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RECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITED、20脚限定のイベント開催中 2009/05/16(Sat) 11:26:15
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その最新シートフレームを採用した最初のモデルがSR-11でした。斬新なベルトホールデザインは日本の伝統的芸能である歌舞伎の化粧スタイル「隈取り」をイメージしたと言うことですが、ドイツの椅子文化と日本の最新工業技術の融合と言えるレカロジャパンオリジナル設計のIS05を表現するには最高のデザインではないでしょうか。レカロ製品として初めてグッドデザイン賞を受賞したモデルでもあります。僕自身も今のレカロラインナップの中でもっとも気に入っているモデルのひとつで、シャープな印象を与えてくれるベルトホールデザインとオーソドックスなシート基本デザインとの組み合わせも最高です。ASMでは、SR-11をベースにシャイニングメッシュシルバー+カムイブラック表皮にシルバーRECAROロゴ+赤Wステッチを組み合わせたASM LIMITEDモデルをラインナップして、性能とデザインの両立にこだわるユーザー様に提供しています。

今回、ASMではRECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITEDを対象に20脚限定の特別な企画を実施しています。その目的はSR-11が表現しているジャパンオリジナルの世界を少しでも多くの人に理解して手に入れてもらいたいからです。既に店頭での告知段階で数脚のご成約をいただきましたが、改めてその特典をご紹介します。例えば左右セットでお買い上げいただければ、シートレール左右+ASM KAROマットが無料プレゼントとなります。特にBMW MINI、マツダ ロードスター(NC)、AUDI TTクーペ、スズキ スイフトへの装着をお薦めしています。もちろんそれ以外の車種のオーナー様もお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。

■RECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITED 157,500円 お買い上げのお客様

・ASM KAROフロアマット(シザル限定)を1脚お買い上げで50%OFF、2脚お買い上げで無料プレゼント

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Easily expressed sports type seat the SR-6, based on this model, adding more comfort the SR-7 will our next month June. I think these two models, the SR-6 and the SR-7 will be most are the most noticeable models but using the same seat frame IS05 is the SR-11.

Before explaining the SR-11, I will like to explain more about the IS05 seat frame. Models like SR-3 or the LX series are using the IS84 seat frames. The base line design was 30years ago but I don’t think there is a genuine seat which has more comfort then the SR-3 and the LX series models. It is still has that first class performance and loved by many. With the IS05 Frames, margin for safety, weight saving and torsional rigidity are welled balanced model. With five industrial new design help improve performance with crash safety and the first to use full laser weld seat in the world. Comparing with past spot welded modes, which also help improve rigidity with torsion, which also help comfort while driving and smooth handling and shift change.    

The SR-11 was the first model to use this technology on a seat frame. With the unique belt hold design which was pick up from a traditional Japanese KABUKI make up style “Sumidori”. Using the German’s seat culture and Japanese latest engineering RECARO JAPAN Original design using a IS05 and I think they have expressed them welled. It’s the first model also to receive a Good Design award with RECARO Products. Its also one model that I like which is on the line up. A sharp effect with the belt hold design and a orthodox basic seat design. For our ASM model, based on the SR-11 we have added the color with shining mesh silver with kamui black, silver RECARO logo and red W-stitch as a line up for those need for performance and design.

At ASM we are having a special limited offer for the RECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITED. 20pcs to be exact. Our objective for this is to offer the SR-11 Japan Original for much more people as possible. We have already gotten few orders but I would like to present you the customer privilege of this. For example, purchased seats for both sides, right and left, you will get the seat rail free and ASM KARO matt as a present. I recommend for those cars like BMW MINI, MAZDA Roadster (NC), AUDI TT Coupe, and SUZUKI SWIFT. Off cause for other cars then this are also recommendable.

■RECARO SR-11 ASM LIMITED \157,500- for those thinking of purchasing this

・RECARO JAPAN Seat Rail worth \18,900~\21,000 free for each seat.


