MINIのSRE 3WAY仕様変更待ち期間、MINI用SREで得た経験を生かしてZ33の仕様変更をしています。SRE Damper+HYPERCO(FR:10.7kg/mm)+BS POTENZA RE-11 19インチと言うパッケージはそのままにダンパー減衰とタイヤの内圧を変更しています。その結果、HYPERCOの良さを思い切り引き出せました。今までHYPERCOのここが悪いって思っていた部分は、実はダンパー側のセッティングに問題があったみたいで、現状では何もかも気にならなくなっています。S2000>MINI>Z33の順で気に入っていた乗り味ですが、MINIとZ33が劇的に良くなったため3台の間に差はなくなった感じですね。どうしても消えないリヤダンパー上部取付部付近からの異音対策を色々試しています。ここが解決すれば、サーキットやワインディングでのスポーツ走行とツーリングやデートを両立できる理想的なサスキットに仕上がりますよっ。ぜひSA浜松のZ33マイスター鈴木さんに乗ってもらいたいところです。
2日間かけてセッティングを変更した結果、Z33がコンパクトFRに思えるほど一体感を感じられる仕上がりになりました。こうなってくると色々欲が出てきます。まずはブレーキパッド。AP RACINGのキットに標準装備されているのはFERODO DS2500なのですが、キットとの相性が悪いみたいでS2000用ではありえない程の鳴きが発生しています。この点はNicoleさんも対策を考えていたようで、近々新しいブレーキパッドのテストをすることになりました。また、鳴き以外でも、ブレーキの効きは強すぎることやそれに起因してリリース時のコントロール性が低いことを改善するため、ASMでお薦めしているZONEブレーキパッドをAP RACING用に試作してテストします。サーキットからストリートまで幅広くカバーしてダストも最小限ですから、本命はこっちかな。
不満のステアリングフィールを改善する一環として、MINIで絶大な効果を実感したBILLION レーシングPSタンクとパワステフルードを装着します。これで変化が激しくて一定じゃないステアフィールが良くなること間違いありません。そしていよいよ今月末、日本のZ33で初めてDREXLER LSDを装着します。現状でも限界は十分高くLSDの必要性は感じていないのが本音ですが、超低フリクションでスムーズかつ早いレスポンスで作動するLSDですから、雨の高速走行やスポーツ走行時には欠かせないパーツであることに間違いありません。リヤダンパーやブレーキの音など、して欲しくない音を排除して、HYPERCOスプリング・SREダンパー・DREXLER LSD・AP RACINGブレーキ・RECAROシート・I.S.Designエアロを存分に楽しめる車に仕上がる予感がいっぱいです。LSDを装着したら、ぜひ助手席試乗に来て下さい。
While waiting for the MINI SRE 3way damper kit for the spec change, I am also changing the spec for the ASM Z33 SRE2way damper kit with the knowledge I have learned from Tanaka Minoru-san. The package its self will be the same using the SRE Damper+HYPERCO (FR:10.7kg/mm) and the BS POTENZA RE-11 with the 19inch rims. Mostly the damper and the pressure with the tires. The result is I have managed to bring out the HYPERCO springs actual performance like it should. At this moment there isn’t much I would like to change. The only problem we had was the way we set up with the damper. With the three cars at ASM, the first choice would be S2000>MINI than Z33 with the comfort of the ride. But now with MINI and the Z33 improve dramatically there isn’t much difference with these three cars any more. The only small problem with the Z33 we have is the noise problem which is coming from the upper part of the rear damper, which we are trying to solve. If we solve this the car will be able to be used on the track, winding roads, or even on a date. A all in one damper. When everything is complete I would like for Suzuki-san from SA Hamamatsu to test the car out. Who is a Z33 master.
Just by re-doing the set up for the damper for the last two days, the Z33 has change a lot. It has a oneness feeling of a FR compact car. When the car becomes like this, there is much more things that I would like to do with the car. First, with the brake pads, the genuine pads which comes with the AP RACING kit is the FERODO DS2500 and it seems mixture with this kit isn’t that good, compared with the S2000 kit, there is just too much screaming noise from it. Soon we will test new brake pads from Nicole with this problem. At ASM, we are going to make a new brake pads design for this kit from ZONE. Which will cover from track use to the street with not much brake dust so most probably this will be the main for me.
