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約束の再訪 2009/04/30(Thu) 17:43:26
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作業待ちの間にI.S.Designサイレンサーキットを装着した3号車の助手席試乗をされたのですが、調律された綺麗な音質にすごく感動されたようです。これは1年間我慢できるかな〜?(笑) 宇都宮からのご来店ありがとうございました。

■ASM エキゾーストマニホールド07 134,400円

The Promised Visitation

About a year ago, he purchased a RECARO seat for his S2000. And as he promised then, exactly one year after he came to visit us at ASM. To install the ASM Exhaust Manifold 07. Which is one item that you can actually feel the performance of difference. Not only with performance but we added additional reinforce to it so that it could be used on the long run. 8 parts in total added.

Wile waiting for installment. I asked him to sit on the passenger of ASM S2000 car no.3 and let him hear the sound of the I.S.Design silencer kit. And was very surprised and impressed with the beautifully tuned sound. I wander if he can wait another year for this. Thank you for coming from Utsunomiya.


FD2 CIVIC Type-R 550GP concept 2009/04/29(Wed) 18:07:38
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429 FD3 DSC_2488.jpg



S2000用については、構造上の問題でASM SREダンパーキットしか実現できないフラットなフィーリングが存在しているのでボクの中で結論が出ていますが、SREの設定がないFD2シビックType-Rについてはベストチョイスのひとつかもしれません。


FD2 Civic Type-R 550GP concept

We installed a suspension kit on Civic Type-R FD2. After installment, we went for a test drive and comparing with the test drive I did at TODA RACING before, I was on the passenger sit. With 12 steps of decay and adjust it to 7th.

On a smooth road surface, you will not feel any hardness of softness. Just nice. A bit concerned me was the front pitching, but this was the same with the genuine damper so was within the limit. On a rough and twisty road, the damper move big a fast stroke, and the beginning feels a bit hard and a bit jumpy. Then from there when it move largely with the stroke, feels soft. Even on a rough concrete surface, it moves well, comfort and traction performance a good. Not only on the track but they have driven this on the street a lot to get this set up.

for the S2000, due to the mechanism, the ASM SRE Damper kit is the only item which provides the flat feeling inside of me and I have conclude it but for the Civic Type-R FD2 there isn’t a SRE setting and I think is the best choice at the moment.


550GP☆2009 Rd.2
Z33 380RS+SACLAM管 2009/04/29(Wed) 16:12:35
429 380RS DSC_2501.jpg



■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z33用) 222,600円


380RS owner from Ibaraki has installed the SACLAM Silencer kit today. 380RS is a NISMO tuned 3.8L engine, Limited edition Z33. The chemistry of this engine with SACLAM pipes are just amazing. We have installed many of it on Z33 but, 380RS+ASM Exhaust Manifold+SACLAM silencer kit is defiantly the best combination of choice. If the ASM manifold is a 100, the STD about 60, that much difference with installing the ASM exhaust manifold.

Thank you for coming.


ASMで人気の排気管、コペン用SACLAMサイレンサーキット 2009/04/28(Tue) 14:20:52
428 c1 DSC_2186.jpg
428 c2 DSC_2189.jpg


■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000円

A very popular exhaust pipe at ASM, SACLAM Silencer kit for Copen

Continuously we are installing the SACLAM pipes for Copen. Comparing with Z33 and Z34, the sound is a bit thin but through a tunnel, if you listen carefully, the sound quality is SACLAM. Maybe the best tempered sound out from SACLAM. At ASM and even at SACLAM is a very popular model.


存在を意識させないDREXLER LSD
SACLAMサイレンサーキットZ34用、装着開始です 2009/04/28(Tue) 14:07:47
427 z34 3 DSC_2095.jpg
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427 z34 1 DSC_2074.jpg



SACLAM Z34 SILENCER KIT 18000-NZ2-K000 273,000円

Installing the SACLAM Silencer kit for Z34

We had reservation before the actual product was out. And today we installed the first SACLAM Silencer kit at ASM. I did check the sound and performance at SACLAM the other day but at the environment, which I am always listening, was a bit different. Comparing with the Z33 silencer kit, it’s a bit quiet with the high pitch sound. And checking it with the Z34, I think it’s a bit more clear sound. Even after hearing the Z33, it shouldn’t be a problem.

