チャレンヂ |
2009/04/06(Mon) 21:23:24 |
The season to make new aero parts has arrived. I feel I have done enough with the S2000 but for this year we are doing the time attack with car no.1 so planning to add more items for it for the time attack. The based on the current wing, which can be used on the street and on the track with its performance, I am planning another wing which will be wider and high mount. I don’t think I will be able to sell that much so, planning to do it with the low cost mold but will be able to pass the inspection. And the size will match the I.S.Design Rear over fender.
In the late afternoon, I took a picture of car no.1 within the factory. All our ASM dry carbon products are ship out from here. Even the Mugen hard top, the interior panels for the door and center console. Even the number plate base. I think the picture came out well but when the professional cameraman took the picture it was quadruply better. It will be out on a S2000 book soon. Please purchasing this if you see this at the book store.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1057#myu1057
ASM S2000 1号車、2009年3月富士テスト
取材が終わった後はASM S2000 1号車用(=市販用)エアロパーツの製作の打ち合わせをします。もうやり尽くした感があるので今年はあれこれやりませんが、ひとつだけ大物を作ります。それはI.S.Designリヤオーバーフェンダー装着車専用リヤウィングです。オーバーフェンダーを装着した車両に装着して車検対応になる幅・高さまで大型化しつつ、ウィング形状そのものも見直します。1号車の一層のタイムアップのために大きな武器になってくれることでしょう。翼断面にはASM筑波スペシャル2006以降で採用している大型ウィングの要素を取り入れます。街乗りとサーキットをバランスしているのは現行モデルなのは間違いないですが、空飛ぶウィングもたまにはOK、またまた売れない部品を作ってしまうことになりそうです・・・と言うわけで、明日は1号車に乗って埼玉近辺をドライブです。
Our direction for 2009
Tomorrow morning I will be visiting SACLAM, to see the Z34 exhaust. The SACLAM pipes for the Z33 is still very popular and selling about five pcs a month. And off cause for the Z34 owners there are looking forward with it. We also have lot of inquires at ASM. And I needed to check it out before they release out for the market and listen to the sound. And to make sure to share this feeling with others.
In the afternoon, I went straight to Challenge For magazine coverage. I think is the first time for a tuning magazine to go in with a camera. I have recommended many magazines for coverage. But timing always made things difficult. I think for the first time, one of the world’s famous carbon composite factory is going to be introduced. They have made the Mugen hard top, Mugen hood, the Nissan GT-R carbon diffusers and all the ASM dry carbon parts. The secret of their high quality is going to be revealed.
After the coverage, we had a meeting for the ASM S2000 car no.1. We were discussing about the aero parts. Which I think we have done a lot and nothing else to do but we are planning to make one big item. A rear wing for those who has the I.S.Design rear over fender. Which will be bigger and within the inspection limit. The width, height, and the actual shape of the wing will be different. Which should help with the time attack for car no.1. Airfoil section will be element added from the ASM Tsukuba Special (car No.2). the welled balanced wing which can be used for the street and on the track is the current wing we have but, a wings that looks like it can fly is also okay I guess. Most properly I wont be able to sell this. Well I will be going for a drive around Saitama with car no.1.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1056#myu1056
春と秋恒例の早朝箱根ツーリングに行ってきました。告知はエイプリルフールに何となくやっただけ、結局最後まで行くとか行かないとか言わないまま当日の朝を迎えました。集合場所である横浜新道下り戸塚PAに到着し、千葉から初めて参加してくれたS2000オーナーさんやいつも来てくれるR56 MINIオーナーさんと話すこと数分、メスカブト号と呼ばれるレモンイエローのブレンボキャリパーが印象的な漆黒のポルシェカイエンに乗ってこの日の主役登場。いつも仲良くしてもらっているオートファッションファクトリー横浜の加古さんと甲斐総店長です。前日の夜、3人で一緒に食事をしていたのですが、その時加古さんが「甲斐ちゃん、明日朝5時にお店集合ね。」と言い始めました。まさか来るとは思ってなかったのです。僕はいつも人の写真を撮ってばかりだったのですが、この日は撮影をAFFチームに任せてドライブを楽しむことにしました。
横浜新道を出発、いきなり疑い深い覆面カスタムカーの助手席に乗っているおじさんが目つき悪く睨み付けてきたので萎えましたが、この日部分開通する原宿トンネルの横を通過して新湘南バイパスに入りました。ここで先行したのは白い4つの弾丸、80km/hの車間距離のまま4台がポジションを入れ替わりつつ右に左に走り抜けます。TODA RACING製フライホイールと軽量クランクプーリー、G.T WORKS ECUでトルク特性が大きく変わったS2000でのオープン高速ツーリングは圧巻の気持ちよさでした。R134を経由して2番目の集合場所である西湘バイパスSAに到着しました。ここからはAFF撮影班を先頭に、箱根ターンパイクを目指して海岸沿いを走ります。それぞれの車を入れ替えて、お互いの車の気になる部分を確認しながらゆっくりツーリング、しかも専属カメラマン付、これは贅沢だ。そして箱根ターンパイク。ここは山や桜の写真しかないので割愛(謎)、大観山駐車場に到着です。
