先日の富士テストで一緒だったS2000です。TODA 2.35Lキットを組み込んだエンジン・D-DREAM製シャーシ・I.S.Design空力パーツを基本に、Sタイヤ(ADVAN A050)とOHLINS特注ダンパーでセットアップした車で、この日は1分56秒4でFSWを周回していました。それ程一生懸命運転せず、車なりに流した感じで出ていることが、オーナーさんのBlogに掲載している車載映像を見ても分かります。
そんな理由で、今までDREXLER LSDをお薦めしていなかったのですが、今回走行中にデフブローして自走不可能になったので、1号車のテスト終了後デフを降ろしてレンタルしました。どっちが速いと言うインプレッションは上記の理由で何の参考にもなりません。なぜASMがDREXLERを薦めるのか、理由を感じてもらえたら貸した甲斐があります。オーナーさんの最初の印象はこんな感じです。ひとつ反論するなら、サーキットを走らない人でもこの良さは十分実感できます。カーブを1回曲がれば十分です。
『DREXLER LSDを前回のFSWで走行してブローした際に借りたのは記憶に新しいと思いますが(・・・続きを読む)』
This is another S2000 who was together with us on the Fuji test we did the other day. It has the same TODA 2.35L engine, D-DREAM chassis, I.S.Design body kit, S-Tire (ADVAN A050) and the specially ordered OHLINS damper. He manage to drive it at the time of 1min56.4sec constantly at Fuji Speed Way. He didn’t even push him self to the limit but almost just cruising which you can see a video on his website.
There are a many elements which changes the cars basic performance. One of the biggest differences with our ASM car is the damper. He is not using SRE but OHLINS, He is not using HYPERCO but BESTEX, He is not using DREXLER LSD but CUSCO and the only thing in common are the AP RACING brake calipers and ZONE brake pads. I will not say which is better because it all depends on the set up for each car. Even if we swap the damper of our ASM S2000 car no.1 to another similar level car, it will not go fast. You will need to set the damper for that car and that will take time. You can say the same for the Deferential. All because you have DREXLER on your car that does not mean time will improve dramatically. It will all depend on how the damper is set up and will need to set it to match it.
For these reason to this owner I didn’t recommend the DREXLER LSD too much. While he was driving on the track, his deferential blew off and could not be driven by its self so we loan him our DREXLER LSD which was installed on car no.1 after we finish the entire test we needed. I will not say which is faster because these two cars are different. It will be worth it if he understands why ASM recommends DREXLER LSD. First impression from him was that every one can experience and feel the difference even on the track or off the track.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1394#myu1394
存在を意識させないDREXLER LSD
S2000 Type-Sオーナーさんがご来店、人気のI.S.Designサイレンサーキットを装着して下さいました。ここ数日連続で装着している他、ホンダディーラーさんからの注文が目立つようになりました。保安基準適合・音量・音質・耐久性をバランスした製品なので、一般ユーザーさんから人気なのはある意味当たり前ですが、ディーラーの営業さんやメカニックさんから「このマフラーは本当に静かで安心して売れます」って言われると嬉しくなります。
■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 315,000円
We installed the I.S.Design Silencer kit on to this S2000 Type-S. Almost everyday we are installing the exhaust at ASM and we are having lots of orders from HONDA dealers. It passes the regulation, sound volume, sound quality and durability are all well balanced so it’s getting popular as time goes by. It makes me even happier when the sales man or mechanic from the dealer tells us that it gives them confident to sell because of its quality.
Sadly no matter what kind of race shop or other tuning shop will not under stand its real potential. I do not expect customer to understand before purchasing it. don’t just look at the price but if you are looking for a exhaust which does not have the inner silencer and passes the inspection, welled balance with the sound and performance and does not go age, this would be the one for you.
I think the only person who understands the I.S.Design Silencer kit besides me is Uno-Shacho from SACLAM. As you can see on our TOP PAGE you will be able to get ASM parts from SACLAM as well. Mostly it will be the exhaust. For those who are interested and live in the north part of Kantou please contact them for further details.
■I.S.Design Silencer Kit 315,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1393#myu1393
ASM SREダンパーキット3WAYを装着していただきました。ASM S2000 1号車が2WAYを採用していることから分かるとおり、タイムを基準にだけ性能を語るなら2WAYでも十分です。でもその一歩先のフィーリングや乗り心地までを性能と分類するのであれば、3WAYダンパーがお薦めです。細かなセッティングが求められる2号車や、ストリートでの乗り心地を重視している3号車が3WAYダンパーを選択しているのはそう言った理由があるからです。装着まで紆余曲折ありましたが、お客様のSRE 3WAYに対する思いはブレることが全くなくて、ついに手に入れることができた感じです。その喜びをこんな風に表現されています。
『今回の一連のS2000大幅モディファイ計画のうち、最大にして最後のメニューがASM SRE 3WAY の投入でした。ついに夢のザックス投入です。・・・続きを読む』
■ASM SREダンパーキット3WAY 1,260,000円
We installed the ASM SRE Damper Kit 3WAY today. On our ASM S2000 car no.1 we have the 2WAY installed and if you are thinking just about the time then the performance of 2WAY is more then enough. But if you want a feeling of another level and comfort with performance then the 3WAY damper is your choice. A detailed setting required with the car no.2, comfort for the street with performance for car no.3. These are the reason why we use different damper. It took a while for the owner to purchase it because of the price but he had in mind that 3WAY is the damper he wanted. Finally he has it on his car and he shared thoughts about it with me.