ASM KAROマット、待望のバリエーション追加決定
花で季節を感じるようになったのはいつからだろう? 2009/05/15(Fri) 16:39:51
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ASMの裏にある階段をテクテク登って、カメラ片手に港の見える丘公園に行ってきました。「暇なの?」と言う声をいただいておりますが、まぁそんなところです(笑)。前回は5月7日に行っているので約1週間ぶりになります。今日は薄い雲がかかっていますが青空で、柔らかい日差しの1日でした。空気は乾いてひんやりとしているので、カメラ持ってお散歩するには絶好のコンディションです。今回はNikon D700にAF-S 105mmを組み合わせて撮影しました。



Walking up the stairs behind ASM with my camera on one hand to the Minatono mieru oka koen. Many ask me if I am bored or something. Something like that. The last time I went up there was a week ago. There was a thin cloud up in the sky but mostly was covered with gentle soft blue sky. The air was a bit dry and cooled and was a perfect condition for a walk. I took my Nikon D700 and AF-S105mm and took some pictures.

This year, I have been taking many pictures of flowers, and Japanese cherry trees. At Kamakura, Yokohama and Hakone. This time of the year at Yokohama you will be able to see many flowers coming out from the corner of the street, and by looking at the flowers grow, you can feel the time passing by. I wander when I started to feel time pass by like this. Few years ago I never felt time passing by like this. ASM opened at 2005 September so I think the following spring. During March to May is a very busy time at work and off work and didn’t have space and time for my self. After opening ASM, I think I have settled down and manage to look around with margin and with work too.

After that, I went to the foreign general cemetery, down this small alley passing through Motomachi Koen to Motomachi. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the weather or the event of the Y150 of Yokohama, even though was on a week day but Motomachi was full with people. And for lunch I remembered that this morning I bump in to the stuff of epicer. This is a restaurant I always go to. So I had a lunch by my self. After the order, my tea came, then the food and I was taking pictures as usual and realized that I forgot my wallet. At this age, skipping out on restaurant bill??

They told me wile laughing that I can pay next time but I called one of my stuff to bring my wallet and manage to pay \1,890-. I am also planning to bring Mr.Toda from TODA RACING and Mr.Shimada. I mustn’t forget to bring my wallet than.


2009.6.1. RECARO SR-7 Debut、そして・・・ 2009/05/13(Wed) 11:27:37
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この座り心地、どこかで感じた気がして思い出してみると、SR-6 Prototypeモデルの座り心地そのものでした。SR-6がデビューする半年ちょっと前、最終試作直前の段階だったSR-6 Prototypeの評価をしたことがありましたが、その時のモデルがこの柔らかい包まれ感を実現していました。レカロさんにリクライニングシェルと言う明確な狙いがあったからASMの意見はその時採用されることはなかったですが、それから2年の時間が経過した今、満を持して本命モデルが登場します。ASMには6-8月の3ヶ月で70脚のSR-7が入荷します。本日より正式にオーダーを受付開始いたしますので、気になる方はぜひお問い合わせ下さい。

そして2009年9月5日、ASM4周年記念モデルとしてRECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITEDを発表する予定です。ASMモデル定番の赤Wステッチ+シルバーRECAROロゴ+カムイブラック+シャイニングメッシュシルバーを組み合わせ、ショルダー部分にはSR-6と比べて低下したホールド性能を補うべく、カタログモデルには設定がないノンスリップサポートを追加します。現在試作品を製作中、完成次第このBlogで情報公開しますので続報をお楽しみに。

■RECARO SR-7 KK100 81,900円 (カムイ)
■RECARO SR-7 SK100 97,650円 (カムイ+シャイニングメッシュ)

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There will be a new model out from RECARO Japan, the SR-7. This will replace the SR-3 models and it will be out Jun 1st. Many of you might think how about the SR-6 and the SR-11, we had info about this seat from the beginning that it was going to replace the SR-3. The SR-11 has the IS05 structure with a characteristic belt hold, which matches the recent metallic design interior and it is a middle range model. With the SR-6, it has a clear concept of reclining shell type model; it’s close to shell full bucket seats with the hold, but it has reclining. Which is support and has many fans.

Using the latest IS05 structure as a base, SR-11 has more comfort to seat on, with safety and using the latest design to balancing it, SR-6 is more orthodox with not much of a new feeling but sports seats which replies and pint point’s customers needs. If comparing the SR-3, which covers all kinds of needs, it’s a bit difficult to compare but both models has its good part.