With the feeling of the steering wheel, just like the MINI which change a lot, we will be installing the BILLION racing PS tank and the Power steering fluid. Hopefully this will help the steering feeling and off cause improving it with a steady feeling as well. And finally we will be installing the DREXLER LSD this month. Even with the current one the limit is very high and not necessary to install one but, with the super low speed friction, smooth response with the LSD. This one parts which you will need for sports use, on high speed rain surface. If not including the rear bumper or the noise coming from the brakes, the combination of the HYPERCO springs, SRE DAMPER, DREXLER LSD, AP RACING Brake Kit, RECARO seat and the I.S.Design body kit which we have installed makes it more than enough to enjoy the car. I will put up on this blog again after installing the LSD. For those Z33 owners please look forward and come to ASM to experience it.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1245#myu1245
昨日の夜ご来店のS2000オーナーさんが定番の人気アイテム「TODA RACING 軽量クランクプーリーキット」を装着して下さいました。エンジンレスポンスの更なる向上、動的慣性モーメント低減に効果があり、プーリー比や材料やアルマイトまで全てにエンジン屋さんのこだわりが詰まったお薦めアイテムです。
こちらのお客様は先日ご来店になり、ASMヨコハマ チューニングセール2009年秋の目玉アイテムのひとつであるエキゾーストマニホールド04を装着いただいています。新製品07は中間回転域のトルクアップが特長で実際の速さに直結する製品ですが、造りの綺麗さやAP1で言う8,000回転以上の一伸びを比較すると04タイプに分がありますし、その04タイプにしても例えば純正はもちろんワークス系エキマニと比較して遜色のない性能を持っているので、今回のセールでの人気が集中するのも自然なことでしょう。次はG.T WORKS製ECUに興味があるとのことでした。その前に、エアクリーナーかビッグスロットルのどちらかでいいので手を入れた方がいいかもしれませんね。
■TODA RACING 軽量クランクプーリーキット(エアコン付) 61,950円 ■ASM エキゾーストマニホールド04 134,400円
This S2000 owner came last night to install the popular TODA RACING light weight crank pulley kit. Improving the engine response, lowering the moment dynamic initial and with the pulley ratio, material and the alumite on the surface, you can see that many elements and effort has put in to it.
This customer came just a few days ago to install the Exhaust Manifold 04. This is on of the high light item at the ASM YOKOHAMA tuning sales 2009. The newer 07 spec has more torque from the mid rpm which effects on the speed directly but with the AP1 which can go up more than 8,000rpm the 04 model has more stretch, and off cause durability like the genuine exhaust manifold. That’s one reason it’s still popular. He was interested with the G.T. WORKS ECU but before doing that I recommend changing the air-cleaner box or installing the Big Throttle.
■TODA RACING Light Weight Crank Pulley Kit(with A/C) 61,950 Yen ■ASM Exhaust Manifold 04 134,400 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1244#myu1244
ワインディングベスト、Aragosta ASM Version
MINI用のSRE 3WAYを今日取り外しました。
サーキットでのスポーツ走行も視野には入れていますが、それだけの足ではありません。とにかくこだわったのはストリートでの快適性と安心感です。フラットな路面はもちろん、首都高3号線のような継ぎ目が連続する悪い道や工事の連続で荒れた地方の道を想定してセッティング、もちろんそのままの状態で箱根ターンパイクなど高速ワインディングで走行することも想定しています。指定タイヤはブリヂストン POTENZA RE-11です。ご存知の通り最高ランクのハイグリップタイヤですが、これを組んでも乗り心地を確保していることが最大のポイント。もちろんタイヤが持つグリップ性能の高さはドライバーを助けてくれること間違いなしです。乗り心地に振った車はオーナー自身が「これは街乗り仕様だから・・・」と言い訳しながらスポーツ走行しないとダメですが、SRE 3WAY+HYPERCOならその両立が可能です。
■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3way 1,260,000円(R53・R56・R55・R57対応)
I removed the SRE 3WAY from MINI today.
I have started the test from June 24th and usable product has finally complete for those MINI owners. But I will need to send it back to Enable for a set down and to check with the tester about the damper and many more detailed places. After that, re set the low speed for the front Bump. Check for any noises and the stay for the brake horse and even more detailed finished. I think any MINI owner who experience this will be highly impressed with the difference that MINI can change.
The damper not only can be used on the track but I have put extra effort on with the comfort and sense of secure for the street. off-cause on a flat surface but on the high way with many connection plate, construction roads, or a bad surface road the set up I have made will cover most of it. And off cause usable on high speed winding roads or Hakone. Recommended tire will be the POTENZA RE-11, which many of you know is one of the high rank high grip tire. Even with this combination it has more then enough comfort is one point and off cause the high grip performance that the tire has will help the driver in many ways. Most people excuses will say that this car is for the street and will be difficult for sports used but with SRE 3WAY+HYPERCO its possible.
