プリンスのシゲこと重岡さんと一緒に夕食会をしてきました。鈴鹿遠征で心はリフレッシュしたけど体も胃も財布も満身創痍だったため、ここはシンプルに1品料理で済ませようと言うことで、横浜中華街 酔仙酒家に決定です。AFF加古さんお薦めの蟹肉入り炒飯、ASM金山お薦めのニラもやしヤキソバ、特別メニューのスープにデザートの杏仁豆腐と言う組み合わせで、2人合わせて2,340円でした。最近よくご馳走になっているので、この日は僕がお支払いを担当させていただきました。
人の車に乗ると気になることが結構あります。重岡さんのS2000は最近エアロパーツやタイヤホイール、ダッシュボードなどを一新したことは記憶に新しいと思いますが、今回乗せていただいて気になったのはリヤサスペンションからの異音でした。ASM SREダンパーキット2WAYのアッパーマウントに使っているゴムブッシュ部分が劣化することで発生する音だと思われます。部品代は1個840円で1台分で8個使用します。音が発生しているリヤのみを交換すれば最小限のコストで済みますし、逆にどうせアライメントを取り直すのであれば予防措置で1台分全交換するのもお薦めです。また、タイヤの内圧に左右差ある感じがしました。タイヤ交換後内圧調整していないのであれば、1度チェックした方がいいかもしれません。
I had dinner with Shigeoka-san today. after the Suzuka trip we wanted to freshen up but we were too tired and decided to have something light and simple. We went to china town to this particular place were the fried rice with crab meat a delicious. I ordered my personal favorite fried noodles as well with soup and desert. It was only 2,340 yen. his been treating me dinner every time so I paid the bill this evening.
Getting in to other peoples car you realize many things. Recently he has done the body kit, wheels and dash bored which I think every one still remembers. There was one thing I realized about his car. There was a noise coming from the rear damper. I think the noise is coming from the upper mount where the bushes are which aged. It will only cost 840Yen per one in total you will need 8. You could only change the rear to lower the cost. If you are thinking of doing the aliment it will be best to change all of it. I also felt there was a different in air pressure. Which you should have it check.
Even the owner of the restaurant came out and asked what kind of car this is. In the same time the owner was cleaning the passenger side for some reason. After that he went straight home. I will see you next week.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1404#myu1404
鈴鹿サーキットで開催されたI Heart Hondaに参加してきました。半年振りの2号車、2年ぶりの鈴鹿と言うことでぶっつけ本番の走行ですが、DVDホットバージョンの収録が主な目的なので問題なし。ドライバーはいつもの加藤寛規選手です。
その後の走行枠の中で数ラップ確認走行をして、あちこちで車に詰まりながらも2分14秒台、クリアなら2分12秒台には確実に入るようになった状態で3LAPバトルに入りました。エントリーしているのは全部で4台。Sタイヤ装着でV6ターボエンジンを縦置き搭載したエスプリNSX、スリックタイヤを履いた5ZIGEN S耐NSX、同じくスリックタイヤを履いたTRACY SPORTS S耐NSX、Sタイヤ装着のASM筑波スペシャル2008です。
ドライバー:加藤寛規選手 チーフエンジニア:市川さん(SUCCEED SPORTS) チーフメカニック:八田さん メカニック:柴田さん(PROKIDAI)・大木(ASM) エンジン:矢野さん(TODA RACING) 写真:楜沢アラタさん
We went to Suzuka to enter I Heart Honda. It’s been half a year with car no.2 and it’s been two years when we last drove car no.2 at Suzuka. The main thing for us was the DVD shoot for Hot Version. The driver is our usual Katoh Hiroki. Even thought its going to be without any rehearsal, there shouldn’t be any problem.
That is what I thought at the beginning. I was surprise after I check the time schedule. We only had one session in the morning for test run which only had 13min. Katoh was already at Suzuka doing the GT joint test for the past three days with Shiden, this past one year we mostly did the test with car no.1 at Fuji and Tsukuba so Katoh needed time to get used to the car. Under these circumstances, after the out lap we had to do a time attack on the third or fourth lap which the time was 2min15sec, 4sec slow then our best. He couldn’t get the feeling of the car back in time.