Then how about SR-7? To express shortly, using the IS05 structure, it’s a middle model of SR-11 and SR-6. it doesn’t has the hold of a SR-6 and a solid seat feeling. It doesn’t have a new design like SR-11. it has a rarity of comfort and balance of sport use, it has a fit feeling like the RS-G and supports the body entire body surface gently. That’s SR-7.

There was a dejavu feeling when I sat on it the first time, like the prototype of the SR-6. About six months before the SR-6 came out, I had an opportunity to evaluate the final proto type model of the SR-6. At that time I felt surrounded by this soft feeling. But RECARO had a clear objective of making a reclining shell type seats so they didn’t took in any ASM opinion but after two years has passed by and the favored model has arrived. At ASM they will be about 70pcs of SR-7 seats in stock between Jun to August and you can order them starting today. If you are interested please contact us.

On September 5th 2009, for our ASM 4years anniversary model, RECARO SR-7 ASM LIMITED will be out. Like the other usual ASM models, it will be with double red stitch, silver RECARO logo, kamui black, shining mesh silver and the shoulder part non-slip support added which the original RECARO SR-7 does not have. We are still on the proto type on this and will let you know as soon as its don’t on our Blog.

■RECARO SR-7 KK100 \81,900- (Kamui)
■RECARO SR-7 SK100 \97,650- (Kamui+Shining Mesh)


RECARO SR-7 prototype
スイフトオーナーの皆様へ、TM-SQUAREフェアを開催します 2009/05/11(Mon) 12:29:25
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その田中実さんの愛車と言えば、スズキ スイフト。「どうせ他にベンツやポルシェも持ってるんじゃないの?」といつも言われるそうですが、正真正銘スイフトが愛車です。何気なく購入した国産コンパクトカーでしたが、乗ってビックリ本格的スポーツハッチの魅力が詰まったクルマであることを瞬時に見抜き、TM-SQUAREと言うブランドを立ち上げて超が付くマニアックな製品を続々開発していきました。その魅力度の高さと言うと、ASMもS2000に対するそれに匹敵するようなモノばかりです。


もっとディープな世界を知りたい人はぜひこのページをご覧下さい → MINORU TANAKA BLOG

■フェア開催期間 2009年5月30日(土)〜5月31日(日)


TM-SQUARE サイレンサー(168,000円)お買い上げで取付工賃無料


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TM-SQUARE エアロパーツお買い上げで取付工賃・塗装代を特別価格でご提供


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フェア当日ご来場されるスイフトオーナー様限定。RS-G ASM LIMITED、RS-G ASM LIMITED ALCANTARA Version、RS-G ASM LIMITED CL、SR-11 ASM LIMITED、この4機種のASMモデルをお買い上げのお客様に限りレカロジャパン製シートレール(18,900円)を無料プレゼント、その他ASM LIMITEDモデルをお買い上げの場合は50%OFFでご提供します。デモカーには本皮+アルカンターラ+赤Wステッチ仕上げのRS-G ASM LIMITED CLを装着、気になるポジションは座って確認してください。

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TM-SQUARE コンプリートエンジンお買い上げで載せ替え工賃50%OFF

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TM-SQUARE トーションビームお買い上げでセットアップ用スタビライザー1本プレゼント

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I heart Honda!!2009薫風 2009/05/09(Sat) 20:29:45
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筑波サーキットで開催されたSpoon主催のホンダ車限定イベント「I heart Honda!!2009薫風」に行ってきました。今回の目的はASM筑波スペシャルでチューニングカー5LAPバトルに参加することです。「タイムアタック専門のクルマだから連続周回できない」と思われがちなASM筑波スペシャルですが、連続で走り込みをしないと正確なセッティングができないですからこれぐらいの周回は全く問題ありません。バトル前のスーパーラップも3LAPの予定が2LAPになりガッカリしたぐらいです。そうは言っても、コース内での写真とイメージ映像撮影走行、スタート前のフォーメーションラップで水温は上がる一方・・・MAX78度にまで達しました。シビアに水温管理しているエンジンだから、このあたりの段取りはちょっと不安になりました。

