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I.S.Designサイレンサーキット(AP2) 2009/09/23(Wed) 16:59:12
922 S2000 IS DSC_9760.jpg

中部エリアからご来店されたS2000オーナーさんが、ASMヨコハマ チューニングセール2009年秋で大人気の製品となっているI.S.Designサイレンサーキットを装着下さいました。徹底された音質管理によって実現した篭り音の少なさと中高周波音が連続的に繋がる、ホンダ オープンスポーツに似合う音質と、近接排気騒音96dbの騒音規制を余裕でクリアしつつ、グラスウールレスとすることで長期間安定した音量を維持できるマフラーになっています。


■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット(AP2)  315,000円

This S2000 customer from the middle area of Japan has come today to install the I.S.Design Silencer kit for the tuning sale we are having at ASM. With the total management with the sound quality, there isn’t any clouded sound with only the mid-high frequency sound which matches the Honda open sports car. Off cause passing the 96db regulation and without using any glass wool, the sound quality and volume last longer.

This customer has visited us at Yokohama many times from Nagoya and using many ASM products on his car. I really want him to experience the SRE with HYPERCO quality so the next time he comes please come talk to me. Thank you for coming all the way from Nagoya.

■I.S.Design Silencer kit (AP2)  \315,000-


ステップアップ 2009/09/22(Tue) 15:24:15
922 Aragosta DSC_9816.jpg

今までお使いだったダンパーキットがどうしても気に入らなくなり、ASMアラゴスタサスキットに買い替えていただきました。組み合わせたスプリングはF:HYPERCO 12.5kg/mm、R:HYPERCO 10.7kg/mm+Swiftヘルパーと言う組み合わせです。群馬県からご来店と言うことで一般道の路面状況がかなり悪いはずなので、最近MINI・S2000・Z33用SREで取り入れたセッティングの方向性でセットします。


■ASM アラゴスタスポーツサスペンションキット  445,200円

The damper which this customer was using was unsatisfied so he purchased the ASM Aragosta kit. The springs are HYPERCO 12.5kg/mm for the front, 10.7kg/mm for the rear with the Swift helper springs. This customer was Gunma which the road surface is pretty bad so we did the set up like the SRE for MINI, S2000 and Z33 with the recent way.

We did the development for this damper kit at Motegi and Suzuka. A S2000 without any enhance parts with combination of sports radial tire. Its been tested by ARTA driver and the car its self is close to normal users. We have to order many for one lot so I am still thinking weather to order more but the damper has been tested a lot so I am sure the owner of this S2000 will like it. It’s a damper which can be used on the streets and for sports use. For those thinking of changing the damper for the first time is one item recommended for a start.

■ASM Aragosta Sports Damper kit.   \445,200-


S2000×KW Damper Kit Version-3
横浜元町チャーミングセール♪ 2009/09/22(Tue) 11:57:57
923 motomachi MINI DSC_9724.jpg



その他では補強済みで長く使えるエキゾーストマニホールド04/07、剛性アップを確実に体感できるGT補強シリーズ、アラゴスタ・SRE 2WAYなどサスペンションキット、Sスペや他社製からの買い替えでI.S.Designサイレンサーキットが人気です。チューニングセールはまだ半分残っていますので、ぜひ横浜まで遊びに来て下さい。

As Motomachi is showing its busyness at this time, a 10min walk ASM is also busy with its tuning sale. Our pit, car park is full with cars. Since it’s a long holiday you can see customers from far. Which I appreciate a lot.

Popular item with the S2000 is the body kit we have. Aero dynamics, design and quality is well balanced. The only problem is some find it a bit expensive with our I.S.Design body kit. In the beginning was not to sale 1000 sets and build a building but for those few who really understood the ASM Tsukuba Special 2004 body kit. I am proud its still popular for many. The sales we are having not only with the front and rear bumpers but also the front fender, side spoiler, aero bonnet and many more. And the limited clear painted carbon trunk is left with just two more sets.