The two pipe, and the plate holding are exquisite workmanship. Beautility, figure, is perfect. Silencer kit for Z34 has arrived. I highly recommend this for those Z34 owners.


550GP☆2009 Rd.3 2009/04/27(Mon) 11:49:52
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昨日のハイライトその1は、行きの新湘南バイパスで早くもやってきました。ヘビーウェット・・・。先行する車の水しぶきが視界を奪うような状況です。ここでもっとも安定していたのはFF+SRE+DREXLERを組み合わせた赤いMINI、その次にSRE 3WAY+DREXLER LSDを装着したKINGのS2000でした。あの路面だとLSDなしではアクセルオフ時の挙動は2WAYLSDで抑え込むのが近道です。またマイルドに、リニアに、レスポンス良く効くDREXLERですから、一般的なメカデフが雨や雪に弱いと評価されるのとは対称的に、グリップの低い路面だからこそ効果的でした。


帰りは御殿場から東名高速に乗って横浜を目指しました。長いトンネルの中では、エンジンヘッドまでフルサクラムの赤いMINIとI.S.Designサイレンサーキットを装着した3台のS2000が、最高にいい音させながら渋滞のない高速道路を快調に走り、ASM開店の30分前に無事到着でした。その後はDo Cafeでモーニングラテ、波と一緒に被った塩をENJO洗車グッズ実体験と言うことで各自愛車を綺麗にして味奈登庵で遅めのランチ、その後思い思いの時間を過ごして夜順次解散となりました。

今回は徳島県からMINIに乗ってご夫婦で参加された2人が文句なしのグランプリでしょう。先週神戸であって今週横浜で再開、1,500km0泊3日、「四国って遠いなぁ」と言う言い訳をしてなかなか行こうとしない自分の行動力のなさが恥ずかしく思えます。昨日はそのMINIにRECARO SP-JC ASM LIMITED左右セット、SACLAMサイレンサーキット、LAMY万年筆&ボールペン2009年春限定モデル、ENJO洗車セットをひとまとめでご成約でした。次は6月に開催するSA浜松フェアの時に会いましょう。レカロ装着写真はその時に撮影させてくださいね。遠くから本当にお疲れ様でした。

550GP☆2009 Rd.3

This was one week ago, we made a promise at SA Sunshine Kobe when we had the fair. “If the weather is good, I will drive up to Hakone from Tokushima with my MINI”. It was raining the whole week after that. “If it rains, I will come to ASM discuss some things about my car”. The actual day cleared perfectly for a drive. It was raining up to 4am but at 5:50am as we usually meet up the rain stop.

Yesterday’s first high light was at Shin Shonan Bypass. Road surface was heavy wet. With the car in front splashing water in the way. The most stable here was my MINI with FF+SRE+DREXLER combination. Next was KING’s S2000 SRE 3WAY+DREXLER LSD. With that road surface, without LSD, releasing accelerator like a 2”WAY LSD. Which the DREXLER makes it mild, linear and well response shows its performance like no other mechanical deferential that is weak on rain and snow.

Along the Seijyo Bypass the wave was raising up to 4m high. Which splash of water falling on us. Then up to Hakone turn pike. With fallen leaves and wet surface. With just a bit of cherry blossom left to see. The further we drive up, the fog became thicker and the wind became stronger. The temperature was 8℃ most of them with the 550 lather jacket and the top down enjoyed the drive. Didn’t thought the jacket will be in used at this timing. After driving through the lake we went to Café Julia for breakfast. I was surprise that we manage to park 9cars at that small space. Just like shipping in cargo, getting off the car with the roof down and over the door.

the return route was from Gotenba to Tomei to Yokohama. In the long tunnel, full SACLAM pipes MINI and 3 S2000 with I.S. Design Silencer kit was making a lovely sound through the highway with no traffic at all. Manage to arrive at ASM 30min before opening. After we had a morning late at Do Café, and trying out the ENJO washing goods with each and every one washing their cars. Then a late lunch. With everyone spending their own time at ASM, slowly head back home at night.

I think the winner will be the couple from Tokushima with MINI. We met at Kobe last week and at Yokohama This week. Total length of 1,500km in 3days. It made me feel embarrassed, which I always saying Shikoku was a far and not going there. At the shop, we installed RECARO SP-JC ASM LIMITED on both sides and SACLAM Silencer kit on MINI. He also purchased LAMY fountain pen and ballpoint pen and ENJO wash goods. Lets all meet up at SA Hamamatsu in June. And I would like to take a picture of it then. Thanks everyone for coming from far.