A limited production of 5sets, two in October, one in November and two more sets in December. I am thinking of making it for R53 but there is this R56JCW owner who is thinking of purchasing it and one of it from the December lot might be for R56. so, there will be 4sets for R53 which three are sold, with one sets left. And for the last set it can be changed for R56 or R55 so for those who are interested please let us know in advance.
■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3way 1,260,000 Yen(for R53・R56・R55・R57)
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1243#myu1243
ASMの定番人気アイテム、TODA RACING軽量クランクプーリーキットを装着しました。オルタネーターの充電効率を適正に確保した上でプーリー比を決定しています。ここを適当に決めてしまうと確かにパワーやレスポンスは上がるのですが、エアコン・デフロスター・ヘッドライト・シートヒーター・ナビゲーションなど電気を大量に消費する時に充電が間に合わないと言う可能性があります。
そしてもうひとつ、今ASM S2000 3号車(AP2)でテスト中のビッグスロットルが製品化に向けて動き始めました。これはASMとTODA双方から発売開始になりますが、スロットルのテーパー角に違いを持たせてあります。ちょっといい方をもらってしまいました。同時にAP1用の開発もスタートします。AP1用は既にTODA RACINGから発売されているのですが、それをさらに改良した製品をASMから発売予定です。ビッグスロットルが気になっているS2000オーナーの皆さん、もうちょっとお待ち下さい。
■TODA RACING 軽量クランクプーリーキット(エアコン付) 61,950円 ■ASM ビッグスロットル(AP1用・戸田レーシング製) 開発中 ■ASM ビッグスロットル(AP2用・戸田レーシング製) 開発中
One of the popular item at ASM, the TODA RACING light weight crank pulley was installed. Giving out a efficiency charge from the alternator with the correct pulley ratio. Off cause to improving the power and response but also to have and keep enough energy for the air-conditioner, defroster, head lights, seat heater, navigation and other more.
And with the material using the A7075 duralumin with alumite on the surface. Not only with the lightweight but off cause with dependability is important with this kind of part. And that is why we are using this sort of material. With the alumite on the surface, this will help from any engine trouble like the aluminum from scraping off. Even that famous car which needs to be change every 30,000km with the timing belt, the real reason is because of the pulley roomers has it. The crank pulley seems a normal parts as a tuning parts but, a tuning parts which a supplier of S-GT makes is different in many levels.
Another new product is which we have it install on the ASM S2000 car no.3 and still under test is the big throttle, which we should be able to start producing soon. It will be out from ASM and TODA in the same timing but with the taper angle will be slightly different with these two. And also testing the product with AP1 which it has been already out from TODA but will be up grated a bit and will be available from ASM. For those S2000 owners who are planning to purchase this, please wait a bit more.
■TODA RACING Light Weight Pulley Kit (With A/C) 61,950 Yen ■ASM Big Throttle for AP1 from TODA RACING under development ■ASM Big Throttle for AP2 from TODA RACING under development
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1242#myu1242
TODA RACINGビッグスロットル(AP2用)テスト開始
みんなと一緒 |
2009/09/06(Sun) 12:54:53 |
On September 5th 2009 ASM has cerebrated our fourth year anniversary. I have continued making this store with complete hobby and without any necessity. With all the support from the customers, I have managed to enjoy the last four years, and I thank every one from the bottom of my heart. After everyone arriving around 9:05pm, with the entire customer and our driver Kato-san about twenty of us went out for dinner at the usual place. We had a good time until midnight and hope to do the same next year.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1241#myu1241
ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY、ASM DREXLER LSD、I.S.Designサイレンサーキット、I.S.DesignセンターディフューザーCarbon、RECARO SP-JC Premium White Leatherなど、誰もがうらやむパーツを未来のオレ様に買わせているKINGですが、そんな自慢の愛車がHYPER REV S2000 No.6の中ですっかり木内哲也氏所有のS2000の影武者になってしまったことを深く反省したそうで、完成されたインテリアを目指す第一歩としてモニターブラケット+パイオニアサイバーナビを装着されました。インテリアは常にドライバーの目や手に触れますし、オープンカーであれば外からも見えるわけですから、多少の不便さやコストを無視してフィニッシュレベルの高さを追求することが大切です。これからは白い本革を各部に使ったレザーインテリア化がテーマになりますが、余計なモノは追加せず、すっきりしたデザインと誰もが理解できる質感の高さを目指して作り上げて行きましょう。
■ASM モニターブラケット 47,250円 ■ASM I.S.Designトランスフック GT-09 価格非公開 <従来品との重量差> 前後で1,570gの軽量化を達成(ボルトナット含む) ・Front 1,170g→490g / Rear 1,220g→330g
After installing the ASM SRE Damper kit 3way, ASM DREXLER LSD, I.S.Design Silencer kit, I.S.Design center diffuser carbon, RECARO SP-JC Premium White Leather and many more which many adores, KING has re-think about his modification with his S2000 after his car was a shadow car of Kiuchi-san after the HYPER REV S2000 No.6. the first step of difference he took was installing the ASM Monitor bracket with the pioneer cyber navigation system. With the interior the diver will always be touching it and seeing it and off cause with a car like this with the roof down, it can be see from the out side. It is important to ignore a little about the price and the usability to have the finish level. The future plan is to use more white colored lather to the interior but not adding extra but to also keep it simple with a high quality.
