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カズヲさんの休日 2009/08/23(Sun) 18:06:47
823 kazwo DSC_1321.jpg

今日は久しぶりにカズヲさんご来店でした。去年の9月にAP RACINGブレーキキット+Prodrive GC-07Jを装着して以来、ホイールを傷つける趣味がなくなったのかなぁと思っていたら、サーキットのPITロードでホイールのセンターキャップを落として傷つけたとか?傷の場所が変わっただけで結局結論は同じです。

カズヲさんはレカロ オフィスチェアに座りながら、「最近色々欲しいモノが多くて困ってるんだよな〜」と言っていました。1番は何と言ってもDREXLER LSD。機械式2WAYでありながらスムーズな作動感で、車が唐突に動かないので雨の日でも安心して運転できるところが気になる理由らしいです。その次に欲しいのがRS-G ASM LIMITED CL。今使っている本革フルバケットシートSP-GN EDELはとても気に入っているんだけど、ここ最近のレカロ Blogでの人気振りを見ているとRS-G ASM LIMITED CLが気になって夜も眠れないほどで。欲しい欲しいと数ヶ月迷い続けていることが時間の無駄に思えてきたそうで、「ASMのレカロフェアは来週までだよね?」と確認されていました。

そして最後に欲しいのは無限ロールバー+TAKATA 4点式シートベルトです。サーキットを走る上で最低限の安全装備だから、これについては迷う余地はなし。あとはPlan.1 レカロシート+無限ロールバーか、Plan.2 レカロシート+DREXLER+無限ロールバーかの選択です。Plan.1の場合は月々14,600円のボーナス払いなし36回払い、Plan.2の場合は月々29,300円の36回払い+ボーナス5万円の6回払いとなっています。


Its been a while but Kazuo-san came today. after installing the AP RACING Brake Kit with Prodrive GC-07J last year, he was trying care full not to scratch the rims but one day on the track, driving through the pit lane, the center cap fell off and hit the surface of the rim. Scratch place is different but in the end is the same.

While sitting on the RECARO office chair he was telling me that there are many things he wants to buy. The first thing in his mind was the DREXLER LSD. It’s a 2way mechanical type with a smooth movement with no sudden movement with the car. It’s drivable even on a rainy day. Next was the RS-G ASM LIMITED CL. The seat he is using at the moment is the full bucket seat SP-GN EDEL and likes it a lot but looking at the popularity on the blog, the RS-G ASM LIMITED CL is in his mind and could not sleep at night. Just thinking of it was a waste of time and was confirming with me that the ASM RECARO fair was unstill next week.

And the last item he wanted to buy was the MUGEN roll bar. With TAKATA 4 point seat belt. To drive on the track this is the minimum safety items so, there is nothing much to think about it with this. Plan.1 was buying the seat with the roll bar, plan.2 all of the above. For plan.1 14,600yen monthly payment for three years with no bonus payment. Plan.2 29,800yen monthly payment with 50,000yen bonus payment 6times.

He was also telling me that his going to be 50 this year same as Michael, there is a limit time to enjoy physically and if I am thinking of buying it I better buy it as soon as possible and enjoy S2000 even more. If purchasing the RECARO seats, I will be able to use the 1%intrest….looking at the roof top.


S2000&トリプルHYPERMOTARDで中華街に行ってきました 2009/08/23(Sun) 13:26:34
823 s1 DSC_0067.jpg
823 s2 DSC_0151.jpg
823 s3 DSC_0118.jpg
823 s5 DSC_0259.jpg
823 s6 DSC_0283.jpg

ビッグスロットル試作品とASM SRE Damper Kit 3wayを装着して、S2000に乗り始めました。車は全く同じだしスロットルがなくても、Sachsじゃなくても走ることに違いはないのですが、これらの製品を装着したことで運転する楽しさが何倍にも大きくなり、S2000でドライブに行きたくて仕方なくなります。


