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【In stock】ASM I.S.Design Rear Wing GT-09+Dry Carbon Trunk Set
ASM S2000 1号車 1/43モデルカープロジェクト パッケージ完成
19th Anniversary ASM YOKOHAMA チューニングセール 2024 秋
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-30kgへの挑戦 2009/07/31(Fri) 14:21:47
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ASM S2000 1号車の軽量化作業を夏の間に実施するため、様々なメニューを検討しています。例えば先日Blogで紹介した超軽量牽引フックは間違いなく軽量化に繋がるし、サイズを圧倒的に大型化しながら、徹底的に軽量化したI.S.Designリヤウィング GT-09のウィング本体は、現行モデルよりはるかに軽くなります。その他では以前ASM筑波スペシャルに装着していたカーボンケブラーシェルのRECARO SP-A ASM LIMITED EDITIONを1号車に流用することも検討しています。今日紹介するホースもそんな軽量化の一環として採用することにしました。SREやDREXLERを供給してくれているモータースポーツ用パーツのスペシャリスト、アネブル社が今シーズンから力を入れて取り扱い始めた、英国BMRS社のホースとフィッティングです。



既に日本国内の最高峰レースであるフォーミュラニッポンやS-GTでも採用されており、今後「本物」を志向するチューナーやレースガレージからの問い合わせが増えてくる予感がする製品ですね。水・オイル・空気全てに対応し、耐熱温度や圧力もトップクラスのレーシングカーで採用されるぐらいだから問題ありません。ASM S2000 1号車はまずオイルクーラー系からスタートしましたが、今後ラジエターホースなど変更できるホースは全て軽量なBMRS社製に入れ替えます。価格が日本国内で一般的に使われているものとそれ程大きく変わらないのも嬉しいです。


To reduce weight of our ASM S2000 car no.1 within this summer, we are planning to change few things with the car. For example the super light weight toe hooks which will help reduce weight. The I.S.Design Rear Wing GT-09 Wing, which the size will be larger but lighter then the current models. The RECARO SP-A ASM LIMITED EDITION which is a carbon shell used on our ASM Tsukuba Special. And the horse which I am going to introduce today is also another light weigh parts which we are going to install on our car no.1. British BMRS made hose which is from Enable who also supplies SRE and DREXLER.

The main feature with this hose is, its very light, has flexibility for any lay out and off cause dependability. For the light weight off cause but the flexibility will help a lot. The hose which we are using at the moment has little movement with the angle which the forcing the fitment part and swage part might have the risk of oil leakage. But having flexibility will reduce this risk.

With the reliability, just looking by the catalog it says it has more spec then the genuine factory made but actually using it some times from the connecting part oil starts to leak. Normally there is a pressure test with the hose its self and the fitment it’s self but it’s difficult to check the pressure when the hose is installed with the connection parts connected. We have increased the reliability by testing this on a actual car.

It has been already used in Formula Nippon and S-GT the top races in Japan. I think there will be more enquires from other tuners and race garages who want a “Real” item. Its adapt to water, oil and air. Heat and pressure resistance as been used on racing car it has no problem. With our ASM S2000 Car no.1 we started with the oil cooler hose but we will change the radiator hose and any others which can be changed to the light weight BMRS hoses. And the prices are almost the same with those other aftermarket hoses.

Just for your info, the oil cooler hose we used where 270g for two from 521g. Reducing by 251g. With flexibility which can be shaped as you wish, the length of the hose can be 10mm shorter for more light weight. Without losing anything but just only the weight with durability. There goes one problem out from my mind.