Many other items are popular as well like the exhaust manifold 04,07 which can be used for a long time witch has been enhanced. GT bar series which you will be able to actually feel the difference, Aragosta, SRE 2way damper kits, changing to I.S.Design Silencer kit from S-special and other brands. The tuning sale has still half way to go, I would like as much as possible to come visit us at Yokohama.


ASMヨコハマ チューニングセール2009年秋
セールの季節☆ 2009/09/18(Fri) 13:28:23
918 z33 DSC_7926.jpg

明日から横浜元町ではチャーミングセールが、横浜新山下2番街ではチューニングセールが開催されます。今朝元町を通るとダンボールが次々とお店に運ばれて準備に大忙しな感じでした。ASMでも預かり車両やパーツの作業・チェックの他、明日から始まるセールの準備でスタッフみんなバタバタしています。そんな中僕は今日の夕方から急遽大阪に飛ぶことになりました。明日遠方から会いに来て頂ける山形県のMINIオーナー's様、本当に申しわけありません(涙)。SRE 3WAYのこととかブレーキのこと、色々お話したかったのですが・・・。その代わりと言っては何ですが、今夜高松の首領と千里中央で面会予定ですので、ご依頼の件につき直接お電話差し上げます。

そしてZ33。リヤダンパーから出ていた異音は綺麗になくなりました。乗り心地も抜群でHYPERCO+SREならではのフラット感と快適性のバランスが最高です。とても19インチのRE-11を組み合わせているとは思えないですよ。さらにビックリしたのはクラッチフルード交換の効果です。AP RACING PRF660を使ったのですが、今まで気になっていたクラッチフィーリングの悪さが我慢できるレベルまで軽減しました。純正フルードだと相当排気管の熱の影響が出やすいみたいですね。SA浜松 ZチューニングFAIRに向けて、Z33を急ピッチで仕上げていきます。売れて欲しいとか興味ありません。ただただ鈴木さんをビックリさせたい(笑)。がんばろっと。

Starting from tomorrow there is going to be a charming sale at Yokohama Motomachi. At Yokohama Shinyamashita 2nd street is having the tuning sale. Passing through Motomachi this morning, you can see many boxes brought in to the shops and very busy with preparing for the sale. At ASM we have a few customer cars with us, and starting from tomorrow ASM is having the tuning sale so every one here is also busy for preparation. While this is going on, I have to go to Osaka this afternoon. I feel bad for this MINI owner who was planning to come tomorrow who is coming from far. I wanted to explain about the SRE3way, brakes and many more. But I am planning to give him a call tonight and explain to him directly.

And with the ASM Z33, the sound which was coming from the rear damper has been solved. The comfort is excellent, the combination of HYPERCO and SRE has the ultimate flat ride and comfort. The most surprising thing was after changing the clutch fluid to AP RACING PRF660, the clutch feeling has improved up to the level which I can bear. With the genuine fluid, the heat from the exhaust seems to affect it very easily. I am going to finish up the ASM Z33 as soon as possible and be ready for the SA Hamamatsu Z tuning fair. I don’t really care if I can sell the products but just want to surprise Suzuki-san.


ASM SRE Damper Kit 2way for Z33
Z34用SACLAM管の魅力 2009/09/18(Fri) 12:15:12
918 saclam z34 DSC_7941.jpg

Z34オーナーさんがご来店、SACLAMサイレンサーキットを装着されました。車内で聴く音はZ33と似たような音質にチューニングされているのですが、車外で聞こえる音はZ33用よりもワンランク甲高くさらに乾いた印象です。雰囲気出てるわ・・・これ・・・。ちょっと離れた場所やASM PITみたいにガラス越しに聴くと違いがよく分かります。Z33用と比べるとまだまだ装着ペースがゆっくりのZ34用ですが、レイアウト・音質ともにデザインレベルはZ33用より少し上にある感じです。マキシムワークス等長エキゾーストマニホールドとサクラム宇野さんが鋭意製作中のYパイプをセットして、SACLAMフルエキゾースト仕様を目指してください。

■SACLAM サイレンサーキット(Z34用) 273,000円

We had a Z34 owner came by to ASM to install the SACLAM silencer kit. The sound from inside the car has the similar sound quality with the Z33 but from the out side it has a one rank higher high pitch dried sound. It has a individual atmosphere. When you listen from far or like the ASM pit which has a glass in between, the difference is obvious. Compared to Z33, the Z34 has less percentage of installing the SACLAM silencer kit but with lay out, sound quality and the design has a higher level than Z33. The next step will be installing the Maxim works equal length exhaust manifold and the Y shape pipe which Uno-san from SACLAM is developing for the complete SACLAM exhaust system.