スロットルは言うまでもなく良いです。この性能を引き出すためにはエキゾーストマニホールド交換が必須ですが、装着したことで低回転域のトルクアップとピークパワーの向上を実感できました。何十馬力も向上したわけじゃないのにこれだけはっきり差が出ると不思議な気持ちになります。この写真達は一昨日のもので、昨日は5.8L-V8エンジンを搭載したW124と2台で高速移動したのですが、戸田スロットルとSRE 3WAYへの信頼感のおかげで、いつもより余分に踏み込んで走ることができました。

823 s7 DSC_0305.jpg
823 s8 DSC_0307.jpg
823 s2 kai DSC_0683.jpg
823 s9 DSC_0427.jpg
823 s10 DSC_0407.jpg
823 s11 DSC_0466.jpg

さて、そうやって到着したのは横浜中華街の外れにある「酔仙酒家」でした。深夜までやっていて料理もかなりのボリューム、でも価格はとてもリーズナブルなのでよく食事に来ています。酔仙の看板娘はオレンジのASM S2000に興味津々、何と自分からドアを開けて乗り込んできました。木村さん!苦節1年4ヶ月、ついにモテるオープンスポーツの仲間入りを果たしました。今までは「このS2000、子供に人気なんだよね〜♪」とか誤魔化しの満足感で自分を慰めていました。でもね、子供って蝉とかトンボとかカブト虫を見て格好良いとか可愛いとか表現するので価値観が大人と微妙に違いますから(笑)。こうやって車に興味のない普通の女の子が「格好いい」って言ってくれることが一番嬉しいです。

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撮影 : AFF 加古さん

■中華広東料理 酔仙酒家

営業時間:平日 11:30〜14:00 16:30〜03:00(L.O.02:00) 土日祝 11:30〜3:00

After installing the proto type TODA RACING big throttle and the ASM SRE Damper kit 3way, I have started driving the S2000 again. The car its self is the same and even without the throttle or the Sachs it runs but after installing these items the fun of driving this car multiplies and gives you this feeling of non stop drive with the S2000.

With the damper, I have made few changes. Compared with the production model, stretch low speed has been soften but this time I have stiffen it a bit and did a middle set up between the production model and current model. It’s what makes this great that even at this level to be in control at low speed. Even when you actually drive it it’s obvious. The movement of the car is even more natural, but the damper damping properly with enough stability. The existence is enormous; it does not interfere with any un-natural movement of the car. It’s a excellent damper which helps bring out the HYPERCO performance.

For the throttle there isn’t anything bad about it. But to actually bring out its performance you will need to change the exhaust manifold. You will feel increased of torque, and peak power. Its not that it’s been increase but so many bhp but its amazing to feel this much difference. This picture was taken yesterday, I was driving the S2000 with this 5.8L-V8 W124 but with these items installed, and the trust towards it helps me step on the gas then usual.

After arriving at China town in Yokohama, we went to this restaurant which opens until late at night with reasonable price compared to the quantity and I come here often. The poster girl of the restaurant was looking at the ASM S2000 curiosity and open the door by her self and set in. Until today this car was popular with kids because of the color but finally some adult.

During the day its hot but these few days the air is cool in the early mornings and at night. I will install the under panels, the carbon front diffuser, center diffuser, rear diffuser and the side spoiler to help improve the stability at high speed. I will also install the ZONE brake pads for improved controllability for the brakes.



エキマニを入れて完成です 2009/08/22(Sat) 17:56:34
822 saclam DSC_0811.jpg


■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z33用)  222,600円
■ASM エキゾーストマニホールド(SACLAM製・Z33HR用)  283,500円

We have installed the SACLAM Silencer kit today to the Z33HR. With the screaming sound at all entire area and giving out a high frequency sound. I don’t think there is any explanation necessary. But the full spec sound will be complete after installing the ASM exhaust manifold. If the explanation I made today was interesting please think about installing it. The SACLAM music is complete after installing the exhaust manifold.