One of the biggest modify that he plans on doing for his S2000 was the ASM SRE 3WAY Damper which will be the first and the last, his dream came true.
■ASM SRE Damper Kit 1,260,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1392#myu1392
■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 315,000円
A quiet and a comfortable exhaust which can be used for a long time.
This was the owner’s request. With the I.S.Design silencer kit this is possible. He was using the S-Special 70 and had no problem and was satisfied with it but after using for 56,000km he wanted better sound quality and was interested with the I.S.Design silencer kit. After hearing the sound from both out side and inside with our S2000 car no.3 he was convinced and decided to purchase it.
■I.S.Design Silencer Kit 315,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1391#myu1391
1号車のテストでFSWに行ってきました。筑波スーパーバトル前の12月初旬に富士でテストした時は1分57秒2だったので、そこからどれぐらいのタイムアップができるのかに興味は集中していました。筑波からの主な変更点は触媒のストレート化、ダッシュボードを含むフロントセクションの軽量化です。タイヤはタイムアタックで使用したPOTENZA RE-11をそのまま使用しています。
また、今後1号車をさらに進化させるために色々な空力強化パーツを企画中で、その方向性が正しいのかどうかを相談するために、S-GT300紫電のチーフエンジニアとチーフメカニックを担当しているムーンクラフトの2人に遊びに来ていただきました。筑波の時点で既にフロント周りには色々な追加パーツを装着していたのですが、今後いただいた情報を基に1号車にさらに改良を加え、テスト結果が出ればそれを製品化に繋げたいと思います。1号車はこれで今シーズンの走行を終了します。その代わり、2月20日(土)、Spoonさん主催で開催されるI heart HONDAに2号車を持ち込んでタイムアタックすることになりました。縦置きV6ターボ、S耐車両、ターボなど激速NSXばかりがエントリーする中、1台だけNAエンジンのS2000で走りますので応援して下さい。
We did the test for our ASM S2000 car no.1 at Fuji Speed Way. When we did the test in December, we did the time of 1min57.2sec and we were excited how much we can do with this test. The difference we have made is removing the sports catalyser and install a straight pipe, reducing the front section of the car by changing the dash board to carbon and other small places. For the tires we used the POTENZA RE-11 which we used at the time attack.
On the first run at the 100R there was a little happening which the car stop but it wasn’t a big problem and started our menu from the second run. When you have a car in a level of our car no.1, its not about making the car faster but to adjust the car depending on the track condition. We manage to get our best time on the final lap on our 3rd run. The only things we adjusted since we arrived on the track was changing the camber for the front, lowering the car by one turn, two clicks harder for the rear BUMP damper and some other small things. We did do many other tests but from the results, it didn’t make much difference.
The best time we have is 1min55.804sec. Compared from the last test we have improved by 1.5sec. Every time we do the test at Fuji there are always difficulties with the condition like strong wind, oil spread on the track surface etc. But yesterday the condition was very good and probably the condition helped us improve the time by 0.5sec. I am very satisfied that in one month we manage to go faster by 1sec. Even on the straight, it has a speed which no other S2000 has, it was keeping up with cars like Porches and Ferrari’s with slick tires beside the home straight and 300R. I think they will be surprised if they found out that our car is running on radial tires.
We are also thinking new body parts for improving the aero dynamics for our car no.1. I had the guys from moon craft chief engineer and chief mechanic from the S-GT300 SHIDEN to discuss about this. at Tsukuba we already had a few small parts added to the front but after the info they have given, we will make more changes to car no.1 and after we test this and if it shows any results we will put it in to production. This will be the last run for car no.1 this season but in February 20th we will attend the Spoon organized I Heart HONDA with our Tsukuba Special Car No.2. We will be going against 4LV8 engines, S-TAI Cars, turbo charged cars and a very fast NSX and the only one to be entering with a NA engine with the S2000.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1390#myu1390
I heart Honda!!2009薫風
■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 315,000円
This S2000 Owner from Utsunomiya came today to install the I.S.Design Silencer Kit. Until yesterday he was using our ASM S-Special but due to the aging of the exhaust, the volume has increased and he wanted a more clear sound exhaust. He was telling before he left his going to take the aqua line back home which he can experience the sound of the exhaust fully. This product is one item which the quality improves the more you use it.
Another S2000 which was a friend of his also purchased a few small items for the interior and ordered the I.S.Design Front Bumper. He was a bit stranded because there is so many things he wants to do with the car. I hope he will be able to build his car the way he wants it to be soon.