■SACLAM Silencer Kit for Z34  273,000 Yen


SACLAM ポーティングエンジンヘッド 2009/09/17(Thu) 15:53:57
917 saclam DSC_7656.jpg

昨日からR52 MINI Cooper SにSACLAMエンジンヘッド装着作業をしています。文字にすれば同じようなものだけど、その精度はさすが宇野さんが信頼するエンジン屋さんの手がけた製品だけありますね。JCWやJCW GPの純正ヘッドと比較するユーザーさんが多いと思いますが、全くレベルが違うほど中身が濃い内容になっています。実際ASMでもそれらの車に搭載したことがありますが、ユーザーさんの感想はノーマルのCooper Sに装着した時と何ら変わらないものでした。今回ヘッド交換に合わせてインタークーラーもASMお薦めのJCW GP純正品に変更しています。これは一見純正と同じ形状ながらコアが2段増えていて、さらに樹脂製エアガイドも付いているのでコアが持つ冷却性能を使い切れるように配慮されています。アフターパーツでここまで配慮が行き届いた製品はないので、インタークーラーを強化したい人にはこれがお薦めです。


SACLAM ポーティングエンジンヘッド  価格はお問い合わせ下さい。

From yesterday we are installing the SACLAM engine head for this R52 MINI Cooper S. in words, its sounds the same but the degree of accuracy is understandable that Uno-san trust this shop with the engine. Most users will probably just compare with JCW or JCW GP genuine head but its completely different inside and its much thicker content. At ASM, we have installed this part before and most users will feel not much difference with the normal Cooper S. For this particular car, together with the engine head, the intercooler will also be changed to ASM recommendation JCW GP genuine parts. Just looking at it you would not know the difference but the core part has two more levels with the air guide so you will be able use the full performance of the cooling device. I don’t think there isn’t any after market parts which has this much care to it. for those thinking of up grating there intercooler this is one item I recommend.

This customer has already installed the ASM air-catch tank so the changing for the cooling liquid after the head change help run things smoothly as well. Many air bubbles will occur with MINI cooling line and easy for rust is one problem with this car. What I have seen so far, even for those MINI owners who changes their engine oils frequently most of them has not change their coolant. You will be surprised with how much rusts comes out from it. with the bad air flow, no matter how much you change the cooling liquid rusts will come out very quickly. For those thinking of using their MINI for a very long time I recommend installing the ASM air-catch tank.


ASM すっきりしたエアキャッチタンク
行き着くところ 2009/09/17(Thu) 12:39:54
916 S2 IS DSC_7540.jpg


言葉って難しいもので、皆さんも仕事上で経験があると思いますが、いくら一生懸命話しても真意が100%相手に伝わるのはとても稀です。暇つぶしに色々なBLOGを見て周ったりすることがあるのですが、「おっ?!気に入ってくれたんだ。嬉しいなぁ〜♪」とか「あぁ、こんな風に理解しているのか・・・全然伝え切れてないなぁ・・・。」とか、同じように説明したり記事を書いても、人によって色々な受け取り方があるもんだと思います。WEBで得られる情報と、自分がお店まで足を運んで実際に五感で得た情報は、その質も量も正確さも全く次元が異なるものです。SRE、DREXLER、I.S.Designサイレンサー、I.S.Designエアロパーツ、AP RACINGブレーキ、レカロシートなど、ASMが(僕が)何故ここまで気に入ってお薦めしているのか、モノとしての素晴らしさだけではなくモノの持つ意味を知った人だけが得られる満足感がそこに存在しています。

