can recommend RE-11 or Neova then the T1R or RE050. Off cause the matching of these tires are fine but on the corners or on the braking tire performance have a say. Without reducing the comfort ride I recommend using a high grip tire. This customer will be going to Kyoto tomorrow and I am sure he will have a relaxed long drive.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit ZERO O/H+Spec Change  from 105,000 Yen


ASM Version 2010/01/08(Fri) 14:05:11
0108 a1 DSC_4379.jpg
0108 a2 DSC_4391.jpg

ASM Aragostaサスペンションキットをお買い上げいただきました。車高ダウン量をストリートユースに支障が出ない25mm程度に抑え、特別な軽量化をしていないノーマル+αのS2000にスポーツラジアルタイヤを履いてワインディング〜サーキットを走行する、そんなシチュエーションを狙ってセッティングしたダンパーにHYPERCOスプリングを組み合わせた製品です。


■ASM Aragostaサスペンションキット  445,200円(特別価格 378,050円・15%OFF)

This customer purchased the ASM Aragosta Damper kit. Lowering the car by 25mm which will not affect the car in any way for street use. The setting is for without any reducing any weight of the car, with sports radial tires installed and which will able to cover from winding roads to the track. The damper will have the HYPERCO springs as well.

We have done the test and set up at Fuji, Suzuka and Motegi with a GT500 Driver. Compared with the SRE damper the feeling will off cause be different but postural change of the car will give you an accurate control of it. There isn’t any wide difference with each damper and you will be able to experience the actual high potential of the damper. We have prepared 5 sets per year and manage to sale it constantly but it has come down to the last two. We have prepared a special price for it. please contact us if you are interested.

■ASM Aragosta Suspension Kit  445,200 Yen(Special Price 378,050 Yen・15%OFF)


KW Damper Kit Version-3×S2000
安全装備 2010/01/05(Tue) 17:52:50
0105 FD1 DSC_4238.jpg
0105 FD2 DSC_4240.jpg
0105 FD3 DSC_4244.jpg

いつもご来店いただいているFD2シビックType-Rオーナーさんが、TAKATA4点式ハーネスを装着です。先月から富士でスポーツ走行をされるようになったのですが、偶然会った某芸能人に「4点着けなきゃダメだよ」とアドバイス?されて早速ご購入いただきました。TODA RACING FIGHTEX Damper、RECARO RS-G ASM ALCANTARA Version、ZONEブレーキパッドに加えて、今月フェアを開催するG.T WORKS GENROMまで装着済みでしたが、これでやっと安全面でのスタートラインに立ちましたね。


Our regular FD2 Civic Type-R owner came today to install the TAKATA 4-point harness. After starting to go to the track to Fuji last month and he met another regular customer at ASM and gave him an advice to have a 4-point harness. After installing the TODA RACING FIGHTEX Damper, RECARO RS-G ASM ALCANTARA Version, ZONE brake pads and G.T WORKS GENROM but his just started to line up for safety issues.

Helmet he chose Arai, racing gloves and racing suits are from ARD which was also purchased at ASM. The next item I will recommend is the Hans safety equipment. There are a lot of people out there who just goes to the track for fun but driving a car which ways a ton it is completely a different speed range then driving on the street. You will have more chance on going off the track or the worst scenario a crash no matter how much you are careful. If you think you are just a beginner and don’t really need such serious safety gear, you are wrong. If you are a beginner you should be preparing fully safety gear. When an accident do happen that fun feeling wont be fun anymore. Whatever safety equipment you can buy you shouldn’t cut back your life depends on it.


モバイルブログ特典でオイル交換 2010/01/04(Mon) 15:43:24
0104 prince DSC_4257.jpg

ASM Mobile Blogをご覧になり、早速その特典を使ってオイル交換していただきました。ミッションオイルはMIDLAND 90R、デフオイルはCastrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140、エンジンオイルはMIDLAND Competition 7.5W-40、SARD オイルフィルターを同時交換です。エンジンオイルは前回交換から4,500km程度しか走っていませんが、その前の状態がかなり悪く汚れが溜まっていたので、オイルの洗浄効果を使い切る前に交換することになりました。別人のようにいい傾向です。

こちらのS2000ですが、今月中にはアルカンターラ仕様ダッシュボードを装着する予定です。元々ASMのパーツは1つも装着されていなかった車ですが、数年かけて作り込んでかなり綺麗に仕上がってきました。内装を全てアルカンターラで統一したい、SRE 2WAYを3WAYに仕様変更したい、AP RACINGブレーキキットが欲しい、床下空力パーツを装着したい・・・オーナーさんの物欲は無限大に広がり続けているようです。

After looking at the ASM Mobile Blog, he came straight away and used privilege and changed his oils. For the transmission oil he chose the MIDLAND 90R, for the deferential oil the Castrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140, for the engine oil the MIDLAND Competition 7.5W-40 and for the oil filter to SARD. For the engine oil he has only driven about 4,500km since the last change but the condition before that was and I recommend him to change it before the clean up effect runs out.

With this S2000 we will install the Alcantara dash board some time this month. In the beginning there weren’t any ASM parts on this car but after many years and step by step the car is getting there. This owner was also telling me he wanted to change the interior all to Alcantara, his SRE 2WAY to 3WAY, AP RACING Brake kit and the floor with diffusers. His desire for his car keeps growing.


