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ZONE、選べる15種類×800車種のバリエーション 2009/08/07(Fri) 14:17:05
730 zone DSC_7473.jpg



ZONE Brake pads are getting very popular at ASM. Off-cause for S2000 is are the most but for MINI is also getting popular and we have many increase sales and inquires for Z33 as well. There are many choice of material, can choose to match with what kind of stage your drive, or combination with the tires you are using. For those who are going to change for first time, for those who are going to change from the ones there using now and many of them do not know which to choose.

From the beginning of development we co-operated with the test with our S2000 and have so much more information which we could not introduce on the catalog or on the web. And off-cause the know how. We don’t mean to sound arrogant but we would just like to help choose the suitable brake pads for you. Minoru international told us that we are Sommelier of ZONE but nothing like that. It’s just that like from Kato Hiroki-san (Our test driver) and with my MINI, we just have the some experience with it. I will call our self the ZONE tester instead.


Today's SACLAM スカイラインクーペ V35 2009/08/06(Thu) 20:24:47
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■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(V35スカイラインクーペ用) 248,850円

Recently at ASM, the SACLAM pipes for Skyline Coupe are getting popular. The basic layout is same with the Z33 so the sound quality is also the same. I cannot see or hear any differences with it. The skyline coupe is a very stylish mature car which I am sure matches the Latino sound. There isn’t any muffled sound towards the interior, and whenever you step on the gas, the SACLAM music will cover and surround you with the car.

■SACLAM Silencer Kit(for V35 Skyline Coupe) 248,850Yen


音と一緒 2009/08/06(Thu) 19:18:19
806 MINI DSC_8074.jpg

MINIにSRE Dumper Kit 3wayを装着してテストを始めて1ヶ月ちょっと経過しました。PROXES T1Rとのマッチングはほぼ取れたので、どこかのタイミングでタイヤをハイグリップラジアルのBS POTENZA RE-11に履き替えてさらにテストを継続する予定です。現状90%の満足感は得られている状態なのですが、あと10%をどうするかで悩んでいます。その主な部分は街中での快適性です。

HYPERCO+SRE 3WAYと言う極上の組み合わせだから、箱根ターンパイクや首都高などを走らせるにはとても楽しくて最高なのですが、今後RE-11と言うショルダー部分が硬いタイヤを入れるとなると、初期タッチの柔らかさにもう一声アドバンテージが欲しいところ。S2000+SRE 3WAY+HYPERCO12.5kg/mmぐらいの乗り心地を目指して、HYPERCO田中ミノルさん、Base-M間野さん、アネブル蘇武さんなど色々な人の意見を伺いました。それに過去S2000やMINIでやってきた経験を加味し、S-GT300絶好調の加藤寛規選手の意見をもらって、何とかいい落しどころを見つけたいです。



■ASM SRE Dumper Kit 3way for MINI  予定価格1,260,000円

It’s been a month after installing the SRE Damper kit 3way on MINI. I have almost finish the match up with the PROXES T1R so, whenever I find the free time I am thinking of changing it to the BS POTENZA RE-11 and continue with the test with the damper. I am 90% satisfied at the moment and still thinking what to do with the 10% for the damper.

Since using the SRE 3way with HYPERCO the ultimate combination, on the high way or Hakone its very fun and perfect but using the RE-11 which the shoulder part is hard, I would have to make the early phase of the touch softer. The goal is to get as close as possible comfort like the S2000 with SRE 3way, HYPERCO 12.5kg/mm combination. I am planning to ask Tanaka Minoru san with the HYPERCO, Mano-san from BROS, Sobu-san from enable with their opinion with adding the experience we have on the past with S2000 and MINI. And off cause from Kato Hiroki-san our test driver who is doing great on S-GT300 to find what is missing.

Just only with the ride comfort, adjusting the damper only changes largely. Comparing with the early stages, it’s within the range I wanted it to be but there are still problems with it. there is a noise coming out from the front. It seems it’s easy for the steel damper case and the aluminum tank to vibrate to make noise. Especially for 3ways with the strut. Even with the Porsche RS-R has the same problem. I have added weights like on the picture but sadly that did not change a thing. I have asked Sobu-san from enable again to re-check the drawings and told me on place that might be the reason. First do a test on the damper tester than after to my MINI. For any necessary changes for the SRE damper.

This is not going to be a normal production product. I am making this damper for my MINI to enjoy the car its self, to enjoy Hakone drive for my favorite MINI. And this is why I am going to make it perfect. It may take time but the process of this is also fun. And for those five friends who has a fellow feeling in what I do. For them as well I am going to produce only five sets.