バトルに参加したチューニングカーは4台、SSワークスさんのCR-X、J's Racingさんの世界最速フィット、エスプリさんのNSXターボ、そしてASM筑波スペシャルです。CR-Xは600kg台の超軽量ボディをが生み出す加速の鋭さ、フィットは340馬力の2.4Lエンジンに900kgの軽量ボディのバランス、NSXターボは500馬力オーバーのターボエンジンが生み出す加速、ASM筑波スペシャルは強力なダウンフォースを誇るエアロパーツとサスセットが生み出すブレーキングを武器にバトルしました。CR-Xはインフィールドの加速、フィットはインフィールドに加えてバックストレートの中間加速、NSXターボは2本のストレート、ASM S2000はダンロップと最終コーナーの飛び込みが見せ場になっています。


We went to “I Heart Honda!! 2009”. It was an event specially for Honda cars and was organized by Spoon. Our objective was to attend the tuning car 5lap battle with our ASM Tsukuba Special Car no.2. many think the Tsukuba Special is a time attack car so it wouldn’t last on continual laps but, to get a data and to set up the car this laps are nothing. Even with the 3lap before the 5lap battle, was down to 2laps and I was disappointed with it. But taking picture within the track, and a image run and with the formation lap before the start made the water temperature went up each time. Up to 78℃. We have been taking extra care with the water temperature so I was a bit worried about that.

There were 4car entries with the tuning car battle. SS Works CR-X, J’s Racing fastest Fit in the world, Turbo tuned Esprit NSX and our ASM Tsukuba Special. The CR-X with its ultra light weight body helps with the enormous pick up, with the Fit, it has 2.4L engine which has 340bhp on a 900kg light weight body which is welled balanced, the NSX which is turbo tuned with over 500bhp with enormous pick up and our ASM Tsukuba Special with intense down force from the body and the damper and brakes which will help on the corners. The CR-X has the pick op especially on the in field, with the Fit pick up from the infield and the middle pick up at the back straight, with the NSX turbo the two-straight and our ASM Tsukuba Special on the Dunlop and the last corner will be the high point

Without the thinking the order, with cars with almost the same lap time, and each car has their own strong point on the track, which made the viewers excited. I think the DVD should be out next month and it should be interesting to watch. After Tsukuba, all of us went back to Yokohama and went out for a Pizza. In front of the restaurant there were many S2000 and MINI lined up. It was a perfect night to finish the day.



明日は筑波! 2009/05/08(Fri) 13:49:17
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明日5/9(土)、筑波サーキット2000でI heartHonda!!2009薫風が開催されます。ASMでは1号車と2号車(筑波スペシャル)の2台を展示します。ステッカー、Tシャツ、キーホルダー、ブレーキフルード、ブレーキパッド、ナンバーバルトなど多少の小物を持ち込みますので、車両見学がてらぜひASM&Prodriveブースにご来場下さい。

また、このイベントの中でDVD Hotversion/V-TEC CLUBの収録が行われます。ASM筑波スペシャルもエントリーしました。500馬力オーバーのターボチューニングカーにNA2.4Lエンジン+エアロダイナミクスでパッケージしたASMのS2000が挑戦する、もしかしたら最初で最後の5LAPバトル+3LAPタイムアタックイベントです。ドライバーはもちろん加藤寛規選手。ベストメンバーでアタックしてきます。ぜひぜひ明日は筑波サーキット2000に遊びに来てください。応援&手伝いもよろしく!

I heartHonda!!2009薫風

■ASM 1号車関連記事

ASM S2000 1号車、2009年3月富士テスト
ASM S2000 1号車、2009年2月富士テスト
POTENZA RE-11、マイナス1秒の進化

■ASM 2号車関連記事


May 9th tomorrow there will be a event at Tsukuba circuit2000 “I Heart Honda 2009”. We are going to bring car no.1 and Tsukuba special car no.2. We are going to bring some small items to sell as well, stickers, T-shirts, Key holders, brake fluids, brake pads and number bolts. Please come visit our ASM booth and Prodrive booth.

And on this event there will be a DVD shoot for Hotversion/V-TECH CLUB. And off cause our ASM Tsukuba special will be in it. Chasing a 500 bhp over turbo tuned car with our NA 2.4L engine with our ASM Body kit. I think this will be the first and last of a 5lap battle with 3lap time attack event. Our driver is as always Kato Hiroki. We will be attending the event with the best members. So, please come to Tsukuba tomorrow to cheer us!