ASMクラッチホース、前期S2000対応モデル発売開始 2009/07/30(Thu) 16:13:26
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発売開始後大人気となっているASMクラッチホースのS2000前期用モデルを発売開始します。部品点数が減ったため、後期用と比較して2,100円安くなりました。クラッチフルード交換しないまま1年以上乗りっぱなしのユーザーさんはたくさんいると思います。メンテナンスを兼ねて交換されてはいかがですか?ASM S2000 1号車・3号車共に装着済みです。

最近、ASMでは夏の過酷な暑さの中でもエンジンを守りたいと言うことで、高い油圧保持力に定評のあるMIDLAND Competition 15W-60やオイル添加剤GRP、Castrolデフオイル Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140、K&G LLC C72が大人気となっています。

■ASM ステンレスメッシュクラッチホース 前期用 10,500円

・交換工賃 10,500円(クラッチフルード代含む)

The ASM Clutch horses for the early models are out. The quantity of the parts has reduced and comparing with the late models it’s about 2,100 yen cheaper. I think there is many customers who did not change there clutch fluid for more then one year. While changing the fluid, change the clutch horse in the same time. Recently at ASM due to the hot weather we recommend the MIDLAND Competition 15W-60 for constant high oil pressure and to help protect the engine. Also the additive GRP oil, Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140 Castrol deferential oil and the K&G LLC C72 are popular.

■ASM Stainless Mesh Clutch Horse (for early models) 10,500円

・Installment Fee 10,500 Yen(Includes the Clutch Fluid)
・For AP1-100〜120 Models


ASM ステンレスメッシュクラッチホース 後期用
特別な言葉を打ち込んだTagを手に入れた 2009/07/29(Wed) 15:02:29
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(2行目) 名前
(3行目) 名字
(4行目) 車名 車番(3〜4桁)
(5行目) 045-629-0905(ASM電話番号)

■Name Tag 2,500円

I have added a name tag to my favorite bag which I am using from Auto Fashion Factory. It’s totally hand made, and the words its self as you can see I have purposely left the touch of its been hand made. The material of the plate is aluminum. Off cause it’s much easier to make it more nice and clear, it’s easy to make a similar accessory like this but the feeling and the touch of actually a person hand made this just specially for me gives you and appreciates more.

Since its hand made and its actually being made when ever he has the time, it will take a while to actually receive the product. The basic lay out will be two-four lines, a special word which inspired you which, will be your name. The finished and the design comparing with other branded key-holders are off cause better but for those who would like to print a special words which you can carry around.

(Second Line) Name
(Third Line) Sur Name
(Fourth Line) Name of the car, No.(3〜4 Lines)
(Fifth Line) 045-629-0905(ASM Tel No.)

■Name Tag 2,500Yen


ASM ナビケース、完成
取材中 2009/07/27(Mon) 12:44:15
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S2000と言えば「サーキット走らないと」みたいな雰囲気がぷんぷんしていますが、個人的にはそんなのは製品テストだったりスポーツの一環としてやりたいと思う人がやるべきことで、大部分のS2000オーナーさんはストリートでオープンスポーツを楽しんでいると思っています。そしてそういう視点でS2000を見た時に圧倒的に足りないのはインテリアの質感ではないでしょうか。ほぼ同価格帯のAUDI TTクーペやVW ゴルフ、MINIなどと比較してもワンランク以上落ちる感じがします。今回はレカロシートやカロマットと言う定番アイテムを紹介するだけではなくて、それらを実際に装着したS2000を紹介することで、改造車ではなく純正の高級バージョンと言う位置づけのオープンカーらしいインテリアメイクをしてみませんか?と言う提案をしてみたわけです。ASM Blogで部分的に掲載したことはありますが、プロカメラマンの手でどんな写真になったのか、僕も記事の完成が楽しみですね〜。

ちなみに、撮影のため&撮影を終えた後、3人のお客様が「やっぱり必要じゃないかな」とASM KAROマットを慌てて購入したことは内緒です(笑)。あるとないとじゃ全然違いますからね。ご協力&お買い上げ、ありがとうございました。撮影は午前中11時から夜8時まで、休憩なく延々と行われました。カメラマンさん、ライターさん、編集責任者さん、みんなホントお疲れ様でした。次はエピセで♪

We had a magazine interview about S2000 from Hyper Rev. Usually it’s about our Tsukuba Special or our car no.1 but the main interview was our ASM customers. The topic was about the interior and I had five of our regular customers co-operate.