■ASM SRE Damper Kit 3way for MINI  approximate price 1,260,000 Yen


ASM SRE Dumper Kit 3way、テスト開始
BILLION レーシングパワステタンク 2009/08/03(Mon) 13:02:52
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そして今日装着したのはこれ。BILLION Racing PS tankです。サクシードスポーツ市川さんに勝負を挑む、とても仕上げレベルが高いアルミ溶接で製作したステアリングフルードタンクです(BILLIONカタログ頁1BILLIONカタログ頁2)。製造元はS-GT500ワークスマシンの作り物をしている方で、さすが田中ミノルコネクションはすごいですね。ボクのMINIのボンネットを開けると唯一SACLAMエアBOXのみ目立つだけで、その他は空気整流まで考えたJCW GPインタークーラー、SACLAMエキゾーストマニホールド、AP RACINGクラッチフルードタンクなど、見た目の派手さを競わず、機能部品としてのこだわりに特化したエンジンルームになっていました。



The air-catch tank which I installed on my MINI is pretty good. Looking at the hose, you can see the air bubble slowly flowing towards the tank. Thinking this air was dropping the cooling performance, which I know is my imagination but it feels that the car has improved. Well, its better doing it than not at all.

And today I have installed the BILLION Racing PS tank. It has a high welded aluminum quality which Ichikawa-san also has at succeed sports. It is a steering fluid tank. It’s been made by this person who also makes parts for S-GT500 works machines. Thanks to Tanaka Minoru-san connection. After opening the hood of my MINI you will be able to see the SACLAM air-box, JCW GP inter cooler which has design of the air-flow, SACLAM exhaust manifold, AP RACING clutch fluid tank, not by the showiness but full with actual functional parts.

This steering tank is also doing its job well, with no leakage as functional parts. It has been design to make the air bubbles less as possible. Which will also help at continues hard drive to prevent the lack of steering feeling. As you can also see its been welded very beautifully. I have also changed the fluid in the same time to the BILLION power steering fluid B350. I won’t be able to know the limit until I find a time to drive hard on it but just by changing it you can actually feel the steering a bit lighter and smoother.

Even with the air-catch tank is the same but tuning cars does not mean just adding parts but to help improved the system which you have at the moment, to help bring out its actual potential its what I think of tuning. For example installing the air catch tank, and just changing the coolant to a high performance coolant without changing the radiator will help improve the performance of the car. With the power steering tank, with the elements of the dampers you will be able to pick up the steering feeling more accurately. This will be able to concentrate on the set up as well. After making it properly its looks is perfect, performance wise as well.


KW Dumper Kit 2way装着+減衰&アライメント調整 2009/08/02(Sun) 13:31:27
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802 s2 2 DSC_7796.jpg
802 s2 3 DSC_7808.jpg

先々週はトヨタ プログレに、先週はS2000にKWダンパーキットを装着しました。今朝はそのS2000のアライメント調整作業と減衰変更を行いました。サスペンションを選択する時のお客様のニーズは明確で、「スポーツ走行はそれ程重視していない。とにかく高速ツーリングで快適であることが重要なのでそこを重視したサスが欲しい」とのリクエストでした。USED PARTSページに掲載しているUSED SRE 1WAY、Aragosta、KWあたりをご検討されていたのですが、その中で僕がお薦めしたのがKWダンパーキットです。


結果、とても満足いただきました。今まで不快に感じていた高速道路のジョイントやマンホールの深い段差を「タタンッ」と軽快に乗り越えるようになって、しっとりした乗り心地になったと言うことです。ホンの少しの調整でこの変化ですから、色々調整して遊んでみて下さい。KINGちゃんのSRE 3WAYと木内さんのSRE 3WAYも最近調整して、オーナーさんから「別物になった」とコメントいただいています。

■KW Dumper Kit Version-3  379,050円

Two weeks ago to the Toyota Purogure, last week to S2000 we installed the KW Damper kit. This morning we had the alignment and adjusting the damper which we installed on the S2000 last week. When the customer was looking for a damper, his need was clear. He does not need a sports damper for a hard drive but a comfort damper on high speed roads. He was thinking about the USED SRE 1way which we have on the website, Aragosta or KW. Out of these I recommended the KW damper kit.

After a week on the car there weren’t many good things to say about it because it was too stiff and had this jumping feeling and the rough road surface noise comes in the car. With car no.3 due to the difference of the tire brand, difference tire size which might effect differently but the KW 2way like the SRE 2way both of stretch and the shrinkage can be adjust individually. This sort of detailed adjustability is the advantage. Adjusting the shrinkage of both front and rear softer and stretch harder which is softer but the length of the shrinkage is less with less un necessary movement with the set up.

In the end, he was satisfied with result. Now you won’t have to feel uncomforting joints of the high way, deep step of the manhole. Light feeling of going over it with comfort. This much difference with adjusting a bit. Should try out all kinds of set ups. Even with our two regular customers which we installed the SRE 3way just adjusting a bit and the feeling is completely different.