■SACLAM Silencer kit for Z33  222,600 Yen
■ASM Exhaust Manifold. (Made by SACLAM・for Z33HR)  283,500 Yen


S2000×KW Damper Kit Version-3 2009/08/22(Sat) 13:49:22
822 kw DSC_0724.jpg
822 kws2 DSC_0756.jpg


■KW Damper Kit Version-3  379,050円

We installed the KW damper kit today which is popular for street to high speed touring. With able to adjust the damper of the Bump/Rebound individually, owners can enjoy with their own personal touch on high speed runs. With this customer we have soften the damper 4 clicks softer shipment specification. Try it out with this first than if there is anything you realize please ask us. Just changing by one click the feeling changes a lot and it will be fun trying out all kinds of set ups. It’s not a full scale racing parts but for a street damper with the freedom of the set up, I think it’s a very high quality product.

■KW Damper Kit Version-3  379,050 Yen


ZEROと3WAY 2009/08/21(Fri) 12:25:28
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821 mini 02 DSC_0154.jpg
821 mini 1 DSC_0286.jpg
821 mini desk DSC_0373.jpg
821 mini 2 DSC_0389.jpg




今回外したダンパーは一旦アネブルに送り返して、寸法や減衰のセットダウンを行います。それと同時にフロントダンパーから発生している異音の音源の対策パーツを組み込み、さらにZEROで実現できているダンパー微低速領域での柔らかさを再現できるセッティングに変更することにしました。おそらく今回で100点満点の仕上がりに持っていける手応え十分です。同時にSREダンパーとHYPERCOスプリングの素性の良さを引き出す、純正アッパーマウント補強プレートが入荷しました。これはZEROにも3WAIにも共通して使えますので、既にASM SREダンパーキットZEROを装着しているMINIオーナーさんにもお薦めします。

■ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY  1,260,0000円(R50〜R57 MINI用)
■ASM SREダンパーキットZERO  399,000円(R50〜R57 MINI用)
■ASM フロントアッパーマウント強化プレート  168,000円(R50〜R53 MINI用)

The 3way SRE Damper kit for MINI set up is almost complete so I have decided to install back the ZERO damper kit for compares. My personal feeling towards these dampers is with ZERO is more comfortable compared with the 3Way. For sports use definitely 3way but if for city use ZERO will be more than enough, the pick up of the damper is like orifice type loose and fits more. For those MINI owners who has already installed ZERO, it’s unnecessary could not recommend re-buying it.

As soon as the ZERO dampers was installed and went for a drive, I immediately knew it. Everything was softer, the movement of the damper felt larger but just nice comfort. With this comfort I gave up with the 3way to have the same comfort. But after driving around the usual roads, the high way, construction sites, on the city roads, my thought has change, that 3way is more stable and more comfort.

With ZERO the border line of when the damper strokes is soft, just like Olifis type. After that is the same or feels a bit softer with the 3way. But the response is good and the car stops as you want it to do. The sports balance and comfort at all range, the controllable low-speed 3Way is definitely on its high level. There isn’t any curve ball, there isn’t any unnecessary taste added. The springs move accurately with the damper. An orthodox damper is at final stages. The beginning of the movement is soft but hard after with ZERO. Its not really hard but the response is quicker is the word for the 3way.

For the time being I have sent the damper to enable to set down with the damper and measurement. In the same time install a parts to the front damper which help prevent the noise. To replicate the low speed softness of the damper which ZERO has . it will probably be perfect after this. also the enhance plate for the genuine upper mount has arrived. This will help bring out the actual performance of the SRE damper and the HYPERCO springs. This can be also said with the ZERO and 3way so, I recommend for those MINI owners who has already installed the SRE dampers.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3WAY  1,260,0000 Yen(for R50〜R57 MINI)
■ASM SRE Damper Kit ZERO  399,000 Yen(for R50〜R57 MINI)
■ASM Front Upper Enhance Plate  168,000 Yen(for R50〜R53 MINI)


ASM SREダンパーキット3way for MINI prototype
TODA RACINGビッグスロットル(AP2用)テスト開始 2009/08/20(Thu) 12:28:32
820 TODA1 DSC_0123.jpg
820 TODA2 DSC_0144.jpg
820 TODA3 DSC_0129.jpg
820 TODA5 DSC_0234.jpg
820 TODA6 DSC_0216.jpg