洗車好き、洗車嫌い、どちらにもお薦めの洗車用品ですよ☆ 2009/04/25(Sat) 11:18:58
427 enjo 1 DSC_2048.jpg
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■ENJO ガレージグローブ 5,250円
■ENJO マイクロスター(アウトドア) 3,990円
■ENJO マイクロスター(ブルー) 3,990円

For car lovers, those who don’t. Car wash item for both.

We started to handle this car wash product from ENJO. This brand is from Austria and which produces special cloth for house cleaning to human body care. Lately I have used it on MINI and S2000 car no.3. I was surprised with the wiping ability of this cloth. Usually takes about 10times but it can wipe it within 3~4times. It wipes off with just a few strokes, which means less damage to the body and helps finishes car wash faster. You can see even more if you use it on the window. It won’t leave marks of after wipe. And finishing it with a dry cloth will give you a transparent feeling like a wine glass.

The glove is for washing the car. It’s like a sponge glove and is used with shampoo. ENJO says there is no need to use shampoo and I am a bit of a lazy person so I always never use shampoo. Off cause I think using shampoo will be even better. Microstar (for out door) for the body and widow to wipe off water. And the blue one is specially for the window inside and out side. You will be surprised with the effect and how easy it is. There were one S2000 customer who bought one right away and looking forward of how it is.


SACLAMサイレンサーキット、コペンに装着 2009/04/24(Fri) 17:34:31
424 copen DSC_0525.jpg

買ったばかりの他社製マフラーからSACLAM管に交換しました。もう1台所有しているR56 MINI Cooper SにもSACLAM管を装着していただいたお客様ですが、「結局遠回りしてこれかぁ・・・」と残念そうで嬉しかったです。次の課題はMINIのサスキット。今はダウンサス+乗り心地重視のダンパーを組み合わせているそうですが、思っていた快適な足とはちょっと違って残念な感じがしているとのことでした。SRE+HYPERCOの組み合わせが解決してくれると思いますよ。お待ちしています♪


■SACLAM COPEN SILENCER KIT 18000-DA1-K000 168,000円

SACLAM Silencer kit for Copen

This customer just bough this other company silencer kit but decided to change it to SACLAM pipes. He also owns a R56 MINI Cooper S that also has SACLAM pipes installed. In the end up with SACLAM which he should be satisfied with. The next step will be suspension kit for MINI. At the moment he only changed to low springs for comfort. But a bit disappointed with it. SRE and HYPERCO will defiantly solve this problem. I will be waiting for that.

Thank you for coming.


ASM 3段調整式スタビライザー MINI用 2009/04/24(Fri) 14:35:59
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MINI用の新製品をリリースしました。R50 MINI Cooper/R53 MINI Cooper S用スタビライザーです。設定したのはリヤのみで、取付穴を変えることでレートを選択することができます。MINIの場合、サスペンションレバー比の関係でスプリングレートが乗り心地に与える影響がすごく大きいので、タイヤのサイドウォールの硬さやバネレート変更が明確に表れます。その反面、もう少しロールを減らしたいけどスプリングレートを0.5kg/mm上げるだけで車内にガタガタと言う低級音がいっぱい入ってきてしまいます。ボクの赤いMINIで言うと、リヤのバネレートをもう少し上げて追従性を良くしたいのと全体のロールを抑えたいけれど、バネレートを上げると乗り心地が確実に悪化するので妥協点を見つけてセッティングしていました。それを改善できるパーツが今回リリースした調整式スタビライザーです。製造はオートリファインさんにお願いしました。

スタビレートはR53 Cooper S純正を100%とすると、95.6/108.1/118.1%のスタビレートを選択できます。市販のスタビと言えばハード方向に調整するものが多く、ソフト側のレートを用意したものは少ないのですが、コーナーリング中荷重がかかっていないイン側タイヤがスタビの効果でどういう状態になっているのかを考えると、むやみにレートアップするのが決して良くないことは誰でも分かってもらえることでしょう。僕の狙いは95/105/110%ぐらいのレート変化だったのですが、材料との兼ね合いでHard部分が思ったような値になりませんでした。これは物理的に仕方がないことだし、条件によってはハードなスタビレートが必要な場面もあるでしょうからヨシとします。