When you think about S2000, it has this feeling which it has to be driven on the track but personally, I think that is just part of it and most S2000 owners enjoy they S2000 on the street with the open sports car. And from this point of view one thing which the S2000 is weak at is the interior quality. Comparing with the same price range like the AUDI TT coupe, VW Golf or MINI, it’s obvious it has lack of quality. Not only just introducing the regular RECARO seats and the KARO matt’s but to actually see it installed on the car. Not just a modified car but a higher quality version from the original. And introducing a interior make up which is important for open top sports cars. I have introduced many on the ASM Blog but I am looking forward with the pictures with from a professional camera man taking the pictures with the column.

After the photo shoot, three of the customers actually purchased the ASM KARO matt’s thinking it was necessary. It’s completely different with and without. I would like to thank every one who help us with this and purchasing the matt’s. The shoot started from 11am to 8pm without any break. I would like to thank again to the camera man, writer and the editor.


Copen meets SACLAM. 2009/07/27(Mon) 10:54:03
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■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000円

We installed the SACLAM pipe to this Copen today. one of the smallest sports car in the world, with the combination of the best exhaust which ASM suggest. Four piston turbo charge engine which gives out a light exhaust sound like a NA engine. Off cause their isn’t any muffled sound to the interior. With the clear beautiful sound, it would be even better if the volume of the exhaust was a bit louder. I would like for those Copen owner to experience the quality of this silencer.

At ASM we have a try on product standing by to actually hear what it will sound like on your car. For those seriously thinking of installing it please come to ASM.

■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000 Yen


DUCATI SPORT1000S 2009/07/26(Sun) 14:19:47
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ASMに真紅のDUCATIがやってきました。ショーPITの中にはグランプリホワイトのS2000 1号車、店内には真紅のDUCATIとS-GT300 TORA RACINGエンジン、夜になるとスポットライトを浴びた2台のマシンが光り輝き最高に格好いいです。

クルマもバイクも同じだなぁと感じるのは、クラシックバイクを現代風にモディファイして販売しているバイクなのですが、旧さと新しさが見事に同居して、ただ懐古趣味なだけではなくて、1つの工業製品として完成されたデザインを持っていることです。MINIやFIAT500を見ても分かるとおり、欧州車ってこういうセンスが抜群にいいと思います。僕はバイクの免許すら持っていなくて2輪に何の興味もない人間ですが、それでも真っ赤なDUCATI SPORT1000Sに魅入ってしまいました。クラシカルなフォルムだけど速さを直感的に見る人に感じさせる、S2000で僕が求めているデザインテイストそのものなんです。



1. 作りが凝っている
2. クルマ用とは思えない質感
3. ここまでやる意味があるの?


さて、そんなわけで良い自動車パーツ作りの見本としてASMにやってきた真紅のDUCATI SPORT1000S、いつもお世話になっているオートファッションファクトリーのお客様柳本 篤宏氏(45)の愛車です。こんな素晴らしいバイクを貸して下さいました。Blogランキングに参加されているそうなので、LINK先の柳本さんのBlogをご覧いただき、応援の1クリックをお願いします☆


AP RACINGとかSRE 4WAYとかHYPERCOとか、ASMらしい何かを追加したくて溜まりません。

A red DUCATI has arrived at ASM today. With the grand prix white S2000 car no.1 by the show pit, a red DUCATI, S-GT300 TODA RACING engine in the show room, at night with the spot light hitting them; it is a great view to look at.

I think cars and bikes are the same, for this bike, it is a classic bike modified with a modern touch. Old and new in the same space. Not only a reminiscent taste but as a engineering product with a finished design. Just looking at MINI or the FIAT 500, I think European cars or a bike has a high sense with this. I don’t have a license for driving a bike or as much interest like cars but I can’t stop looking at the red DUCATI SPORTS 1000S. It has a classical form but has a direct feeling of speed just by looking at it. it is the design taste I am proceeding on S2000 as well.

With the owner adding more details which helps improve the quality of each parts. About six months ago I was planning of purchasing a bike and looking through, with looking at bikes which has been done in details almost everyday, looking at a normal bike does not give me any impression.

I hear many voices about ASM products from customers or on the web.

1. detailed quality
2. unbelievable quality for a car
3. Is it necessary to do this much?