TODA RACINGビッグスロットル(AP2用)の試作品が届いたので、今日装着してテストを開始します。詳細な仕様や価格などは後日製品化時にご案内しますが、さすがGTエンジンサプライヤーの仕事だけあって、文字にすれば同じ製品でも細部の仕上げやエンジンベンチテストをしっかり行うなどさすがと言えるレベルに達しています。今まで発売しなかったのにはエンジン屋さんらしい理由があるのですが、どうしても戸田レーシング製のスロットルが欲しかったので、何とか製品化の方向で話を進めてもらいました。

装着後ASM周辺のいつもの試乗コースを走ってみたのですが、TODA RACINGフライホイールやTODA RACING軽量クランクプーリー装着後、レスポンスが良過ぎてやや気になるようになった微低速時の運転のし辛さが軽減されて、さらに中〜高回転域では今まで以上に豪快な無限エアクリーナーBOXの吸気音とI.S.Designサイレンサーキットの高周波排気音が耳に届くようになりました。性能的にも申し分なく、排気量が少し増えた感じで下から上までスムーズにトルクがつながります。G.T WORKS GENROMのセッティングを合わせ込めば、さらに良くなる手応えも感じました。


・無限 エアクリーナーBOX
・TODA RACING ビッグスロットル
・ASM エキゾーストマニホールド07
・エンジン本体 ノーマル
・触媒 ノーマル
・ASM I.S.Designサイレンサーキット(AP2用)



Proto Type TODA RACING Big Throttle (for AP2) has arrived today. We will install it today for durability test. Details and the price will be informed another day when everything is set for production. I was impressed again with the GT engine supplier, in words will be the same but the detailed finished, they have done the engine bench test properly and the finish level is very high. There was a reason for them not making it but I really wanted the TODA RACING throttle and tries very hard convincing them for production.

After installation I went for a test drive on the usual course and with the TODA RACING fly wheel, TODA RACING crank pulley I have felt a bit that the response was a bit too quick and was difficult to control on low speed but with this throttle it help improve this problem. From middle to high speed rpm you will be able to hear to MUGEN air-cleaner box sucking the air even more, the I.S.Design Silencer kit high frequency sound even more to your ears. Performance wise off cause there isn’t anything more you can say but it feel like a larger displacement with improved torque which rev’s up all the way smoothly. Also I felt that If we re-did G.T WORKS GENROM the car will improve even more.

And off cause with these kind of tuned up, the volume of the sound has to be concerned as well. If the car was especially for the track, on the street you will just put the inner silencer to lower the volume and performance and on the closed roads, you just can removed it and enjoy the full performance. For our car no.3. its has a number plate on and everything is legal tuned. It’s a car which can be enjoyed legally on the a winding roads like Hakone. The parts installed on Car no.3 are listed below

・MUGEN Air Cleaner Box
・TODA RACING Big Throttle
・ASM Exhaust Manifold 07
・Engine: Standard
・Catalyser: Genuine
・ASM I.S.Design Silencer Kit(for AP2)

If the exhaust volume is too big usually think its because of the silencer but, with the high performance exhaust manifold, increasing the air intake with the air cleaner box with the Big Throttle, ignition timing, amount of fuel consumption being controlled but the ECU, the numbers of the cell he decreased and with the sports catalyser about 3〜8db will increase. For those kind of exhaust which has been made on the limit to pass the inspection due to the age and due to other elements it might go over the limit.

For out car no.3 we measured five times and when its ON about 93〜94db, on OFF 89〜91db. For those who have made exhausts should know that car like S2000, when the cam switches the volume increase and the volume is lower on OFF. Its important to know the volume when the acceleration is ON/OFF and study it, pin point the sound and see which kind of unit combination woks. This will help make a legal exhaust with performance and sound quality. For those users who are looking for the ultimate intake and exhaust is done. And off cause within the legal limit and passes the inspection.