And after saying this, the next thing he bought was parts for the exterior. After making 10sets for car no.1, the ultra light weight toe hook for both front and the rear was installed. Usually its specially for the I.S.Design body kits but he couldn’t wait until he buys the carbon bumpers, we modified the genuine bumpers a bit to install it. Using the scraped out A7075 material, with the existence of the maker, seller and buyer this was able to come out. One of the rare items at ASM and the first to install was KING.
■ASM Monitor Bracket 47,250 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1240#myu1240
■ASM モニターブラケット 47,250円
Install a TV monitor by installing it by custom finish.
I think every S2000 owner has thought of this at least once. Even with me when I was driving the S2000 my self I have thought the same. At the beginning as part of custom audio I install it on my S2000 than, at that moment it was new and everyone wanted to do the same but it just took too much time and effort. The most I did not like was that each cars finish will be slightly different. Not in a bad way off cause.
And so I have came out with this product. The basic material is FRP shaped so all will be the same. Even with the gap between the dashboards, as long as the muster model has been made well, the actual product line will come out without any difference from the factory. With S2000 or MINI what I am aiming is industrial products. For the functional aspect, 75% is more than enough. But without any feeling of art or hand made quality which each items are exactly the same finish. This S2000 owner just got this car and came straight from the dealer to install this. This should satisfy the owner like as it was done from the beginning. Please look forward with it.
■ASM Monitor Bracket 47,250 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1239#myu1239
ミッションOHのついでに、OS技研機械式LSD・TODA RACINGフライホイール交換をオーダーしていただきました。S2000も10年または10万kmを超える車や、度重なるスポーツ走行であちこちが劣化してきた車が増えていますが、ノーマル部品がスムーズに入手できる今ならそういった部分をしっかりメンテナンスすることで、新車時と遜色ない性能とフィーリングを維持することが可能です。
■OHミッション Assy 168,000円(ノーマル下取り) ■TODA RACING 軽量フライホイール 52,500円
While over hauling the transmission, this customer also ordered the TODA RACING fly wheel. It’s been ten years since S2000 came out on the market, and for those car which done more than 100,000km or track use, many places starts to worn off. At the moment genuine parts is not difficult to get and maintain. Which will be able to keep the performance feeling as if the car is brand new.
■OH Transmission Assy 168,000 Yen(needs genuine trade in) ■TODA RACING Light Weight Pulley 52,500 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1238#myu1238
Hewland SGT
■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000円
We installed the popular SACLAM pipes for Copen today. There isn’t any extra muffled sound, but a understandable mid-high frequency sound, plus a convertible car. The R56 MINI, TM-SQUARE SWIFT, the under develop NA8 Road Star and Copen. All of this sounds are heading the same direction with the sound quality. You can say it’s the latest SACLAM tuning and how much they in to the quality. At ASM if you make a reservation in advance, you will be able to install the SACLAM pipes for trial fitting. For those owners who are seriously thinking of purchasing it.
■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1237#myu1237
■ASM I.S.Designリヤウィング GT-09+専用カーボントランク
・リヤウィング+取付金具重量 2,896.4g ・専用カーボントランク重量 2,905g
The re-designed GT rear wing especially for car no.1 is complete. With the way the photo is taken, is looks high mounted but with the I.S.Design rear over fender installed, the size are within the inspection. Personally I thought it will be bigger and felt there wasn’t enough punch to it. KING companied me and told me it was big enough and to use it on the streets is a bit embarrassing. This wing was specially design and built for the last corners of Tsukuba 2000 and Fuji Speed Way. The new wing with the specialized trunk for it will be limited quantities of 5pcs. If the mold lasts maybe will be able to make one or two more sets. This is a set of the rear wing and the trunk, it cannot be sold separately.
■I.S.Design Rear wing GT-09 with specialized trunk
・Rear Wing with screws clasp weight 2,896.4g ・Specialized trunk weight 2,905g
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1236#myu1236
I.S.Designリヤウィング GT-09 デザイン確定・軽量化検証
前の10件 | 次の10件 | | | 200910のログ | 200908のログ |