S2000 Type-S×GT補強バー 2010/01/03(Sun) 13:51:12
0103 GT1 DSC_4215.jpg
0103 GT2 DSC_4213.jpg

S2000 Type-Sオーナーさんがご来店になり、2本の補強バーを装着して下さいました。1つはフロントタワーバーGT。既に定番補強パーツとしてご存知かと思いますが、フロントミッドシップレイアウトのS2000ならではの取付方法により、ボディ補強と同時にステアリングラックが余計な動きをすることを防ぐ補強パーツです。


■ASM フロントタワーバーGT  56,700円
■ASM リヤロアアームバーGT-S  57,750円

A S2000 Type-S owner came in today to install two enhance bars. The first one is the front tower bar GT. It is a basic enhance bar which every one knows, depending on how you install it, with the front mid ship lay out it will give you a more ridged body and will give you unnecessary movement with the steering rack.

The rear lower arm GT-S enhances the open part of the rear sub frame, enhances the center floor tunnel, reducing unnecessary movement through out the sub frame while braking. It’s a enhance parts which came out from the ASM Tsukuba Special 2006. for track use, for both items, we recommend installing the rigid color from Spoon.

■ASM Front Tower Bar GT  56,700 Yen
■ASM Rear Lower Arm Bar GT-S  57,750 Yen


意匠に係る物品(Article to which the design is applied)
ASM Mobile Blog 2010/01/03(Sun) 12:26:49
0103 mobile DSC_4206.jpg

今夜からASM Mobile Blogを公開します。携帯専用ブログ限定のお買い得情報、サーキットテスト時の現場の様子、S2000やMINIで行くドライブ先の様子など、PC Blogとは違った趣向で更新する予定です。ASM Blogの右下にあるQRコードを読み取っていただければモバイル専用TOPページにジャンプしますので、今夜の公開をお楽しみに〜!

Starting from tonight we will open the ASM Mobile Blog. We will be putting up some good deals specially for those mobile users. Some images and info about our tests on the track, some driving spots driving through with the S2000 and MINI. It will be a bit different with the PC Blog. There is going to be a QR cord at the bottom ASM Blog which will jump to the mobile top page, enjoy!


2010年2番目のオーダーはこれ 2010/01/02(Sat) 18:16:10
0101 asm s-special DSC_4085.jpg


同時にUSED PARTSページに掲載していたエキゾーストマニホールド04を装着していただきました。性能に関してはエンジンベンチテストに基づいて開発されているので何も言うことはありません。また、フランジ部とパイプ接合部には入念な追加補強を加えてあるので耐久性は抜群ですからUSEDで購入できるととてもお買い得です。等長化によって純正エキマニ装着時よりも綺麗な音になるからお薦めですよ。

■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000円
■ASM エキゾーストマニホールド04  134,400円

We install the S-SPECIAL 70 today. After the new model release in December, it’s getting popular again. With the looks there is nothing special about it but more to sound quality and it’s been compared to many other mufflers in the market. With the up grade of the exhaust each year to some it might be a bit noisy but compared to other after market it isn’t that that especially loud. You will be able to have more fun with the AP1 which rev’s up to 9000rpm.

In the same time this customer installed the exhaust manifold 04 which we had at the USED PARTS page. With the performance, there is nothing to say but we did produce this product on the engine bench test. It has extra enhanced welds with each flange to make it strong and if you can purchase this second hand, it’s a bargain. Making the length of the exhaust manifold equal, gives out a more clear sound then the genuine.

■ASM S-SPECIAL70  147,000 Yen
■ASM Exhaust Manifold 04  134,400 Yen


2010年最初のオーダー 2010/01/02(Sat) 14:19:05
0102 IS S2000 DSC_4077.jpg


昨日は本革のRECARO SPORTSTER LL100を左右セットで装着いただいたり、ASMラムエアクリーナーBOXをお買い上げいただいたり、元旦からお客様がご来店下さって嬉しいスタートを切ることができました。そして今日はI.S.DesignサイレンサーキットをS2000に装着です。全てのチューニングパーツのお手本とも言える無限製からの買い替えですから、オーナーさんがどんな風に感じるのか、とても楽しみで仕方ありません。


■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット  315,000円

Happy New Year everyone.

Yesterday, we installed the RECARO SPORTSTER LL100 on both sides, we had a purchased of our ASM rum air cleaner box even though it was the 1st and beginning of the year we had customers coming in which was a good start. Today we installed the I.S.Design silencer kit for this S2000. He had the MUGEN silencer kit on and I am looking forward how he felt with our silencer kit.

With this silencer kit, it had to be able to pass the inspection, which will last long, removing the low frequency sound for more comfort and giving our more screaming high frequency sound for the driver at high rpm. We have put effort with the sound tuning mostly but with the exhaust system its self being a full straight muffler, making it loosing pressure to 1% with the inner structure to bring out the power. For those cars registered after January 2009 has a new regulation with the exterior regarding any parts coming out from the car. Even with the new regulation with this exhaust has no problem passing it. thank you for the purchase.

■I.S.Design Silencer Kit  315,000 Yen


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