R55 MINI CLUBMAN×ASM SREダンパーキットZERO 2009/08/19(Wed) 18:43:52
819 MINI 1 DSC_9872.jpg
819 MINI 2 DSC_9886.jpg
819 MINI 3 DSC_9892.jpg

フラットライドの代名詞、ASM SREダンパーキットZEROをR55 MINI クラブマンに装着しました。車重の関係でそのまま装着するとややリヤ下がりになりますが、全長調整式のメリットで適正値に車高を合わせて装着することができました。本来ならリヤバネレートをクーペより少し上げるべきなのですが、クーペで狙ったスポーツ性能とはちょっと違う、安定感があるツーリングサスペンション的な味付けと考えれば、Front 6.3kg/mm、Rear 5.4kg/mmと言う組み合わせはベストバランスに近い組み合わせです。

■ASM SREダンパーキットZERO  399,000円

The pronoun of flat ride, ASM SRE Damper Kit ZERO was installed to the R55 MINI CLUBMAN today. Due to the weight difference, if you just install it the height of the rear goes down a bit but it can be adjust for the right height. I actually wanted to increase the rate of the rear springs compared with the coupe but not like that coupe aiming for a sports performance but aiming for stability on high speed long runs. For the spring rate of 6.3kg/mm for the front and 5.4kg/mm for the rear is almost the best combination and balance I guess.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit ZERO  399,000 Yen


魚屋さんで食べる昼ご飯 2009/08/17(Mon) 16:52:00
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817 f4 DSC_9177.jpg


817 f4.5 DSC_9176.jpg
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817 f6 DSC_9179.jpg


■活魚料理 千葉屋




VQ35DE×マキシムワークス 2009/08/17(Mon) 12:41:36
817 z33 1 DSC_9113.jpg
817 z33 2 DSC_9117.jpg

SACLAM管を装着したVQ35DE Z33にマキシムワークスエキゾーストマニホールドを装着しました。低周波音の社外マフラーや純正マフラーの場合、ドロドロドロドロ・・・と言うアメリカンな音に聞こえる不等長エキマニに起因する排気音の割れ音が、高周波サイレンサーSACLAMに交換するとかなり耳に付くルルルルルル・・・と言う音に変化します。これをSACLAMさん推奨のマキシムワークス製エキゾーストマニホールドに交換することで解消し、ファァァァァン・・と軽く乾いた綺麗な音質に昇華させてくれます。


■マキシムワークス エキゾーストマニホールド(Z33・VQ35DE用) 186,900円

We installed the Maxim Exhaust Manifold on the VQ35DE Z33 with the SACLAM Silencer. the standard exhaust or other after market exhaust has a low American sound with the un even manifold but with the high frequency silencer of SACLAM will change to a clear high pitch sound. With the Maxim Exhaust Manifold it will change even more to a light dried clear sound.

With changing the manifold which cost almost the same as the silencer, I am sure the owner will be surprised with the changes. It is a must item for those Z33VQ who has installed the SACLAM silencer kit, for those Z33HR ASM exhaust manifold from SACLAM will be the best match.

■Maxim Works Exhaust Manifold(for Z33・VQ35DE) 186,900 Yen


KINGちゃんの最後の誕生日 2009/08/15(Sat) 15:21:38
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814 35 3 DSC_8843.jpg
814 35 2.5 DSC_8931.jpg
814 35 2 DSC_8870.jpg


KINGは誕生月がとても好きだそうです。その理由は、THE ASM CARD(Life CARD)のポイントが5倍付けと言う断然お買い得な条件になるからだと言っていました。ASMの不動在庫である2年前の新品サイバーナビを定価で買うぞーっと決意しているようです。画面はもちろんASMモニターブラケットを使って装着ですね。後はワイドにしないと付かないProdrive GC-07J 18インチ ASMモデル、バンパーをカットするかI.S.Design化しないと付かない超軽量牽引フックが欲しいなぁと独り言が止まりません。めでたく1歳オッサンになりましたが、まだまだ心は小学3年生です。



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