Looking at the S-GT parts on a daily bases this is necessary for no.1. I would like to produce a high quality item as much as possible. For no.2 I would say the same as the first but for making a racing product, which off cause should have the beauty of looks but also performance wise which will end up with the products we got. For motorcycle products, with the same quality as a car the price are much lower. It is a difference thinking which a place that can’t be seen does not need to be this nice. I think depending on what you are comparing with ASM products, the way of looking at it is different. For the 3rd comment there is nothing for me to say, in the end is the customers choice to purchase or not to. But there are voice who wanted us to do this much which we did.

So, as a example of making a good car parts, the red DUCATI SPORTS 1000S has arrived at ASM. The owner of this bike is the customer of Auto Fashion Factory which has been good to me. What a kind person to lend us this bike.


S2000 ブレーキメンテナンス 2009/07/25(Sat) 20:39:16
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こちらのS2000オーナーさんは前後無限ブレーキローター+ASMお薦めのブレーキパッドZONEを装着していただきました。選んだ摩材はサーキットでのヘビーユースまでカバーする18Eをチョイスしました。ZONEの面白いところは、数字が大きくなるほどハードブレーキングに効果的と言いながら、数字が小さいからと言ってサーキットで全く使い物にならないかと言うとそうじゃないってことです。違いは効き方だけの問題で、例えばロースチール材同士の中でどの摩材を選んでも、キャパとしてはほぼ互角です。例えばASM S2000 1号車は、どんどんフロントの効きを落とす方向でセッティングが進んでいて、ロースチール材の1番下、03Cをテストしようかと言っているぐらいですから。


■ZONE ブレーキパッド 28,350円(S2000・ノーマルキャリパー用・FR各)

Recently at ASM there are many re-fresh menus for S2000 coming in. Like deferential, damper bush, drive trains, brakes, changing the soft top to the late model type with the glass, oils, coolant, brake fluids alignments and many more. The main frame its self is very reliable so as long as you keep maintaining the consumable parts, you will be able to use the car for a very long time with comfort. The best is while modifying and maintaining at the same time or the other way around.

This S2000 owner installed the Mugen Brake Rotors with the ASM recommendation ZONE brake pads. Material we chose was 18E which will cover until heavy use on the track. One thing interesting about ZONE is the more number becomes larger it is for hard braking but even though the number is small it does not mean you can’t use it on the track. The only difference is the effect. For example with the choice of same material of low steel, the capacity is almost the same, like our ASM S2000 Car no.1 for the front, we are dropping each time with the set up and for the next test we are thinking of using the lowest 03C.

Minoru-san has really made brake pads which are fun, reliable and deep. In the past with many tuned up cars, brake pad makers has off cause produced brake pads but I don’t think there is racing car driver who sells brake pad with a brake pad maker under him. It is a brake pad which is one of its kinds and knows what he is doing and the knowledge of producing a brake pad. That’s ZONE.


SACLAMとZ33 2009/07/24(Fri) 14:10:06
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■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z33用) 222,600円

This Z33 owner came from Chiba today to install the SACLAM silencer kit. It’s like watching a hit movie everyday and getting bored of it. The quality of the movie does not change but the viewer feeling watching it will change.

Like this, for some items which are good even though I sell it there isn’t much joy to it concessionary. But with the SACLAM silencer kit is different. No matter how many I sell I always have this feeling of joy when I give back their cars thinking they will be satisfied with the product. It is a item which will give you a new feeling of joy each time for the customers and for us installing it. I can also say the same for our other product like the SRE, DREXLER, RECARO, and GT Series enhance bars, I.S.Design Silencer kit, I.S.Design Front Bumper 04.

With the SACLAM pipe installed, I recommend for the next step to install the ASM exhaust manifold or the Maxim Works for HR and DE engines for improved sound quality and to bring out the performance. For against heat issues, we recommend our I.S.Design Carbon Bonnet and off cause to reduce weight.