・・・話が逸れました(笑)。こちらのお客様はマフラーの他にもレカロシート・TODA RACING 軽量フライホイール・TODA RACING 軽量クランクプーリー・ASM SREクラッチディスクオーガニックを同時購入下さいました。どれもASMでは定番のパーツばかりです。プーリーは度々このBlogでも紹介していますが、TODA RACINGフライホイール+ASM SREクラッチディスクの組み合わせも毎週作業しているんですよ。定番メニューとして定着した感じです。

■ASM I.S.Designサイレンサーキット(AP1)  315,000円

Up to recently he was using a silencer which was for the track and also used it on the streets. Using the inner silencer the soften the sound, the exhaust sound quality will also drop but will put more weight on the engine since it’s a high rev engine. Like the weather today, to have a silencer which is legal for the streets and with the power which has equal level with the track use silencers, which also been taken many time to develop, I think that will be the best silencer kit for the S2000. this customer was planning to purchase the I.S.Design body parts but after experiencing the sound of the ASM car no.3, he changed his mind to the I.S.Design Silencer kit.

Words are very difficult, I think everyone has this kind of experience with their business. No matter how hard you try the right information sometimes does not get go through that person. After looking at many customers blogs, some will like the items they have installed, some have understood differently. Even though you explain exactly to them or write it in words, depending on that person the way of receiving it is different. Just by looking on the web for info and to actually bring your self to the shop to see and feel is completely different. With the SRE, DREXLER, I.S.Design Silencer, I.S.Design body parts, AP RACING brakes and RECARO seats are the most recommended parts at ASM. Not only because the parts its self is good but the meaning, feeling of satisfactory of having it the reason.

This customer also ordered other items. RECARO seats, TODA RACING light weight fly wheel, TODA RACING light weight crank pulley and ASM SRE clutch disc. Every one of them are popular items at ASM. With the pulley, occasionally you will see it on the blog but the combination of the TODA RACING fly wheel and the ASM SRE clutch disc is also popular and we install it almost every week.

■ASM I.S.Design Silencer kit for AP1  315,000円


取材のテーマは「RECARO×スポーツセダン」 2009/09/16(Wed) 12:07:06
916 AC DSC_7495.jpg

今日は朝からVTEC SPORTS誌の取材でした。S2000・MINI・Z33に関しての取材は多いのですが、今回は珍しく?レカロシートを切り口にした取材でした。テーマはホンダ スポーツセダンってことで最新型アコードをベースにチューニングされている無限仕様を持ち込んでのイメージカット撮影だったのですが、レカロジャパンからベースフレームが発売されていませんので、本当にイメージだけになってしまったのが残念です。物理的に装着が可能であっても、認証部品として登録されているシートとシートレールの組み合わせ以外は保安基準適合外と言うのが今のルールですからね。


From the morning we had a magazine interview from VTEC SPORTS. We have many interviews about S2000, MINI and Z33 but today was about RECARO seats. The article is going to be about the Honda sports sedan and they brought in the latest Accord Mugen Ver for a image cut. There isn’t a seat rail from RECARO JAPAN so it really became just the image, sadly. Even though physically its possible to install it but certificate seat and rails are meant to use together by the rules.

There is also the FD2 Civic Type-R from HONDA and even though they had the model change, the CL7 Accord is still a popular car for tuning. Not only just the comfort type seats I recommend but also sports seats like the full bucket seats. I will be looking forward with the article; it will be out in October.