■I.S.Design Silencer Kit 315,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1389#myu1389
■SACLAM ロードスターNA8 サイレンサーキット 147,000円
We installed the latest product from SACLAM. Silencer kit for the NA8 Roadster. It is popular because you will be able to experience a feeling of being one with the car. The early model Roadster gave this feeling even stronger because of the light weight the car has. Compared to the current cars adding additional weights to pass the requirements, it has a one of a kind attraction. Even with Honda with the first Integra Type-R, EG6 Civic and EF8CR like the NA8 Roadster these cars been build during this time has much attraction. The prices of these cars a really cheep now and it could become popular again for those users who are getting sick with cars full of electronic devices.
About the NA8 SACLAM pipe, the finish quality is as usual. They didn’t rely on the package with the car being a open top and light weight body, reducing the low frequency sound as much as possible but more high frequency sound for the driver. With this you will not get tired with a long drive even with the top down. Hearing the exhaust sound, you will not recognize that a four cylinder engine makes this sound and rev’s all the way up to the red zone smoothly. I am sure the owner will have a one rank satisfactory with the car now. It is easier to hear the difference then the Copen or Swift SACLAM pipes. This is one product I would like for those NA8 owners to have.
■SACLAM Roadster NA8 Silencer Kit 147,000 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1388#myu1388
1号車軽量化 |
2010/02/06(Sat) 12:25:11 |
We re-do the stays which for each weight about 300g and the number is small but these small numbers will add up to 1kg. For the radiator shroud has been changed from a aluminum plate to a carbon material which had 810g now to 430g reducing by 380g. Each of them a reduced slightly but for a NA engine with the RE-11, to bring out its actual performance is reducing weight is the most effective way.
We will keep reducing weight but we have no intention of making holes to the main frame to reduce weight, as a user this is one line I do not want to cross. To reduce weight without loosing its performance, we are also thinking of changing the front bumper and front fender from the normal carbon to enhance carbon like car no.2 and no.3.
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1387#myu1387
クラッチ+フライホイールの交換作業が終了しました。クラッチは純正カバーを流用してディスクのみSREオーガニックを装着です。当たり前ですが踏力は純正と同等、ディスク素材の変更によって350Nまでの入力トルクに対応します。ASM 1号車も純正カバー+SREクラッチ(メタル)を採用しています。メタルもオーガニックも対応トルクは350Nで共通ですから、1号車以下のエンジンスペックであればディスクのみで対応できることを証明しています。
■ASM SREクラッチディスク(オーガニック) 52,500円 ■TODA RACING 超軽量クロモリフライホイール 52,500円
We finish changing the clutch and the fly-wheel. With the clutch cover using the genuine cover the disc is SRE Organic. Using the genuine cover the pressure for paddle will be the same and changing the material of the disc will be able to stand up to 350N of input toque. Even with our ASM car no.1 we are using the normal factory clutch cover with the SRE clutch (metal). Both material can stand up to the same 350N and these proves that for cars which has a spec below ASM car no.1, changing only disc is more then enough.
For the Fly-Wheel, we are installing the TODA which as you know there is no doubt about the performance, quality and reliability. Is one product at ASM we recommend strongly. The response might be too quick but that is the proper way of a NA tuning. If you are thinking of changing the clutch we highly recommend changing the fly-wheel in the same time.
■ASM SRE Clutch Disc (Organic) 52,500 Yen ■TODA RACING Ultra Light CrMo Fly-Wheel 52,500 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1386#myu1386
ASM SREクラッチディスク オーガニック
S2000 1号車軽量化のためカーボンダッシュボードを装着します。表面はUVカットつや消しクリア塗装を施してあり、ドライカーボンらしい質感を表現しました。アルカンターラ貼りノーマルダッシュボード6.3kgに対して1.7kg(塗装込み実測)となり、4.6kgの軽量化につながりました。フロント各部の小さなステーの肉抜き作業を合わせると約5.3kg、筑波スーパーバトル時から軽量化したことになります。
■ASM カーボンダッシュボード 283,500円
To reduce the weight of our S2000 car no.1, we are going to install the carbon dash board. For the surface finish have done the UV cut matte clear paint job which brings out the texture of the carbon. Compared to the normal dash board with the Alcantara we had which had the weight of 6.3kg, with the carbon only has 1.7kg with the paint on it. We manage to reduce 4.6kg with this. Including the small things we did with the stays we did for the front, in total we manage to reduce 5.3kg in total after the Tsukuba Super Battle.
This product is very rare even for ASM and it isn’t easy to install. You cannot just swap the parts for it and you have to cut and past each stay for the correct position. it was design specially to install for our ASM Tsukuba Special back in 2004 so, we did not spend extra cost to be able to install in any car. We also had to cut the dash board to match the roll cage which we have in car no.1. Installing the MUGEN multi vision meter and re-doing the center console and many more. It took the whole day but we really wanted to reduce the weight for the front part of the car which will make a big difference.
■ASM Carbon Dash Board 283,500 Yen
この記事のURL https://autobacs-asm.com/blog/asm/index.php?mode=res_view&no=1385#myu1385
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