湖尻〜仙石原経由で御殿場から東名高速を使って横浜を目指しました。週末1,000円効果のせいか車の台数が多い感じですが、ここでも流れに乗りながらポルシェカイエンに先導されながらオープンでゆっくりツーリングを楽しみました。御殿場周辺や高速道路沿いの桜は満開で、その中をオープンで走ることができる、これ以上に贅沢な時間はなかなかないでしょう。しかも今回はその様子を写真に残すことができました。いつも自分で撮影しているからこそ、こうやって撮ってくれる人がいるありがたさを余計に時間できます。タイミングが合えば、AFF&ASM 550GPを開催できればいいですね。その時は僕も3カメ担当でがんばります。次回の長距離ツーリングは2週間後のSAサンシャイン神戸フェア、みんなでS2000に乗って明石海峡大橋を渡り、3号車の生まれ故郷高松を目指しましょう。550GP☆2009開幕戦に参加された皆様、お疲れ様でした。
Curtain up of 550GP that starts at 5:50
I when to the usual early morning Hakone tour that we always have in spring and autumn. I made a little announcement on April 1st. Up to the current day I didn’t say properly if we were going or not. All of us met up at this parking are in Yokohama Shindo. One from Chiba which it was his first time to join us and our usual R56 MINI owner who came first and we where having a little chat. After a while, a black Porsche Cayenne with the yellow brembo calipers has arrived which was our main guess of the day. Kago-san. He is the boss of Auto Fashion Factory Yokohama which he also a close friend of mine. I had dinner with him the day before and told him to meet up at five in the morning. I thought he would not come but he came. And usually I am the one always taking the pictures but today we had a photographing team and just enjoyed the drive.
After departing from Yokohama Shindo I had this bad stare from this guys from a unmarked patrol car. Which gave me a discourage feeling. After passing through the Harajyuku tunnel we went in to Shin Shonan bypass. The top 4 white S2000 was changing positions and was going left and right. With the TODA RACING fly-wheel, light weight crank pulley and G.T WORKS ECU has change the torque characteristic enormously and made the S2000 even more fun and to drive at high speed with the top down. After going through R134 and to our second stop at Seijyo bypass parking area. From here we had the photographing lead the way and had up to Hakone. Which only have pictures of mountain and Japanese Cherry and arrived at Daikanyama parking.
The weather was just nice and a bit cooled and manage to see Mount Fuji clearly. Usually we would go to this rest house and talk but the weather was just too nice that we decided to talk out side. And during this Kago-san from AFF was taking more pictures. And to take our break fast we headed down. My objective for the Hakone run is to have break fast car lovers and just talk. For Saturday it will be aqua pazza, Sunday will be at café Julia. So we went to aqua pazza for break fast. With the large window and the sunrise shining in, it was a nice breakfast.
on the way back, we went through Kojiri, Sengokubara to Gotenba then went on to Tomei highway back to Yokohama. Due to the \1000- fee for the highway there were more cars then usual. With the Cayenne in front again we manage to go on the stream and enjoyed the ride back. Around Gotenba there is lot of Japanese cherry blossomed, and driving through with the top open, I don’t think there is a better way of spending time like this. And manage to have pictures of it. Usually I am the one always taking the pictures and makes you appreciate and enjoy the drive more. If the timing is right, I would like to have AFF and ASM 550GP drive. And I will be the cameraman. The next long drive will be in two weeks at SA sunshine Kobe which we will be having the fair. We will be crossing the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. All of us will be driving the S2000 and will be heading for Takamatsu which ASM S2000 Car no.3 belongs. I would like to thank every one who joined the 550GP run.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1055#myu1055
Near Yokohama Motomachi Park, The cherry blossoms are blooming beautifully now.