■SACLAM Silencer Kit(for Z33) 222,600 Yen


SACLAM for J-Sports
S2000 meets DREXLER . 2009/07/23(Thu) 18:21:24
723 ano DSC_0024.jpg
723 dx_DSC6612.jpg

千葉県からご来店のS2000オーナーさんが手に入れたのは、半年前からずっと狙っていた世界最高峰の機械式デフ、DREXLER LSDでした。SREダンパーのピストンがその他のダンパーと比べて全く違うのと同じように、DREXLERのデフ本体はその他のデフと似て全く非なるものです。素材から削り出して作られるケースは設計寸法を正確に再現して、精度と剛性が求められる基本骨格部分で大きく差をつけます。

さらにプレッシャープレートは世界スタンダードデフオイル、Castrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140を使うことを前提にした特殊素材を採用。高剛性で正確な寸法を維持するケースと合わせることで、レスポンスよく、滑らかに、静かに、しっかり効く理想的な機械式デフとなっています。文字にすると似たようなデフはたくさんありますが、モノ作りを知っている人であればあるほどこの製品のすごさが理解いただけるはずです。


・日産純正加工 ディスタンスカラー 3,150円
・Castrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140 3,780円
・交換消耗品代(ベアリングなど) 16,000円
・作業工賃 63,000円

This S2000 owner from Chiba came today to get the DREXLER LSD which he was planning to get it from six months ago. Like the SRE damper pistons are completely different with any other, the DREXLER LSD its self are like any other but not. From the scraped out material case are exactly from the design measure to improve stiffness and accuracy for the main structure.

For the pressure plate is made out from a special material specially for the worlds standard deferential oil Castrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140. With the high stiff and accurate case, the response is quick, smooth, quiet and works efficiently; it’s an ideal mechanical deferential. Just by words, I am sure there is many which sound like this but for those who knows about making, should know and will understand why this product is good.

■ASM DREXLER LSD 735,000 Yen

・Nissan Genuine Modified distance color  3,150 Yen
・Castrol Pure Racing SAF-XJ 75W-140 3,780 Yen
・Dispose items (Bearings etc) 16,000 Yen
・Installation fee 63,000 Yen


R55 MINI CLUBMAN、ブレーキチューンの第一歩 2009/07/22(Wed) 19:37:05
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今回はMINI特有のカックンと効くコントロール性が悪い純正ブレーキの改善と、夏の暑さ対策のためクーラント交換にご来店されました。お薦めしたブレーキパッドはZONE、僕の赤いMINIで存分にテストさせてもらったこだわりの摩材をチョイスしました。ブレーキフルードは言うまでもなくAP RACING PRF660を選択です。この組み合わせがあればAP RACINGブレーキキットは不要じゃないかと錯覚するほど、ストリートでは必要十分の効きとコントロール性とリニアなタッチを得ることができます。もちろんAPのキットには敵わないのですが。

その他、水温対策ではS2000でかなり効果を発揮しているK&G C72、前回交換したエンジンオイルに加えて添加剤GRPを追加しました。今日は僕の赤いMINIに乗って、ASM SRE 3WAY Dumper+HYPERCOのフィーリング、RECARO MAGNIFICAの乗り心地の良さにとても感動されていました。まずはシートから始めることがお薦めです。

■ZONE ブレーキパッド(R55・R56 Cooper S用) F/R各 19,950円

This Clubman owner, who installed the SACLAM Silencer kit the other day, came to ASM again today. I asked how is the silencer and told me that for everyday use there isn’t any muffled sound and only when driving at high speed the beautiful clear screaming sounds comes out and told me that it is a ideal silencer.

The main reason he came today was to change the brake pads to ZONE so that it does not make this click feeling which almost every MINI has. For the material, I recommend the same as my Red MINI which I have been testing a lot. For the brake fluid, as usual the AP RACING PRF 660. With this combination, you might think the AP RACING brake kit isn’t necessary. With the more than enough effect on the street and with the capacity of brake control for any kind of linear touch. Off cause the AP kit is better.

For the water temperature, as can be seen with the S2000 the K&G C72 coolant. We also added the additive GRP for the engine oil which has been change the last time he came. Today, with me driving I let him experience the ASM SRE 3WAY Damper with HYPERCO on my Red MINI. He was also surprised with the comfort of the RECARO MAGNIFICA. I recommend changing the seats first.

■ZONE Brake Pad (for R55・R56 Cooper S) F/R each 19,950 Yen


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