FD2 CIVIC Type-R 550GP concept
空気の力 2009/09/14(Mon) 13:43:44
914 Z33 1 DSC_7090.jpg
914 Z33 2 DSC_7097.jpg
914 Z33 3 DSC_7118.jpg
914 Z33 4 DSC_7093.jpg

ASM Z33にフロントディフューザーを再装着しました。高速ツーリングが得意なZ33ですが、以前乗っていたBMW E60やAUDI TTクーペと比較すると空力性能が格下で、高速走行するとフロント側のリフトを感じると言う声を聞いています。大きなリヤウィングを装着したらさらに顕在化するのですが、フロント側ダウンフォースを補うパーツとなるとカナードぐらいしか存在しておらず、現状では違法改造パーツになってしまいます。そのカナードにしても剛性不足のため空力パーツのレベルに達していない製品すら存在しています。



■I.S.Design フロントディフューザー(Z33用)  136,500円

We have re-installed the front diffuser to our ASM Z33. Compared with the S2000 or MINI the Z33 is more efficient on a high speed touring but compared with the BMW E60 or the AUDI TT coupe which I used to drive, the aero dynamics is totally below them. Even on high speed driving through TOMEI high way I hear many voices that the front lifts up. If you install a rear wing it will be even more obvious and to increase down force for the front normally is adding canards and it will be illegal on a public roads. And even some of the after market canards which is out does not have enough stiffness to work as its suppose to be.

At ASM for both S2000 and Z33, we are working on the under floor aero dynamics for improved performance. The Z33 front diffuser is one item. It’s not just a flat panel but aiming for the Venturi effect, it is a serious aero parts. The I.S.Design front aero bumper which has a one form with the lip spoiler and not only with the design but its design to help control the air floor and helps send air to the floor as much as possible. With this air flow going smooth as much as possible and the flow difference that accurse above the hood which creates down force and pushes the car down. If possible like the S2000 I want to prepare the item which covers the center to the rear which will have more effect but….

Last night I drove through Shutokou until Daisan keihin and felt the effect immediately. There was less pitch with the front. There were more less movement with the twist of the car, big and small. On high speed steering instantly feel the steering heavy which is also a point of difference. The feeling of insurance is totally different. It’s my personal problem but I like the rear design of the Z33 without a rear wing. And for more stability for the rear, I am planning to do something with the under floor and maybe install the DREXLER LSD. Another thing, it might be my imagination but turbulent has been reduced and felt like unnecessary sound from the engine has disappeared and able to hear the clear screaming sound of SACLAM even more from lower rpm. It might be my imagination due to the pitching and the steering feel.

And today we finally manage to fix the noise problem which was coming from the rear damper. For the clutch feeling we have changed the fluid to AP RACING PRF660 which will also help with the heat. I am planning to drive the Z33 again today and tomorrow on many kind of places.

■I.S.Design Front Diffuser for Z33  136,500 Yen


I.S.Designエアロボンネット 2009/09/12(Sat) 16:45:12
912 IS DSC_6120.jpg
912 mugen DSC_6116.jpg

軽量化と冷却性能の強化を兼ねて、I.S.Designエアロボンネットを装着していただきました。元々はボディ同色で検討されていましたが、ASM S2000 3号車のクリア塗装仕上げを見てクリア仕様に変更です。2002年以来カーボンプリプレグ製品を扱ってきて、クリア塗装の難しさを知りつつも仕上げに納得できていませんでした。ところが、去年から塗装をお願いしている工場でやっと文句なしを超えて感動できるレベルに達したので、最近ではお客様に積極的にクリア塗装をお薦めしています。


I.S.Designエアロボンネット(Carbon)  299,250円
■無限 ロールバー Rear 5 Points 115,500円 
 ・ロールケージカバー 29,400円

For reducing weight and improved cooling performance this customer has installed the I.S.Design Aero bonnet. first he was planning to painted in to silver to match the body but after looking at the clear paint quality with our ASM car no.3 he just painted with clear. After using carbon prepreg products since 2002, it has been difficult with the clear paint finish but from last year we have started to order the paint job to this paint shop and the finish is perfect. With this, I recommend most of the customer to paint it only with clear.

In the same time he also installed the MUGEN roll bar. It is a must item for track use but, with most other item which hits the roof or could not install it smartly this MUGEN roll bar has a genuine natural look and the perfect fitment is the good part with this item. We also had another roll bar installed today and many more will come in the future.

■I.S.Design Aero Bonnet(Carbon)  299,250 Yen
■MUGEN Roll Bar Rear 5 Points 115,500 Yen 
 ・Roll cage cover  29,400 Yen


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