Within that few laps we could only do the test check run, getting stuck behind many other cars. If we had a clear lap, I am sure the car will run at 2min12sec. And so the 3lap battle started. 4cars in total entered the battle. ESPRIT NSX which has a V6 turbo charged longitudinal engine with an S-tire, the 5ZIGEN S-Tai NSX which has the slick tires, TRACY SPORTS S-Tai NSX which also wears an slick tire and our ASM Tsukuba Special 2008 with s-tire.
But this three lap battle was a total mess… one car ran out of gas, one had engine trouble, the gap was too much that it wasn’t really a battle. In the final lap it was our car with Katoh Hiroki just cruising back by him self. He was a bit worried that no body was behind him that he slow downed but ended finishing by him self. We had the opportunity having the whole track to our selves and could at least try a full time attack. Next time maybe we will have a transmitter on the car. We could have gone faster then our time record of 2min11, 753 sec. So, the 3LAP battle might go to the bin, unfortunately.
One thing I was happy to hear was Tsuchiya mad a comment about our S2000 and was surprise with how fast the car was and how the car turns at full speed. At the last battle at Tsukuba we couldn’t really show our cars performance against these high powered cars but at Suzuka this time we manage to pull away from these cars which has more than doubled the power then ours at the first section with the corners. Chasing these high powered cars with a light weight, massive down force, high speed cornering and by braking performance. These is what the ultimate S2000 should be and I manage to show this today and so I am very satisfied.
Driver: Katoh Hiroki Chief Engineer: Ichikawa-san (SUCCEED SPORTS) Chief Mechanic: Hata-san Mechanic: Shibata-san(PROKIDAI) Ooki(ASM) Engine: Yano-san (TODA RACING) Photos: Kurumisawa Arata-san
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1403#myu1403
I heart Honda!!2009薫風
This S2000 came in for a re-fresh menu after running it in for 170,000km. Before we do anything we will do a check up of the car. And recommend changing the clutch, the tires was warned out un equally, there was leakage of oil from the engine, aged damper bushes needed to be changed, almost all rubber parts needed to be change, after many years and with the mileage on the car there wasn’t any sharpness which the car should have. After discussing it with the customer we decided to do the basic menu, suspensions, clutch and re-fleshing the engine.
For the basic menu, we will be changing the wiser strip, other rubber malls, pulley belts, changing the brake and clutch fluid, engine oil, transmission oil, deferential oil, LLC will also be changed. There is more in details but I will put it a side for now. We have a list which has each and every parts price and labor work price for this service. We will be changing the suspension arms, dampers and bushes that goes with it as well. For the engine instead of just over hauling it, with the price and time that will cost, he decided to install a new engine.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1402#myu1402
廃盤になるモデルがあれば、新しくラインナップに加わるモデルもあります。まずはSR-7 ASM LIMITED BLUE。カムイブラック+シャイニングメッシュブルー表皮、ブルーWステッチ、ブルーRECAROロゴ、ショルダーノンスリップサポートと言う仕様のスポーツシートです。人気の新製品SR-7をベースに、今までのブラック×シルバー+赤Wステッチと言うASMデザインモデルのもうひとつのラインナップとして加わります。
さらに、SR-7F ASM LIMITEDも追加します。これは乗り降りしやすいように座面のサイドサポートがフラットになったF座面とSR-7のバックレストを組み合わせた人気モデルで、ASM仕様のブラック×シルバー+赤Wステッチ+ショルダーノンスリップサポートを組み合わせました。車種問わず、運転席助手席を問わず、リクライニングモデル中人気ナンバーワンになりそうな予感がします。
■RS-G ASM LIMITED BLUE 119,700円(在庫完売次第終了) ■SR-7 ASM LIMITED BLUE 109,200円(2010年3月下旬発売予定) ■SR-7F ASM LIMITED 109,200円(2010年3月下旬発売予定)
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1401#myu1401
■I.S.Designフロントディフューザー(CFRP) 493,500円 ■I.S.Designリヤディフューザー(CFRP) 273,000円
One of the oldest parts from the I.S.Design parts is this rear diffuser. We already had this in production back in 2003. It’s was a item that solve the under steer problem we had with the time attack we did in 2004. Normally when you talk about the rear diffuser you think it increases the down force for the rear but its not. It’s actually an item that runs the air in the back smooth out to the rear so that the car could take in more air in from the front part of the car which leads to more down force for the front. This S2000 owner has already installed the enhance ver. Of the front carbon diffuser end of last year and installed the rear today which he shall experience the difference of the effect with the front part of the car.