I had the day off yester day so, I went out for a drive with MINI. My favorite course is starting of from Kamakura to Enoshima then to Hakone. In front of the Tsuruoka Hachimangu there were cherry blossoms blooming beautifully now. And the worm weather today I think it would be even better to look at. The weather report says tomorrow will be the best day watch. And I think lot of people will be out for it. On the way to Enoshima I could see Mt Fuji beyond the Shonan Sea.
And this morning on my way to work, I drop by Motomachi Park and Yokohama MinatoMirai to see the cherry blossoms. Which is very beautiful as well, I think tomorrow will be a nice day to take walk. It’s only out third day after entering April but we have many customers from far places visiting us at ASM. Installing the ASM exhaust manifold for Z33, I.S.Design silencer kit for S2000 and etc. Even RECARO seats are selling well with the fair we are having now. I hope there will be even more customers during the weekend
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1054#myu1054
ミノルインターナショナル田中実社長が愛車のスイフトに乗ってご来店です。とにかく車を軽量化したいと言うことで相談を受けたのですが、どうせなら質感やカラーリングにもこだわって欲しいので、純正赤ステッチインテリアに合わせてASM LIMITEDモデルをお薦めしました。表皮は本皮&アルカンターラの組み合わせです。シートレールはありえない程不自然なローポジションになるレカロスポーツフレームを選択、普通のユーザーさんに販売すると「低過ぎる」と驚かれることが多い製品なのですが、フロアに座りたい勢いのミノルさんには何の問題もなく気に入っていただけました。
5/23-24の土日、このデモカーをお借りしてTM-SQUAREフェアを開催する予定です。ここ数ヶ月、オプションやレブスピードなど多くのチューニング雑誌で注目を集めているTM-SQUAREスイフトですが、1つ言えることは普通のユーザーさんが思っている数倍この車には手間とノウハウと情熱がこめられていると言うことです。TM-SQUARE Webサイトをご覧になってみてください。
TM-SUARE, Tanaka Minoru ways of tuning a car
The president of Minoru International Tanaka Minoru-San came to ASM with his SWIFT. His request was he wanted to make the car lighter, and I wanted to match the original red stitches of the interior, coloring and texture of the car. I suggested our ASM models, RS-G ASM LIMITED CL which is half lather and half Alcantara. For the seat rail, he chose the very very low position REACARO sports frame. Which is very and too low for normal users. But for him who wanted to sit on floor should be no problem.
It was a chance for me also to take a good look of the car. About the front bumper, uses the latest technology of S-GT machines and many aerodynamic elements has put in to it. Like the front lip, on both sides on the edge has a little secret. The hood uses wet carbon fiber but the way they make it has made it lighter then expected. A natural look, balanced of aero dynamics and a matured design of the side spoiler, rear wing, and the wing stay which out stands more then the wing it self, the body kit they have has no doubt about it. For the engine as king of NA tune, has been done by formula engine shop for more capacity. And for the exhaust, they have chosen the SACLAM pipes for comfort, pleasant and racy welled balanced like SACLAM always does. For the dampers is also on the spot. They re-did the geometry and based on HYPERCO springs for set up, they manage to make it a flat ride. The more you look at it makes you feel it’s a tuner straight ahead.