元町お散歩 2009/05/07(Thu) 19:52:26
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横浜は朝からずっと雨。今日から仕事って人が多かったと思いますが、天気までこれだと余計に気持ちが盛り上がりませんね。でもボクは違います、GW期間中ずっとお店にいましたから、4時間ほどのお休みを使ってASMの裏にある階段を登り、港の見える丘公園に行ってきました。片手に傘、片手にNokon D700+AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm F2.8ズームレンズ、肩から億万長者バッグをかけて105mm単焦点を1本入れて、いざ元町お散歩に出発です。

公園内はすっかり新緑でいっぱい。雨に濡れて緑がいつもより色鮮やかに見えます。木々にとっては太陽と同じぐらい大切な雨、濡れながらもエネルギーを発している感じがしました。平日の雨の昼間と言うことで人出は少なかったですが、咲き始めたバラを見たり、バラの下で雨宿りする住人を撮影して、最後は外国人墓地の前にあるThe Best Cheesecakesでお茶してのんびりした時間を過ごしました。雨の元町を散策したのは初めてだけど、晴れた日とは違った表情を見せてくれるので新鮮でした。今度は違うレンズを着けて撮影してみようと思います。

そうしてたら加藤寛規選手から「今ASMに着きました」って電話が(笑)。今週末5/9(土)に筑波サーキットで開催される、Spoonさん主催のイベントI HEART HONDAの中でのタイムアタック企画にASM筑波スペシャルを持ち込むのですが、そのことの打ち合わせと先日開催されたS-GTの話題でワイワイと盛り上がりました。明日には既に出発なんだけど、今から週末が楽しみになってきました。そしてこのBlogに何度か登場している元町の中華ダイニング、エピセ・ヌーベルシノワのスタッフの皆さんがASM Blogを見ていることが最近発覚。と言うわけで一応ここで伝言しています。


It was raining from morning at Yokohama today. I think there were a lot of people who started work from today but, with the weather like this, it’s a bit difficult to motivate for work. But for me is different. During the holidays I was in the store the whole time. I took about four hours of break and went for a walk. There is a stairs behind ASM which leads up to this park up the hill. With umbrella on one hand, and Nikon D700+AF-S Nikon 24-70mm F2.8 zoom lenses with a shoulder back with 105mm single focus lenses then for a walk.

The park it self was full with green. With the leaves wet, makes the color even more deep. To them, the rain is as important like the sun, even though they were wet, you can feel the energy coming out from them. There weren’t much people because it was during the weekdays and the rain. Looking at the roses、and those hiding beneath it. In the end I went to the foreign cemetery and to this coffee shop called “The Best Cheesecakes” for a rest and pass time. it was actually my first time to take a walk to Motomachi wile it was raining but comparing with a fine day, it showed another different appearance and felt new. Then with different lenses I was just about to take few more pictures.

Then I had a call from Kato-san which he just arrived at ASM. We are going to attend the I HEART HONDA event this Saturday on May 9th we are going to bring our ASM Tsukuba Special for a time attack and a small race. We were talking and discussing about the event and about the S-GT. We are planning to leave tomorrow night and I am looking forward for the weekends. And another thing, has nothing to do with the race but there was a couple of times which this Chinese restaurant came out on our ASM blog and they told me they are always looking at the blog. So, just incase I am going to advertise them.

The usual Tuesday meeting, I am not sure when the next meeting will be but, maybe our S-GT driver Kato-san might join us. Maybe you can take a picture with him??


麦とろ納豆株式会社代表取締役社長 加藤寛規氏ご来店でした
MINIの内装を少しシックにしてみました 2009/05/05(Tue) 19:43:32
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インテリアについてはさらに難しく、シートは純正フォルムを踏襲しつつ圧倒的な快適性を実現するRECARO MAGNIFICAと、ポップでありながらスポーティさも演出する白黒シザルKAROマットを装着。一番の見せ場であるセンターメーターが隠れたりイルミネーションの統一性がなくなることを避けるためにナビゲーション装着は今まで我慢して、大日本地図を頼りにドライブする3年を過ごしてきました。でも、最近仕事でちょっとした移動をする時にナビがないと不便なことが多く、不本意ながらナビを装着することにしました。選んだのはSONY NAV-U3、デザインがシンプルですごく好み、操作も簡単明瞭で非常に分かりやすくて好きな製品です。そしてどうせならと言うことで今回装着したのがこれ。MINIMAX DESIGN STUDIO ゲージフェイスです。