For the material he has chosen the especially order enhance carbon pre preg. Compared to the normal pre preg, its 2/3 of its weight which makes it lighter. And this is an aero part which requires durability. To give you more detailed info, if the floor part moves even slightly with the air, down force will escape. At ASM there is a reason why the edge part of the item is made strong according to the material and shape. Its different from items with aluminum and cut off from a wet carbon with performance. For the same reason, for the rear diffuser we only use the method of screwing it to hold it so that reduces the risk of tear up. This is why it’s only from pre-preg in the line up.
They might be able to make a aero parts which might look the same with its shape but they won’t be able to copy the performance, quality, safety and policy of it.
■I.S.Design Front Diffuser (CFRP) 493,000 Yen ■I.S.Design Rear Diffuser (CFRP) 273,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1400#myu1400
特注MR -高強度カーボンプリプレグ- と言う選択
預かっていたDREXLER LSDのチェックが終わったので再装着しました。装着後1年2ヶ月を経過し、その間デフオイル交換をしていた以外は一切ノーメンテナンスで、ほぼ毎週末あちこちでスポーツ走行をしていると言う使用条件でした。出荷からどの程度磨耗しているのかを念のためアネブルで確認したところ、同じような使用条件であればさらに1年は使用可能だと言うことで、最低限のメンテナンスのみで機械式としては相当耐久性があるデフだと言うことが証明されました。
■ZONE ブレーキパッド10F 30,450円(AP RACING用モデル) ■ZONE ブレーキパッド12D 26,250円
We re-installed the DREXLER LSD to this car which we finish checking the inside of it. After installing for 1years and 2months, maintaining it by just changing the deferential oil once in a while with the using conditions of almost every weekend of the track, we had to see how it was. We send it to enable for a check up and they have told us by the same using condition and maintenance it will at least last for another year. This shows and proofs that with only the minimum maintenance for a mechanical deferential, it has a very good durability.
In the same time we changed the brake pads, the last time we change was in April so he did not need to change it for ten months. He likes the pads because of the life spend has increased compared to the old one he used to use, but also the controllability of the pads. If you install a two-piece rotor will definitely reduce weight and making it larger will also help with the heat resistance of the brakes. But also keep in mind that when it’s heated and you continuously pull your side brakes, your bobbin will get pulled and will give you problems. If you can pull a brake duct from your center diffuser to lower the temperature of the rotor to solve the heat problem, you will be able to change the effect of the braking just by the pads.
■ZONE Brake pad 10F 30,450 Yen (for AP RACING MODEL) ■ZONE Brake pad 12D 26,250 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1399#myu1399
ASM DREXLER LSD、今週2台目の装着です
■I.S.Design リヤエアロバンパー08 ワイド 126,000円 ■I.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダー 31,500円
According to the wide fender with the front, this customer made the rear fender wide as well. the rear fender its self has a classical design which is hold on to the body with a screw but still has a natural look. Plus with the idea from Challenge, the design it self makes it possible to go with genuine bumper and other aftermarket bumper, this is one of the reason is very popular. When we first started to sell in 2004, we didn’t expect to sell this much because you will need to cut the body to install this but I guess that worry is unnecessary.
For the rear bumper, he installed our wide version bumper to match the fender line. Many after market body kits are made out from thin FRP which are very soft. At ASM we don’t force our selves to reduce weight but more to strength of installation. Its been also design to out stand the down force from the rear diffuser if installed.