実際に装着してどうか?よくスタビは「直進時に効かずコーナーで効くから乗り心地に影響せずにロール剛性をアップさせることができるパーツ」と説明されますが、残念ながら実際には違います。タイヤが接地している路面は常に均一ではなく、直進していてもスタビをハードにすればするほど、左右のサスの動きが干渉し合ってクルマに揺すられ感が出ます。だからレートアップし過ぎず、必要な分だけホンの少し硬くしたこのスタビライザーが良いんです。リヤのロールは確実に減少し、それに引っ張られてフロントタイヤの接地感も上がります。DREXLER LSD装着車なら最大限に恩恵を受けることができるでしょう。MINIとは思えない直進安定性とコーナーリング性能を手に入れたボクの赤いMINI、その実現に欠かせないパーツのひとつがこれでした。

■ASM 3段調整式スタビライザー MINI用 31,500円

<スタビレート比較 実測値>

純正1.06 (kg/mm) 100.0%
ASM Soft 1.01 (kg/mm) 95.6%
ASM Middle 1.14 (kg/mm) 108.1%(←ASM SREダンパーキットZEROとの組み合わせで推奨)
ASM Hard 1.25 (kg/mm) 118.1%

ASM Adjustable Stabilizer for MINI

We at ASM have released a new item for MINI. Stabilizer for R50 MINI Cooper/R53 Cooper S. Only for the rear. By changing the installment hole will change the rate. For MINI due to the suspension liver ratio, changing the spring rate affects the ride. So the stiffness of the tires side wall as well. But wanting to make the car roll less and putting in a 0.5kg/mm harder springs will make noise in to the car. For my red MINI, I wanted to install a harder spring for the rear and to hold the car roll. But installing a harder spring will make the comfort bad. Which gave me to give up either one. That is the reason and this item will help solve this problem. I have asked Auto Refine to make this adjustable stabilizer.

The rate is if the genuine R53 MINI Cooper S is 100%, 95.6/108.1/118.1% of choice. For those stabilizers on the market most of them are stiffer then the original and a softer rate is not much out there. While cornering everybody knows just putting in a harder one is not the only answer. What I wanted to aim was 95/105/110% of different rates. But with the material the hard part wasn’t exactly what I expected. Physically there is nothing much I can do and depending on the situation I might need a hard rate in the future.

How does it feel after installment? Many say you wont feel the effect on the straight and works only on corners and will not affect the comfort and help improve the roll of the car. But its not. The tires aren’t grounded on the road equally due to the road surface. Which the harder you make it even on the straight with the unequal road surface, the car will give you a shaking feeling. That is why it isn’t good to increase the rate too much but just a bit harder which is necessary is the best. The roll of the rear has decreased and with the front pulling and more grounded feeling. With the DREXLER LSD will even make even more difference. Stability for the straight and corner performance that unimaginable is my red MINI. And this is one part which help made this real.

■ASM Adjustable Stabilizer for MINI ¥31,500-


Genuine 1.06 (kg/mm) 100.0%
ASM Soft 1.01 (kg/mm) 95.6%
ASM Middle 1.14 (kg/mm) 108.1%(←Combination of ASM SRE Damper Kit Zero
ASM Hard 1.25 (kg/mm) 118.1%


ASM 調整式スタビライザー
RECARO アルカンターラグレー 2009/04/23(Thu) 16:13:17
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タイムリーにアルカンターラの内装小物もUSEDパーツを一式入手することができました。その他GT補強パーツやカーボンボンネット、Sスペシャルの美品など多数入庫していますので、ASM TOP/USED PARTSページをぜひご覧下さい。I.S.Design前後バンパーなど掲載後数分で売れてしまったものもありますが、まだまだ魅力的な程度の良いUSEDパーツがいっぱいあります。

RECARO Alcantara Grey

We installed the RECARO Alcantara Grey door panel. If you used a material, which looks the same, but after installing and under the sun light the difference is obvious. At ASM we used the same material, which is also used on RECARO seats. For this customer, shift boots, hand brake grip, armrest, console cover, is all ASM model and we did the door panel and door grip.

We also have some used interior items with alcantara material. And many more used parts have arrived. GT reinforced parts, carbon bonnet, S-special in stock. Check it out from our website. ASM TOP/USED PARTS page. We had used I.S.Design front and rear bumpers but after a few minuets on the website was sold. We still have many more good conditioned parts.


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