I made the interior a bit chic for my MINI

One point I love about MINI is the interior build surrounding the center meter and at one look you know is MINI. You can say the same thing about the exterior too, the R50 type MINI design is highly completed and adding something to the exterior will make the exterior unbalanced. Even a normal person will recognize. For my Red MINI to make sure not to destroy the balanced of the exterior, I have done the Engine, LSD, Dampers, Brakes, enjoying modifying it without destroying the exterior.

For the interior it’s a bit more difficult, for the seat, I have chose the RECARO MAGNIFICA for absolute comfort. Black and white sisal KARO mats. It’s a bit popish but sporty. And the most eye catchy part of the interior, center meter. To avoid the different light color I have purposely not added any after market head units or navigation systems. I have been using a normal book map for three years but going to certain places for work, was a bit inconvenient. Unwillingly I have added a navigation system. The item I chose was the SONY NAV-U3. The design is very simple and I like it. Easy to use and to see as well. And wile adding this I also added the MINIMAX DESIGN STUDIO gage face.

The design concept was the old mini. I as specially like the part where the 240km/h is upside down. I thought the LED was a bit dim but after installing it the detailed design and the needle in orange same as the indicator was a bit too much. For the brightness with the recent EL luminosity up converter there isn’t a problem with the design. There a few more detailed places I want to do but, overall the interior became more chic and I like it. It’s a small item but makes you feel more happy being inside of MINI.


最初の一歩はデザインされた排気音 2009/05/04(Mon) 19:26:03
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最近、購入直後の新車のS2000が増えてきました。新車オーナーさんに人気のパーツと言えば、レカロシート・カロマット・I.S.Designサイレンサーキット・ASMエキゾーストマニホールド07です。いずれも最初の一歩として間違いのない選択なのでお薦めです。これら以外でお薦めするなら、ブレーキパッド(ZONEまたはFERODO)とAP RACINGブレーキフルードPRF660でしょうか。手を入れたS2000とそうでないS2000は別物と感じるはずです。

■I.S.Designサイレンサーキット 315,000円

The first step was the exhaust sounds which have been design.

After a year getting the car, he wanted to make his S2000 even more a like a S2000. he was thinking of purchasing the S-special 70 at the beginning but, after hearing the quiet and high tuned sound of the I.S.Design Silencer, he chose this instead. Even though was over his budget. I think was a good choice since his parking place is a quiet residential block. I will be waiting for his impression.   

They are many Brand new S2000 owners coming in to ASM. And popular items for those new owners are RECARO seats, KARO mats, I.S.Design Silencer kit, ASM Exhaust Manifold 07. Any of these sure to do for the first step. Other then these will be changing the brake pads. Either ZONE or FERODO and AP RACING Brake Fluid PRF660. a normal S2000 and a S2000 which has been modified is totally a different car.


10年の節目、Legendary J's 02 HONDA S2000 2009/05/04(Mon) 14:24:48
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最新の情報はネットで何でも集めることができますが、今の時代に本に新しい情報を求めるのはちょっと酷かもしれません。それよりも1冊手にとって外のカフェで目を通しながらコーヒーを飲んで楽しく時間を過ごしたり、幅広く興味のきっかけを探したりする上でまだまだこういう出版物は大切だと思います。S2000生産終了の節目に出版されたLegendary J's 02 HONDA S2000、ぜひ書店で買ってみて下さい。

■Legendary J's 02 HONDA S2000 1,800円

The golden week holiday is at the middle stage, many are coming back, some are starting they holiday after working the first half. At ASM there are still many customers who come from far places of Japan. Here are for those S2000 owners who are spending their time at home. It’s a magazine for S2000 from Neko publishing. ASM is also been introduced in it with many other tuners. From before and new.

Recently you can find any kind of information on the internet but at this time, it’s a bit difficult to get new information from a book. But I think taking one book or magazine, sitting out side of a café shop, just enjoying the slow time passing by is also another way of searching your hobby and another way of looking at it. This kind of publish is important. With the S2000 finishing in production, maybe you should take a look at it.


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