■I.S.Design Rear Aero Bumper 08 Wide 126,000 Yen ■I.S.Design Rear Over Fender 31,500 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1398#myu1398
■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 315,000円
This S2000 owner came from Tochigi to install the I.S.Design Silencer kit. In one week, we manage to sell four sets of it getting more popular. Compared to other after market mufflers, the price is more then double but it passes the strict inspection without any problem but still has the best sound quality, performance and durability with this exhaust. Every customer who purchased this are more then satisfied. For those users who are going to change the exhaust for the first time, for those who are planning to change from other after market exhaust all of them are satisfied which proof its performance and balance.
I my self has driven the S2000 with the I.S.Design silencer kit installed for more then 20,000km and it keep surprising me how it changes with the way you drive. Even when the top is close driving 3000~4000rpm in the city or on the high way you will not hear any muffled sound which will not give you any extra tiredness. When you open the top floor the paddle, you will hear the mid-high sound which a Honda engine should make and surrounding you with it. on a daily bases its natural but when you use it for sports use, it will give you the sound you need and comfort. A exhaust that matches the current world today.
■I.S.Design Silencer Kit 315,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1397#myu1397
鈴鹿へ |
2010/02/13(Sat) 18:17:48 |
2/20(土)に鈴鹿サーキットでSpoonさん主催のホンダ車限定イベントSUZUKA de I Heart Honda!!が開催されます。その中でベストモータリング Hot Versionの収録があるのですが、ASMのタイムアタック号もエントリーすることになりました。最後に走ったのは2007年末ですから約2年ぶりの鈴鹿で、当時と比べるとデフをDREXLERに変更してさらにセットアップが進んでいます。当時ADVAN A050に対する評価が定まっていなかった時期ですが、いち早くタイヤにセットを合わせ込んで、2分11秒753と言うNAチューニングカーとして驚異的なタイムを記録しました。
There is a event held by Spoon at Suzuka circuit on February 20th. Which only Honda cars could attend. It’s called the SUZUKA de I Heart Honda!!. During this even there will be a video shoot from Best Motoring Hot Version. We are planning to bring our ASM S2000 Tsukuba Special (car no.2). The last time we run that car on that track was end of 2007, so its going to be two years and compared from then we changed the deferential to DREXLER and doing the set up accordingly. At that time the ADVAN 050 just came out but we manage to set the car with the tires and run the car with the time of 2min11.753sec. Which is a surprising time for a NA tuned car.
I’m not really sure of the time schedule of that day but thinking of the Tsukuba event they did last time, do a check up run in the morning, do a time attack in the afternoon then a 3lap race in the end. The other cars that I know so for which will be entering the race is esprit NSX which has a V8 engine, Spoons NSX turbo and 5ZIGEN S-Tai NSX. All of them are going to be much faster on the straight. Thinking of the track lay out and the S2000 power, if they over take us once, it will be difficult to over take them again. Only think we can do is try to take the advantage of the first half of the track where there is many corners. The ASM Tsukuba Special only runs once or twice a year, many people tells me that they want to see the car in action so this is a good opportunity to see the car moving.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1396#myu1396
以前1号車で使っていたアルカンターラダッシュボードをお買い上げ下さいました。お使いのRECARO RS-G ASM LIMITED CLに合わせて、赤Wステッチ+同じグレーアルカンターラで作られていて、裁断や縫製方法に拘ったその質感は、普通にアルカンターラを貼っただけのものとは完全に格違いと言えるものです。ASMではもうこの製品を作ることはありませんので、文字通り完全ワンオフと言うのも魅力のひとつでしょう。
He purchased the Alcantara dash board which we were using on our ASM S2000 car no.1. To match the RECARO RS-G ASM LIMITED CL which he has with the red double stitches and the same gray Alcantara. The finish quality is more then you expect it to be. We didn’t just past on the Alcantara on it but with have put effort on how to be stitched and used the exact same Alcantara material from the seats. We have no plans on making this product any more so its one of the kind which makes it attractive.
The future plans for him is using the same Alcantara and change the shift boots, hand break grip, arm rest, door panel, door knob and sun visor. If you used a slightly different Alcantara, the surface quality will be different and it will not look nice at all. At ASM we are using the exact same material with the seat which you will not need to worry about it, even with the red stitches. This is one car I am looking forward for its finish.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1395#myu1395
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