■KW Dumper Kit Version-3  379,050 Yen


ASM すっきりしたエアキャッチタンク 2009/08/01(Sat) 19:01:39
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801 tunk DSC_7675.jpg


樹脂製のラジエタータンクをアルミ製にするのと同時に、ラジエターアッパーホースにニップルを追加してエア抜き用のホースを差し込み、アルミ製ラジエタータンクに戻します。装着すると分かりますが、ここからかなりの量の気泡が出るのですが、もし純正のままだったら走行中に気泡が冷却性能を落としたりしている可能性が高いわけで、エア抜きしやすいタンクを作ったら結果的に水温を安定させる方向のパーツになったわけです。AP RACINGクラッチタンクと言い、何で今までこういうパーツが出ていなかったんだろう・・・。



■ASM すっきりしたエアキャッチタンク 価格未定 2009年9月発売開始予定

Whenever you change the coolant for MINI, lack of air bleeding is very bad and with this it takes lots of time. I have asked many people, looked at many places. It seems there isn’t any other way and I gave up. The other day when I changed the fluid, there was much rust which was mix with the fluid and was very dirty. I wanted to do this in much more easier way, after seven years since MINI has been out and though there should have some after market parts for this…but there wasn’t. I think. So I decided to make one.

Changing the material from plastic to aluminum, in the same time adding a nipple on the upper horse, with the air-bleeding horse, to the aluminum radiator tank. You will be able to see there is many bubble coming out after installation. If it was genuine, while driving the air bubble will reduce the cooling performance. Making a easy air bleeding tank from the result help the water temperature stable. I wander how come such item wasn’t out, even with the AP RACING clutch tank.

And off cause this parts is made, design by Ichikawa-san by succeed sports. Who is the chief engineer of the ASM Tsukuba Special, ex GT500 works race cars. It looks very simple parts but if it brakes it will damage the engine so it’s a very important part. That’s why its important to ask some one you trust. The welded part is also very nice. The next step is to change the power steering tank. Which will be from BILLION, Tanaka Minoru-san recommended this and the person making this is also from GT500 who specialize in aluminum weld.

My MINI’s engine room has almost reached the GT500 Spec.

■ASM Air Catch Tank. Out in September


BILLION レーシングパワステタンク
今日2本目のSACLAM管装着 2009/08/01(Sat) 18:53:49
801 Z33  SACLAM DSC_7786.jpg

埼玉県からご来店のZ33HRオーナーさんがSACLAMサイレンサーキットをお買い上げ下さいました。Z33用はSACLAMをここまでメジャーに押し上げた原動力になった製品なので、誰が聴いてもすぐに分かる個性的な音が特長になっています。お店の外でSACLAM管+ASMエキマニを組み合わせたASM Z33の音を試聴してもらっている時店内にもその音が響いてくるのですが、SACLAMを知らないお客様がその音を聴くと、不思議そうな顔をしているのが印象的です。まさかV6エンジンの超ライトチューンのZ33の音とは思えないですからね。


■SACLAM サイレンサーキット 222,600円

This Z33HR owner from Saitama came to ASM today to install the SACLAM silencer kit. The SACALAM silencer kit for the Z33 help made SACLAM this popular. And anyone will know the sound with its sound character. We have our ASM Z33 parked out side which has the SACLAM pipe and the ASM exhaust manifold, whenever we let our customer hear the sound out side, you can hear the sound clearly from inside and for those customers inside which does not know SACLAM, makes a wandering face and can’t imagine that a light tuned V6 engine of the Z33 is making that sound.

For the next step, to get the complete SACLAM, the ASM Exhaust Manifold. With the primary size 45φ with equal length. It is a important item to hear the SACLAM music.

■SACLAM Silencer kit for Z33 222,600 Yen


SACLAM for J-Sports SWIFT用サクラム管装着 2009/08/01(Sat) 13:36:21
801 swift saclam DSC_7706.jpg

TM-SQUARE SWIFTマフラーを装着しました。このテールフィニッシャーをご覧いただければお分かりの通りSACLAM製です。NAエンジンらしい調律された鳴き音が綺麗なマフラーで、SWIFTオーナーさんの中でも徐々にその魅力に気付く人が増えてきたのではないでしょうか。まだ僕も気付くことができていない音を奏でていると言う話を聞きました。毎日様々な場面で乗ることができるオーナーさんをうらやましく思います。


■SACLAM サイレンサーキット for SWIFT(TM-SQUARE専売モデル) 168,000円


We installed the TM-SQUARE SWIFT Silencer kit today. As you can see with the tail finish its made by SACLAM. A clear tuned screaming sound from a NA engine like this will definitely grab those SWIFT owners heart. And increasing. I have also heard that it makes a certain sound which I didn’t know. I envy those owners who can drive and hear the difference on a daily basis.

Its okay to have a loud volume, or a eye catchy exhaust as a dress up parts but not knowing the exhaust specialist of Japan and its attractive sounds it makes, is a waist. If you love cars and planning to have more fun with it, I would like you to experience the attractive sound of SACLAM as soon as possible. Perhaps you will choose the next car which has the line up from SACLAM after you experience it.

■SACLAM Silencer Kit for SWIFT(TM-SQUARE Model) 168,000 Yen

I have received a e-mail from this customer after that it was more than he imagine. He can’t stop revving and a bit worried about the fuel consumption. To continue hearing the SACLAM sound even better with more joy, I also recommend the RECARO seats and the TM-SQUARE dampers for the next step.


SACLAM for J-Sports
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