On May 23rd and 24th we are planning to borrow this car and we are going to have a TM-SQUARE fair. These last few months this TM-SQUARE SWIFT has been on OPTION and REV SPEED and many more other magazines and has lot of attention. And I can say one thing for sure is they have spent lots of time, effort and passion to this car more then you can imagine. If you are interested, I recommend checking their web site out.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1053#myu1053
開幕間近 |
2009/04/01(Wed) 17:54:12 |
・TODA RACING 軽量フライホイール ・TODA RACING 軽量クランクプーリー ・ASM ゼロバンプステアブラケット ・ASM ステンレスメッシュクラッチホース ・ASM ステンレスメッシュブレーキホース ・後付シートヒーター ・クラッチスレーブシリンダー加工 ・エンジン、ミッション、デフオイル交換 ・無限エアフィルター洗浄 ・アライメント調整(後日) ・Spoon リヤロールセンターアジャスター(後日) ・Spoon リヤコントロールアーム(後日) ・ZONE ブレーキパッド F:89R/R:89R(後日) ・ASM スペシャルパーツテスト品(後日)
細かいパーツが中心ですが、S2000をよりS2000らしく引き立たせる基本メニューを組み合わせてみました。クラッチホースは最終試作品でまもなく製品としてリリースします。ブレーキホースはもちろんASMステンレスメッシュホース。今後フロントをAP RACING製ブレーキキットに換装することを考慮してスペシャルで作ったシルバーホースを装着しました。そうそう、ブレーキホースで思い出した、
今日暇つぶしにネットをパトロールしていたところ、ASMブレーキホースがTODA RACINGさんのブレーキホースと同じ?と言う推定だか断定だか微妙な記事を見かけました。へぇ〜、そう言えば去年の秋、ブレーキホースがどうこうって戸田レーさんが話していたことを思い出し早速Webサイトをチェック。
AP1/AP2/FD2 車検対応ブレーキラインシステム
ふむふむ。同じ黒ホースでアタッチメント部分が可動式だからOEMと勘違いしても自然です。しかも23,000円と言う価格がブランドまで含めて考えればすごいっ♪・・・ですが、残念ながらモノは全く違います。ホースの重量や車両への留め金具を含め現物を見れば別物であることは一目瞭然、どっちがいいとか悪いとかじゃなく「全く別のもの」です。もちろんTODA RACING製パーツですからASMで取り扱いOK、理由を知った上でお客さんに選んでいただけます。ぜひご注文下さいませ。一方そのころ隣のPITでは、660の鉄と呼ばれる男が「開幕」に備えて愛車のエンジンオイル交換、もちろんMIDLANDコンペティション7.5W-40です。
Curtain Up around the corner
Every single day is a scary day for me with the economic crisis but we manage to start of another fiscal year. On my way to work, I saw many young freshmen with their new suits and shoes on their way to start working. I was having lunch with a customer at this hotel in china town and there were many trainees as well. Since a turning point I wanted to do something at ASM so, I have asked the owner of our ASM S2000 Car no.3 to get a few parts for the car and we got to work right away.
・TODA RACING Light Weight fry wheel ・TODA RACING Light Weight Crank Pulley ・ASM Zero Bump Steer Bracket ・ASM Stainless Mesh Clutch Horse ・ASM Stainless Mesh Brake Horse ・Seat Heater ・Craft Clutch Slave Cylinder ・Engine, Transmission, Differential oil change ・Mugen Air-filter washed ・alignment ・Spoon Rear Roll Center Adjuster ・Spoon Rear Control Arm ・ZONE Brake Pad F:89R/R:89R ・ASM Special Parts Test
Many small items but to make the S2000 more the way it should be, I think this menu is the basic menu. For the clutch horse its not the final trial model but the actual product it self. For the brake horse the ASM stainless mesh brake horse. Which is a special silver horse that it will be fitted for the AP RACING brake kit which I am planning to install in the future. Talking about brake horses, I was surfing the net today and I found a article which says that the ASM brake horse and the TODA RACING brake horse is the same. Which also reminded me that last autumn when TODA RACING came they telling me something about the brake horse. So I when to their website and check it out.
AP1/AP2/FD2 inspection free brake line system Using the same black colored horse and the attachment part can be movable and only natural to misguided with OEM. And the price is \23,000- which I think is great including the brand name. But the actual item it self is completely different. The weight of the horse, fastener to the car is different if you see the actual item. It’s not about which is better but it’s completely a different item. Off cause its TODA RACING so we handle this item at ASM. The customer can choose from knowing the reason. At the Pit, 660 the steel man came to change his engine oil, preparing him self for the weekend. The oil is off cause MIDLAND Competition 7.5W-40
And so our new year has started off quietly. And I am looking forward for the weekend.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1052#myu1052
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